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Nature's Heart

The Finding of a True Treasure

By PaigePublished 3 years ago 9 min read

It was another damp, foggy morning. I rolled out of my cot, eyes heavy from another restless night's sleep. Even through the gloomy fog you could see the orange tinge of color on the horizon trying to peak through. It was just about time for the patrol to make their way outside of the camp to search from some much needed supplies. Our little community had been running low on clean water and the need for building supplies was always a rising concern. Our little community was so close to restoring a nearby satellite tower, which would hopefully give us the ability to communicate further out and maybe find us a safer location to stay.

I didn't usually join in on the patrols. I, personally, preferred to help out around the camp, handing out rations or helping with the repairs. But I was getting stir crazed. We had been at this location for several months now. I felt restless and thought maybe if I ventured out a bit it might help to clear my head, get me out of the predictable cycle my life had become since we found this location to temporarily settle down at. I'm happy to help within the group but needed a change of pace, at least for today. So I grabbed my bag and got dressed, hurrying out to the meeting place so as to be briefed on what our main goals and locations were for the day. My attention waned in and out as our group voted commander went over the location we were heading to and most needed items to search for. We had gained nearly 30 survivors during our search for a new home, all adults but no one over the age of 50 so far. But each of us had a decent range of skills to help with the groups survival. Which is why we had made it so far in the first place I suppose. My attention refocuses as I notice everyone gathering up their necessities for the trip. I grab my mostly empty backpack and a small amount of food and water and simply follow everyone else's lead.

My name is Mya. I may not be much to look at but I am a fighter. I am a survivor. Three years ago I watched as an unimaginable sequence of natural disasters took place. We still aren't 100 percent sure what caused it but it was a horrific tragedy. One day tornados just dropped out of the sky, one after another, only miles apart. They ripped up the land as tsunami's and hurricanes turned and thrashed the oceans and seaside lands to pieces. Volcanoes erupted at ferocious rates. Even the dead ones, all erupting near simultaneously. Earthquakes shook apart whole cities. It was as if mother nature herself proclaimed war on all of humankind, determined to take back what was rightfully hers. My parents were killed during the storms, their home destroyed by one of the many tornadoes. Then there was my son. He had drowned. A flood sweeping him from my arms as we fought to find safety on a nearby building top. I had lost everything, everyone. It was truly a confusing and traumatic time.

It took 4 months for the worst of the natural disasters to subside. Now 2 years later, they happen at what would have been considered average but after what the world has been through, we tend to get a bit jumpy at the slightest sound of thunder or rain. I wandered the now broken world alone. I battled my mental demons and was close to giving up when I finally found a small group of survivors searching the flood waters. Others like me with nothing or nowhere to go, just trying to survive. We decided to stick together and continue forward, occasionally finding other survivors as well. And then about 3 months ago and miles of travel behind us, we found the satellite tower. It was one of the only ones we've found that was mostly intact. We decided to make camp there. We had acquired a few mechanics and a scientist of sorts along the way who were sure they could fix or repurpose it to benefit us. As they tinkered the rest of us built up what we could, storing fresh water and food when we found it. We would search for scraps and built half decent shelters to keep us as safe as possible. Today our goal was water, tools, and technology, what ever gadgets we could find and carry to bring back to help with the satellite.

As the group ventured forward, I lingered behind a bit taking in the sites. It had been some months since I had left our camp so I was excited for the change of scenery. Over time so much changed. The scars of our humanity were being replaced by the beauty of the earth. It was both beautiful and painful to see. We finally made it to our destination, about a 40 minute walk from our camp. It seemed to have been a small town once. I could make out some homes and the shell of a gas station, as well as a small plaza building of some sorts. The natural disasters that ravaged the world without even a days break, stopped just as quickly as they started. So many people lost their lives, it was catastrophic but now nature had taken control again. You could see the plant life retaking what was once its own. Trees and vines weaving through the empty husks of the buildings. It was haunting, yet beautiful.

nature's beauty

I walked through a back door to the plaza building, surveying the area. This section must have been a beauty salon of sorts. I could see shattered bottles of nail polish scattered on the floor and once beautiful light fixtures and leather pedicure stations tipped over and strewn about. Nothing really salvageable in the tool or tech nature to look into so I make my way to the front exit. I can tell from the cracked flooring and tipped bookcases that it was the earthquakes that most likely took this town. As I hop over another tipped chair I see a quick movement out of the corner of my eye. It moves so quick that I jerk around, startled, catching my foot on the chair and falling into the shattered glass upon the floor. As movement stops and I regain my senses I notice the frightening culprit. Sat up on the top of a disheveled shelf staring down at me with his tiny, black, beady eyes was a raccoon. I was scared by a raccoon. I pick myself up and pick the small pieces of glass out of my hands, cursing the tiny bandit under my breathe and checking around to make sure none of my scavenging companions witnessed my silly scare. I look back to the creature, he was quite fat and seemed to be more curious of me than frightened. Then my attention was drawn down to his tiny paws. He was clutching something small and glittering. I can't quite tell what exactly it is at first but as I move forward the raccoon's curiosity disappears and he flees through a hole in a nearby wall. I rush after him. Squeezing myself through the hole I look around for my furry new friend. I see him peaking from around a nearby tree. The shiny object is now glinting in the sun. And I can see it clearly. It's a locket! I can see the glinting chain, entangled in the small creatures fingers. The small golden locket seems to have a design etched into it with what looks like a gemstone of some kind on the front. It looks as if it has been well cared for. How did this creature get it, I wonder?

Before I even realized it, I was tip toeing towards the raccoon. I crept forward, holding my breathe. I just wanted a better look at the necklace. But right when I got an arms length away the creature bolts again. I continue after it, following it as it leaps over fallen trees and ducks into various brushes. Finally after some time, it stopped again. This time perched up on some large rocks on top of a small hill, looking down on me once again. The locket still clutched in his chubby little paw. I'm now tired, thirsty, and a bit frustrated. I don't know why it mattered to me so much but I felt that I needed to get that locket. I caught my breathe and slowly began to realize I had made it quite a distance away from the small town.. and my group. I glanced back from the direction I came. And then glanced back up at the tricky little raccoon. If he could, I'm sure he would be laughing at my foolishness right now. I curse him yet again and decide it's time to turn back. I get just a few feet away, accepting my failure, and the creature runs back in front of me. Every time I move around he makes his way right back into my path. Now I'm annoyed. I can't get close enough to get the locket but I can't get away from the little creature either. He just stares, watches me, now a bit more panicked than before. But runs when I get to close.

I stop and wait a bit, watching him watch me. Is he taunting me? Am I just going crazy? I'm so exhausted and the sun is at its highest point right now, making it hotter than I wanted it to be. The others were probably about to make their way back to the camp soon and I was a good distance away. They probably didn't even notice I was gone, seeing as I was a new face on this hunt. I look back over to the raccoon who had made his way back to the rocks ledge again. He still seems less calm than before, bobbing and chittering a bit. I inch closer, feeling as though he's trying to tell me something. Once again, I felt a strong need to get that locket.

He dodged around the cliff of rocks, slipping from my grasp again. Tired and sore I dragged myself after him. It was right as I rounded the corner that I heard it. It sounded like stifled crying, like a small animal or... a child? The raccoon had ran a distance ahead. He had made his way up a dead tree but this time his paws were empty. I glance around and notice the locket had been dropped down the hill next to some bushes. I dropped down from a ledge and made my way down the hill to the trinket. As I got a few steps away I heard the noises again. It started as stifled cries, then whimpers, and as I approached the locket I heard small whispers. And then I saw it, or them. Three little faces peered at me from a small hole under the hill. A young boy maybe 3 years old, and his two older sisters. The oldest not looking to be even 10 yet. It's been so long since I've seen a child that my heart felt a leap of joy. I picked up the locket and looked inside. "That was our mother's," the youngest girl whimpered out. Inside the locket was a picture of the children on the opposing side what looked to be their parents. "Our dad was crushed during the earthquakes." the oldest whispered clutching the young boy close to her, "Our mother passed last week... She was sick."

I assure the young children that all would be fine. We may not have any children in our group but like myself, there were several parents in the group who would be happy to care for these lost babes. I coax them out of the hole and promise them they will be fine. Then I hear shouting in the distance. It must be my group searching for me. I suppose they did notice my absence. I motion for the children to come with me. As I help them up the hill and start back towards my group I stop once again. I look back to the furry little bandit still perched on the dead tree. He watches me, calmer than before and with what appears to be understanding and gratitude in his eyes. I give the creature a smile and then I lead the children off to their new future and hopefully a safe life.


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💖Trying to turn dreams into a reality.

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    PaigeWritten by Paige

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