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Locket of Emotions

Doomsday at heart

By Jazmine KingPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

You ever have one of those days you can’t forget? Well, I can tell you about yesterday which I can’t seem to stop thinking about. I was already having a long day by ten or so in the morning. So me understanding you can’t help anyone if you can’t help yourself had me ready to go for a walk and think about something other than my life. Now this wasn’t me fantasizing about being rich or famous, this was more so me questioning why they force you to stay alive when you’re probably better off. After walking and clearing my head I noticed this guy that seemed to be walking with me. Now I’m confused, because it seems like he’s been talking to me while walking with me and was asking me a question. I tried to think of something catchy to say that might change the subject to something else. “ You know what? It’s pretty hot outside we should go get something to drink.” He was quick to respond because he must have been thinking the same thing. So we go to the store buy some water and then he asked me if I wanted a ride home. Perfect right, because I wasn’t really tired from walking but I just didn’t feel like walking home so of course I’ll take an offer for a ride seriously. Consistently his car just seemed to be park at the gas pump, which was questionable, but I didn’t feel like asking myself anymore questions about the reality I live. So while he driving he tells me he saw me walking and parked his car at the station so he could walk with me and guide me to safety because it didn’t seem like I was paying attention. For that I was most definitely grateful. He tells me how he hasn’t seen me in a while and after my car accident I just seemed to have disappeared. Luckily one of his friends said I ended up moving to the area he was in at the time hoping he’d run into me. I smiled but I honestly didn’t care and since I already had the GPS up on my phone I just spaced out again, but not enough to not see what he’s doing, I had to copy his actions so he felt like I was listening. So as we pull up to my house he puts the car in park and grabs my hand. I listen to him tell me how he wants to actually hang out one day , which so happens to be today, and he had something to give me. Now I don’t consider myself above taking candy from strangers but this, this was completely different. He put a box in my hand and said he made this specifically for me. So I’m thinking okay should I open the box in the car or after I get in the house. Thinking was pointless because he started opening it for me, like okay cool. So inside the box was this beautiful necklace like a diamond heart shaped locket, but he said it wasn’t diamond because I didn’t have his last name yet. Whatever it was I liked it until he said there was something important he had to tell me before I put it on. Like “Okay here we go, just tell me before I don’t want it anymore.” So he says it’s a prototype and he thought I would be the right one to give it to because he put some thought into it after him and his friends made the decision. Now I don’t know how to feel about a group of guys sitting at a table judging me but again I really didn’t care. So before getting out the car he tells me “ If you ever feel the need to cry let your tears fall inside of the locket and it will show you what’s in your heart before attempting to make it into reality. It’s something like those little mood rings you could buy in the store, so it does change colors to fit your emotions and if it ever turns red you have to, I repeat HAVE TO calm down.” I figured it was a speech he practiced in front of the mirror to persuade me into putting it on if he ever got the chance, so I picked it up and it started glowing the pale green color. He said I was relaxed and had my attention, so I asked him to help me put it on knowing I could but I figured he wanted to anyway. So while he’s putting it on he says he’s going to pick me up tomorrow so we could hangout and catch up on missed time. This was a good idea because sitting in the house all the time was getting annoying, I just couldn’t get anything done. I accepted his offer and put my number in his phone because one thing I can not stand is someone popping up at the house unannounced.

Which brings us to today, he said he was going to be here to get me at noon which was great. I already finished my morning chores with my dogs, had breakfast, took a nap then woke up to get in the shower. Now trying to decide what to wear I was thinking a sundress but then it might be better off just wearing jeans. Whatever, I’ll come back to figure it out after I put on some makeup. Since I don’t really wear a lot of makeup the fact I was putting it on in the first place had my mom asking me where I’m going. If I told her the truth because I don’t completely know it’s just going to piss her off and I can’t play dead because I only have one eyebrow done. Lucky for me he calls and asks if he can start heading this way which would give me 34 minutes to be dressed and outside waiting. My necklace started shining and now my mom is asking me who I was just on the phone with and telling me all these things she had planned for us to do that I didn’t agree to. So as she talks and fallows me around while I’m trying to get ready, I get a text that says he 5 minutes away. So now I’m definitely just going to put on a dress. As my mom continues to question me, I tell her nothing because now I’m on my way out the door as my dad coincidently is walking in the house after getting off from work early. He asks us who’s car is parked outside then noticed my shiny necklace distracting him from his original question because now it looks shinier and he wants to know where I got it. I answered none of the questions but responded by saying my ride is here I’ll see you guys later and text you the schedule for the dogs while rushing out the door.

I get in the car and the first thing he does is ask me why I’m so happy. I didn’t know I was that happy but he tells me the locket on my necklace wasn’t shining but glowing yellow. Okay that makes sense, anyway he told me I can pick out the music to play while he drives. So he’s driving and talking over the music telling me we’re going out to eat first just in time for lunch, right. Wrong, since it took a while to get to the restaurant but I felt like I’d been there before. After we ate he kept his eyes on my necklace and told me I was filled with emotions I might not have understood I had but no matter what I never got mad. So we ate, slit the check, walked around the area, and back to the car. Now he’s driving again and pulls up to some townhouses, he asks me if I want to come in like I’m going to sit in the car and loiter or something, not doing that. So I guess this was his house, we go to his room and he hands me a controller and turns on his Playstation for a racing game then tells me I’m the loser as we pick out the cars we’re racing with. As a loser I seemed to have won 4 times but he wasn’t in the mood to hear about it so I didn’t emphasize which one of us were really losers. Oddly enough he turned off his controller and told me he had to go to work but if I got bored he had stuff for me to do my little arts and crafts thing with, which was only funny because I do not do arts and crafts I am an artist. Anyway I did as I was told and when he got home I was asleep because I didn’t know where my phone was but I did make some cool stuff while he was gone. When I woke up to see him my locket was glowing so bright so I guess he assumed I was happy to see him and I might have been because it seemed we did the same thing for a few days. I honestly was starting to forget my parents might have been waiting for me to get home. I mean I said I’ll see them later, that could be a few hours or a few weeks right. Speaking of weeks I still couldn’t find my phone and I was starting to feel like a test subject after I seen him writing notes down while he watched videos of me in the house while he was away. I’m pretty sure it’s been about a month now and he already had a bunch of clothes in my size here so I didn’t really have a reason to leave. Anyway, this morning the strangest thing happened I kept hearing my mom call out my name but I didn’t see her out the window or anything. Then I hear this loud sound, I look at the television to see if I had the Call of Duty game in which was a no, not even some action movie playing or anything that would make what sounded like gun shots. So I just went down stairs to see what’s happening because being afraid will just hold you back from experiencing the truth after all. I made my way to the downstairs only to see the front door wide open. So I walkover to see blood leading up to him body on the ground. Now I don’t get angry often but this feeling was overwhelming. I felt a tear run down my face which wasn’t very normal since last time I told him I ran out of tears he told me to drink more water which I did. I walked over to him and fell to my knees next to his body, but honestly what could I do? I looked up to see my parents with the police and heard someone say they’ve solved a kidnapping. Not only am I too old to be kidnapped my locket started glowing this bright coral color. He opened the locket while on his last breath to catch some of my tears. What reality it would bring me after it started glowing red and getting hot. I looked into it and saw him saying don’t worry it’s all over now then it started a count down of some kind. I looked up to see the sky falling apart and the world around me start to burn. The doctors can’t save me but I never asked to be saved anyway as I sit next to him I grab his hand and my locket explodes destroying the world we call home so I guess this is good bye.

Short Story

About the Creator

Jazmine King

Stuck between ideas of creating a crime series or a supernatural saga….Do I have the time to right both? Great question, only time would tell.


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    Jazmine KingWritten by Jazmine King

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