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Missing Peace

Locket of love

By Tania HillPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

The explosion was something random and widespread. I remember walking out of Macy's with my sister, we'd had just got done birthday shopping for our dad. In New York, there are many unique and particular people so when we see a random guy running around and yelling "IT'S THE END" we casually brushed it off and laugh, not knowing that it really was the end. I can recall when it all happened, the sky turned dark momentarily before buildings came crashing down, the once sunny sky, happy faces and joyful music was now replaced with fear, crying and screaming. Chaos was being displayed in Manhattan, this day. I grabbed my sister's hand in attempts to try and find a fall out shelter near by but she pulled back when she seen a mother and her daughter struggling to be released from a heavy brick slab that had fallen from them. Aniah has always been a caring and selfless person, quick to put people before herself. I shouted for her to hurry back but before I knew it, a heavy pressure hits my back causing me to fall to the ground and slamming my head on the concrete.

I jolt out of unconsciousness, unbeknownst to the whereabouts of my twin sister after the explosion happened. On hands and knees, I crept through the rubble and piles of concrete surrounding the area and what was left of Times Square. "Aniah!" I shouted as my legs grew enough strength to stand, the fog was thick and hard to see through; I fell back down a few times. Although there was a fiery red fog in the sky, my eyes caught glimpse of a shiny object, sparkling near a bench. The closer I got to this object, the more my heart ached. It was the other half to my heart locket, a locket our parents got us on our 16th birthday. My parents knew we were inseparable and got us a connecting heart locket that fit together whenever we'd put them next to one another. I clenched the necklace in my fist, holding it tightly to my chest as I fell back onto the bench, weeping.

Trying to keep my composure as I continue to search for my sister, I stuff her necklace into my front pocket of my shorts. I had a throbbing headache and my back was in tremendous pain from the impact, I groaned with each step I took. I was still taking everything in, the half burning buildings, the large cracks in the road, making it impossible to reach the other side, most of all, the bodies of the people who didn't make it just randomly laying unconscious.

When passing by a subway, I could hear some conversation of strangers. I took some steps down and in a low tone I questioned "Hello?" I traveled further down the steps in order to get a peak of the group of people I heard. The trains were down as expected, so everyone was pretty much stuck in Manhattan for a while. A lady ushered me down to the turnstiles where she asked if I was in need of any medical attention, I observed the scene and roughly 18 people of all ages, from what I could see, were down here. "What is all of this" I asked the lady, ignoring her previous question, not out of disrespect but out of shock and confusion. "A young girl, gathered a few survivors and brought them down here for some shelter." she gestured to the group of people scattered around the subway station. "There are snacks if you're hungry" she suggested while handing me a nearby water bottle, I took the water and immediately chugged it, not knowing how thirsty I was at first.

I walked with the lady as I introduced myself "I'm Akilah" and she quickly responded with her name in a cheerful tone "Nice to meet you, I'm Mariam" she smiled as she administered me some snacks and a blanket. "We're trying to rationalize until the young lady gets back, I never got her name but before she left in a hurry saying she'll find more resources", Mariam sat on the floor and pat the spot next to her, signaling me to take a seat and so I did. "How long has she been gone?" I asked as I began to open the Lay's chips she handed me earlier. "Give or take, 20 minutes" she shrugged "and how long have you guys been down here" I nodded in the general direction of a larger group "Well I was rescued 2 1/2 hours ago, I'm not sure about everyone else". She got up as a boy waved towards her, telling her to come over. "Hey, that's my brother. You can come over if you'd like" she said as she stood up, I shook my head no and thanked her for the help and stood up myself to wonder around.

I walked down the long path of the train station, looking for a seat on, one of the many benches when I noticed a familiar face. The woman that my sister helped was sitting on the bench with her daughter, in distraught. I quickly ran over to her and fell to my knees, desperately asking if she'd seen my sister after the incident. She was taken aback and frightened at first before her expression changed to a somber one, "She brought me and my daughter down here, hours ago; I wouldn't have survived without her" I stood up, restless about finding my sister. I sprinted back towards the front where most people were gathered when a person came down the steps with 3 more people and a child following behind them. Their entire face was covered by a black scarf, only leaving her eyes uncovered to see, they were wearing a big brown, trench coat, covered in dust and soot from outside and leather gloves.

I walked over to Mariam, where she sat with her brother and inquired about the person with the heavy coverings and she told me that this was the lady she told me about earlier. I froze up, knowing that this may be my missing piece, the person who holds me together and keeps me sane. My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked up slowly behind the person and lightly tapped their shoulder, they stopped handing out the snacks to the new people they've came down with and turned around towards me. I looked straight into their eyes and instantly began crying as I whispered "Aniah.." my voice cracked and trailed off and she threw the scarf covering from over her head and embraced me in the tightest of hugs. "WHERE , WERE YOU?!" she exclaimed as it seemed she wouldn't let me go, she pulled away holding me by my shoulders tightly. "I seen you one minute and the next you were gone" she whispered as she dried my tears. I couldn't believe it, my twin sister is right in front of me. I thought I had lost her forever and here she is, being the hero that she's always been. "I'm so happy to see you" I sighed with relief as I embraced her once again "Don't EVER leave me, again. I chuckled as I reached into my pocket, pulling out her necklace "I think this belongs to you" she gasped as she grabbed it and put it on "where did you find it!" she gave me a friendly push on the shoulder.

I continued on to help Aniah, in rescuing and nursing people back to health, her goal was to get as many people together before the actual help could get to us, that way we could have more people safe. I wouldn't know what I would do without Aniah, she's an amazing person and she gives one hundred percent with her heart when it comes to helping a community in need. She's always going to be my inspiration and my peace in this world.

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    THWritten by Tania Hill

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