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Neon Diplomacy

A knight from a dying Earth navigates a web of intrigue in the glittering heart of Neo-Tokyo.

By suren arjuPublished 2 days ago 4 min read

In the neon-drenched heart of Neo-Tokyo, rain pattered a relentless rhythm against the chrome skyscrapers. Inside the opulent Sky Blossom lounge, Ambassador Lin sipped her bio-tea, her eyes narrowed at the holographic newsfeed flickering across the panoramic window.

Sir Alistair, a weathered knight more comfortable in chainmail than virtual reality, cleared his throat. "Quite the spectacle, isn't it?" he rumbled, gesturing at the swirling nebulae and distant stars recreated across the artificial ceiling.

"Indeed," Lin replied coolly, her voice laced with a hint of condescension. "A far cry from the damp moors of Scotland, I imagine."

Alistair grunted, more interested in the servers weaving through the throng of guests with their trays of exotic delicacies. Unfortunately, none were within reach, and abandoning Lin now could spark a diplomatic incident.

"It's quite beautiful," he conceded finally, "very lifelike."

Lin puffed out her chest, a flicker of satisfaction in her eyes. Alistair, meanwhile, drained his glass of bio-wine in a single gulp, the metallic tang a stark contrast to the futuristic setting.

His gaze drifted to the newsfeed again, landing on a report about ongoing political turmoil on Mars. A flicker of unease crossed his face.

Across the table, Lin noticed. "Earth innovation," she began, her voice dripping with condescension, "can't quite compete with Martian technology, can it? Although, I must admit, you Terrans do have a certain...resilience."

She glanced at the holographic display with a practiced air of nonchalance. Alistair knew she'd seen it a hundred times before.

"The engineers of Old Shanghai were renowned for their ingenuity," he countered, hoping to steer the conversation away from Earth's current troubles.

"Perhaps to the untrained eye," Lin scoffed. "But for someone versed in quantum mechanics and astrophysics, Martian engineers are lightyears ahead. Tell me, Sir Alistair, what groundbreaking inventions have the Earth nations produced lately? Isn't that why we're here?"

"The raw materials fueling your starships?" Alistair countered, his voice firm. "Those come from our mines. The vertical farms sustaining your population? Built by Earth. And every single piece of virtual reality equipment in this room? Manufactured in our factories." He punctuated his last point with a tap of his empty glass.

Lin shifted uncomfortably. "The working class, of course," she conceded, her tone laced with condescension. "A valuable tradition, manual labor. Underrated by some, but certainly not by myself, of course." She gestured dismissively with her bio-tea, spilling a crimson stain onto the pristine tablecloth. Unaware of the mess, Lin continued, oblivious to the bio-tea dripping down her fingers.

"Naturally, Ambassador," Alistair said, his eyes scanning for a server.

Suddenly, the newsfeed flickered, the political turmoil report replaced by a weather advisory for a solar storm. An unsettling silence descended on the lounge, broken only by the low hum of the air conditioning.

A server, trayless, approached them and whispered urgently into Lin's ear. They exchanged hushed words, their voices too low for Alistair to decipher. When the server retreated, Lin gestured towards a secluded balcony.

"Come, Sir Alistair," she said, her voice low. "Let's continue this conversation away from curious ears."

Alistair glanced around one last time, still hoping for a server. Resigned, he followed the Ambassador out onto the balcony. Alistair stepped out onto the balcony, the cool night air a welcome change from the sterile interior. The neon lights of Neo-Tokyo glittered below, a sprawling sea of humanity.

Lin leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Sir Alistair," she began, "perhaps there's more to discuss than trade agreements."

Alistair raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean, Ambassador?"

"Let's just say," Lin continued, her eyes gleaming with a predatory glint, "Earth's recent…difficulties…present a unique opportunity for cooperation. An opportunity that could benefit both our nations greatly."

Alistair narrowed his eyes. Earth's "difficulties" were no secret. The crippled orbital elevator, the food shortages due to failing vertical farms – these were all vulnerabilities Lin was undoubtedly aware of.

"Enlighten me, Ambassador," he said, his voice a low rumble.

Lin uncrossed her arms, a predatory smile playing on her lips. "Rumors abound about the Martian rebellion, wouldn't you agree? Whispers of their growing strength, their plans for independence."

Alistair remained silent, letting her continue.

"Now, Mars heavily relies on Earth for vital resources," Lin pressed. "Without our exports, their rebellion would be severely hampered. But…" she trailed off, letting the implication hang heavy in the air.

Understanding dawned on Alistair. Mars' defiance was a thorn in Lin's side, a potential threat to Martian dominance in the solar system. Earth, in its weakened state, could be a pawn in a larger game.

"What are you proposing, Ambassador?" he asked, his voice guarded.

"A strategic partnership," Lin replied smoothly. "Earth cuts off resources to the Martian rebels, crippling their movement. In return, Mars…well, let's just say we can be quite persuasive when it comes to resolving certain trade disputes in your favor."

Alistair's face hardened. The offer was tempting. Earth desperately needed resources, and a Martian trade advantage could ease the pressure. However, aligning with Mars' enemy felt like a betrayal of a fragile peace.

He stared out at the glittering cityscape, the weight of the decision settling on his shoulders. Siding with Lin could plunge the solar system into war, but refusing could leave Earth vulnerable.

"This is a grave matter, Ambassador," he said finally, his voice heavy. "I can't make any promises on the spot. But I will relay your offer to the appropriate authorities. They'll be in touch."

Lin's smile faltered slightly. She'd hoped for a more immediate answer.

"As you wish, Sir Alistair," she said, her voice laced with disappointment. "But time, as they say, waits for no man. And neither does Mars."

Alistair watched her retreat back into the opulent lounge, the weight of the decision a leaden weight in his gut. He knew Earth's future hung in the balance, and he was caught in the middle of a dangerous political web.


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suren arju

Hi there! I'm Suren, your startup guide. Entrepreneur, writer, dreamer - I share insights, tips & stories to fuel your startup journey. Ready to explore, learn & win together? Join me & let's redefine how we launch, learn & leap!

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