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Locket of the Wastes

An Honest Metaphysical Mystery

By Sagan MarlowePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Locket of the Wastes

Entry 1:

Coming to on the ground I never would have expected that I could see such a bright light. The light lilted like the voice of an operatic singer and became so bright that I shut my eyes again. I didn’t know how long I had had them closed before.

The sirens had begun not five minutes ago. They were telling the town to run for cover for the bombs were coming. I had been knocked over during a rush to get out of the metaphysical shop. There, I had just purchased a heart shaped locket to place a photo of my dear sweet Abby in. Ever since the threat of bombings became emanate it was broadcast as crucial across the medias, both social and otherwise, that we all carry on with our lives as normally as can be.

I had often spent time with my spirit guides in the metaphysical shop as I figured in the event of anything disastrous the only real thing I had to count on was my spiritual sense. My intuition. This intuition is what drew me to the locket. The heart shaped little thing was a crystal that would supposedly vibrate if near to someone you loved. Laughable, as this is what I expected might carry me through. As you can tell, there are far more practical survivalists out there. I could see some of them now peeling off in their jacked trucks with rifles hanging in the back window and grates covering the windshield. Those folks had been at the auto shop just next door to the quaint home of metaphysics.

My cheek and palms were grazed and stinging against the pavement. I grunted and adjusted myself thinking how absolutely furious Abby would be with me that I had not survived to see myself to the community bunker because I fell smack on my sixth and intuitive sense. This was it, she and I could both be dead in a matter of minutes if not seconds.

I felt a massive heat coming from the explosion. The trees of the local forest where whirl-winded and stripped of their leaves and left bereft. I could see the wind that was scalding the air on its mission to destroy. Sounding like an F-6 tornado or an earthquake that would break the Richter scale, the wind began to sear down the roadway. The shingles on the roofs went spiraling into evisceration. The glass windows melted and I began to feel a buzzing in my body. I clenched for dear life onto the only left of my spirit wrapped up in mortality. The heart shaped locket.

The buzzing left my skin and turned into a glowing that was bright enough to send off the sun a second time. From the ground I only tucked myself further into the grip of spirit and whispered to Abby through the locket that I would come for her in the next life. Only thing was, I was left safe; a body of trembles and sweats.

Of all the things the explosion could have left, it left me, and this locket. The store behind me was still standing too. All the statuesque deities must have protected it in my understanding of metaphysics. On the other side of things, the bulldozing monster trucks prepared for doomsday where molten and some where flung into nearby buildings like the auto shop.

I got up and ran as fast as I could.

Entry 3:

My first dinner at the bunker has ended but I have more to tell.

I found Abby cowering in the bathtub of our now nonexistent apartment building. She was scared to death but was glowing right up until I reached out and touched her scruffy fur. The smart gal had remembered all the bombing drills and hopped on in the bathtub without me. Yet, how? Everyone knows that bathtubs and refrigerators do absolutely nothing against nuclear explosions. The locket was buzzing between us. Metaphysics; something about that crystal? I went directly to the photo of her I had been planning to trim down into the locket and I placed it carefully inside and snapped it in. The locket stopped buzzing and glowing and I held it in my hand wondering what type of crystal this really was. Maybe it was some kind of alien technology stone that had fallen from a comet years ago. I really don't think my logical capacity was working too well at that time. Most of the thoughts I was having had been swirled up in my head like the disintegration leaves I had seen earlier. Abby and I left directly for the community bunker. It was startling to see just how few people had made it. They all looked just as spooked as I felt. As Abby was acting. Abby was the only dog, and I was the only one who had come in after the blast.

Entry 7:

The children in the bunker absolutely love Abby. Every time a new fragmented and worn out family (or sometimes just an individual) arrives the locket will glow, too. I watch it, wondering what it might mean.

Entry 19:

I have concluded the obvious after all this decompression time. The locket’s crystal was activated by the radiation in the air after the bombs fell. The people, when they arrived, brought with them wafts of radioactivity that caused the crystal to react.

Entry 26:

Abby and I have settled in after nearly a month. The riddles and conspiracies of the bombings are sounding off and all about the bunker. There was a government assigned overseer who tasked Abby and me to go outside the bunker to look for supplies. The locket keeps us both shielded from the radiation. I still cannot figure out how the locket knew Abby was mine. Had it sensed that she would be the one I chose to place inside the heart? Perhaps that therein is the true metaphysical mystery of the bond of steadfast love.


About the Creator

Sagan Marlowe

Sagan Marlowe is an active writer of fiction and blogs about topics that are generally overlooked. They also draw with graphite regularly and upload on occasion to YouTube and their WordPress blog.

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