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Love, the Aliens

Unlucky hearts

By Dayna ClarkPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Love, the Aliens
Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

For everyone left on earth....

Only adults who were wearing heart shaped jewelry, tattoos or clothing with hearts and kids under two years old, were spared. My husband survived because he was wearing his lucky hearts boxers at his weekly poker game. He watched his poker buddies crumble into piles of ash. Talk about stakes being high. I guess, none of them were holding any hearts. So they got “dusted”. Instant incineration. Dusted, sounds nicer than incinerated. But same result.

Some might say the Aliens aren’t evil and their intentions are good. There are even (dumb, lost, denial plagued) cults of humans who believe what the Aliens are doing is necessary. Still believe even after they've seen loved ones turn to dust right before their eyes. The Aliens watched us for years. They watched us fight over space on abused earth. They watched us murder each other simply over having a different shade of skin. They watched us murder each other for a phone, drugs, art, sneakers, gold, or diamonds or any random piece of crap another person coveted. They watched us almost advance ourselves right out of existence. They kept hope we’d figure it out. They sent viruses and plagues, tsunamis and earthquakes with the hopes that tragedy and adversity would bring us together. It hasn’t for centuries. So I don’t know what made the Aliens think anything ever would. They grew tired and impatient. And we humans kept pushing the war, hate and greed envelope, until….Poof!

Conspiracy theorists were right about cellphones being able track us and watch everything we do. They were just wrong about the who, part. They thought it was the government or the illuminati. They used the cell phones to watch us and they used the food supply to thin out the herd. They laced all of earth’s food supplies with their murder dust, and waited. Waited to see who’s poison would be activated and who would be spared and how they’d choose. What a wonky ass way to select who lives or dies. If a serial killer happened to have on socks with hearts….spared. And there was nothing anyone could do about it. Had we known, had they scolded us before just shifting human existence as we know, would we have listened. Even if we knew, we wouldn’t have believed..kindness, love, forgiveness and acceptance of all, was the only way to survive an Alien invasion. I used to take myself through those changes daily. But I know we wouldn’t have done anything different. Humans and hubris. We would’ ve taken their warning as a threat. And we would’ve nuked the entire planet trying to fight them.

Sometimes I’m pissed about it. And sometimes I get it. I’ve tried painfully hard to accept this fate. I was a stand-up comedian before the shift. Not a very good one. But that didn’t stop me. I’ve tried to find the tragic humor in this nightmare. But like I said, I wasn’t a very good comedian. My wandering, wondering mind used to ponder what useful thing I could do if/when the earth resets itself and we have to do everything ourselves. I can’t sew, sing, play, cook, build, grow or slaughter anything. I’m smack dab in the middle of a spoiled, pampered, entitled human (I would say entitled American, but that doesn't matter now. We’re all just humans, scared into cordial kindness.) So anyway, I settled on being a Bard who recites and never sings. And I’d have a sidekick who plays a harp.

They haven’t fully “reset” us, we still have basic technology, electricity and plumbing and internet (less content) and email. No more planes, helicopters, rockets, sattelites, guns or bombs. They dusted every last one. And threatened to dust anyone who might attempt to build one.

My earthly uselessness got me a coveted assignment on the mothership. The Aliens are very adamant about it not being called work. They fancy themselves more gracious than all the other evil (and lazy) humans who took advantage of slave labor. But I call myself the Alien house negro. The theory is that house negroes had it “easier”, while the slaves in the field didn’t stand a chance at a bearable life. I have access to information and technology the “field humans” don’t even know about. They just know they have to be kind to each other or they’ll get dusted. You get your panties in a bunch over some idiot who cut you off on the road, an argument over a parking spot and you cease to exist. You become a pile of dust in a runaway car.

People have become loners. The birthrate is dangerously low. One night stands have taken over. If a couple is caught arguing over anything…..dusted. The Aliens have the right idea, but the execution is actually execution. The aliens don’t get the nuances of humanity. And don't care to get it. They think they’re better than us and have the answers. So they won’t dust us all. They feel they are being gracious by giving us a chance at survival. Like America when they’d send drones and blow up families in a country that had already suffered enough. Violence begets violence. So the aliens theorize what they are doing is not violence, it’s mercy. Children, dusted, right before their parents’ eyes, because they happened to not have a fake heart somewhere on their body is viewed as mercy. I had no kids, thankfully. And none in sight as I left my husband so we wouldn’t be murdered for arguing about what to eat for dinner. Admittedly most of my arguments before the shift, were about food. I've thinned out considerably. To hell with Keto or Intermittent fasting, I'm on the murderous Alien invasion diet plan.

They are monsters. I work and live with monsters. And I have to smile and be grateful about it, because they are beyond powerful. Well, their technology is powerful. They look like us but also don't. They are soft beings. Just have to get past their technology. Before the shift, I used to think of all the Germans who were close enough to just end Hitler’s miserable life in a second and save millions of others. Sacrifice two lives, his and your own to be a hero for eternity. One second. One brave human who in their heart knew it was the work of a demon. Le Sigh. So when I’m not calling myself a house negro, I’m beating myself up for being a Nazi. I’m not part of the solution so I’m part of the problem. So, I’ve spent the last year learning about their technology. The achilles heel of advanced Aliens. Whew. But I found it. I figured out the “dusting” frequency. How they could dust some but not others, when we have all ingested it. Over time, I’ve gifted every single alien on this miserable, self-righteous ship a heart shaped locket filled with the same dust they used on us and glued those lockets shut. They’re so obsessed with the idea of hearts meaning love. Every soft, stupid, heart loving piece of alien trash, wears their locket proudly. So much phony love. Well I love humanity. And I know there’s probably plenty more good intentioned murderous Aliens out there in the galaxy. But maybe what I’m about to do will send a message. Us humans aren’t just gonna give up and give in. Fighting is what we do. So I fight for every human’s right to gotdamn fight.

For everyone left on earth - Focus your fight!

-Love, Nevaeh

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Dayna Clark

I'm a bad motherwriter.

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    Dayna ClarkWritten by Dayna Clark

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