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Neon Noir Nightmare

Neon Noir Nightmare

By ANNA CORALPublished about a month ago 3 min read

The flickering neon sign outside the abandoned arcade cast an eerie glow on Grace's face. At 17, she was considered a prodigy by the local precinct, a whiz with deduction and a nose for trouble. Tonight, the trouble was a missing girl, Sarah, who vanished after entering this very arcade three days prior. The official investigation had stalled, but Grace wouldn't let it go.

Inside, the air hung thick with the dust of forgotten games and the faint scent of popcorn. The stale smell prickled Grace's nose as she surveyed the dilapidated machines. She crouched, scrutinizing the floor for any sign of a struggle. A faint imprint, almost invisible, caught her eye – a scuff mark near the entrance to a hidden back room.

The makeshift door creaked open, revealing a dusty workshop. Cobwebs clung to forgotten tools, and a single lightbulb cast grotesque shadows on stacks of discarded electronics. A jolt of adrenaline shot through Grace as she noticed a discarded phone case wedged between a toolbox and a wall. Sarah's name, worn but legible, was etched on the back.

Suddenly, a metallic clang echoed from deeper in the room. Grace, heart pounding, grabbed a discarded crowbar and followed the sound. It led to a makeshift cage, built from scavenged metal bars. Inside, huddled in a corner, was Sarah, her face pale and streaked with tears.

Relief flooded Grace, but it was short-lived. A figure loomed at the entrance, silhouetted against the faint light. It was a hulking man, his face obscured by a greasy baseball cap. "Leave," he growled, his voice gravelly.

Grace, adrenaline overriding caution, stood her ground. "Who are you? And why did you take Sarah?"

The man chuckled, a low, humorless sound. "Playing a little game," he said, his gaze flickering to the crowbar in Grace's hand. "Seems you're winning."

He lunged. Grace, fueled by a surge of protectiveness, parried his attack with the crowbar. The metal clanged as they grappled, the fight clumsy but desperate. Sarah, watching in terror, screamed.

Grace, using a moment of surprise, delivered a sharp blow to the man's knee. He roared in pain, momentarily losing his grip. Grace used the opportunity to shove the cage door open. "Sarah, run!" she yelled.

Sarah, fuelled by fear, scrambled out of the cage and disappeared into the labyrinth of arcade machines. Grace turned back to the man, panting but determined. He lunged again, but this time, Grace was ready. She used the crowbar as a lever, disarming him of a rusty wrench.

A fierce struggle ensued. The room echoed with the clang of metal and the grunts of exertion. Grace, smaller but more agile, managed to land a well-placed kick to the man's ankle. He buckled, collapsing to the floor with a pained groan.

Wasting no time, Grace grabbed the man's discarded phone and called the police, providing them with her location. Relief washed over her as the familiar blare of sirens pierced the night air.

Later, at the police station, Sarah recounted her ordeal. The man, a disgruntled former employee, had taken her hostage, planning to use her to extort money from the arcade owner. Grace, exhausted but triumphant, watched from the sidelines.

As Sarah embraced her tearful parents, the police captain approached Grace. "You did a great job," he said, his voice gruff but sincere. "You saved that girl's life."

Grace offered a small smile. The thrill of the chase, the adrenaline of the fight, it was intoxicating. But the true reward, the reason she pushed herself to the limit, was etched on the faces of Sarah and her parents – relief and gratitude. In that moment, Grace knew she belonged exactly where she was, a small-town detective with a big heart and an even bigger knack for finding trouble, and solving it. The city might not have known her name yet, but Grace, the girl with a nose for intrigue, knew her time would come.

Stream of ConsciousnessthrillerShort StorySci FiMysteryMicrofictionExcerptAdventure

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I am a writer at vocal.

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