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Little Blue

Chillin in the Hood

By HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)Published 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 14 min read
In love with the Dragon Keeper

she touched my breast with her Rough hands. The same hands I had caught a glimpse of her grip the basketball with. I watched as she plow past the girls on the court. I was nervous about when she asked me on a Date, all those times in the locker room after games did she feel my stares…Tiffaney wrote in her diary eager to fill the pages with juicy details of her first date with a Female… Sam liked Tiffaney before she got exposed as a Lesbian. Now since Tiffany was known for the Rainbow lifestyle Sam was confident enough to ask her out for a date.

Sam was an only child Raised by her Mom but shared Custody with her Dad. When her mom decided she live with her Dad this year in Philadelphia, PA she met Tiffaney. (politely not met because in school she never spoke a word to her, well actually Samantha never spoke a word to anyone. Since her Mom decided she live with her Father, Going to South Philly Junior High was the best thing from the Agreement between her Parents...

she was a polished girl African American Born in Arizona. The whole Semester she's been spending junior year at SPHigh... her favored thing to do was Stalk Tiffaney.

Samantha Joined the Cheerleader Team Although she had all the looks just had no Moves she would have done anything just to be close to her Dream lover...

Tiffaney was a tough Girl she consume a Good wrestle Down with A Boy Jock in The Lunch Room a must-have Moment almost every day and Everyone adores her Especially me... She was the daughter of the Principal and he was Tough to Deal with southside Philadelphia Eagles was His favorite... her Mom was from the Dominican Republic preposterous we both lived with Our Single but Busy Dads. I later found out about her story. I joined the cheerleader's squad just to be near her hoping she'd have seen me and asked me out, but although she was Masculine and Played Basketball Roughly, I'm not sure if she Dates Girls, and besides She was Just Dating the “QB” Jonathan Martin. A week ago It was rumored he broke up with her because he caught her in the Basement with another Girl.

I wanted to take my Chances.

In her room pressed up against her closet door. Body on Body, I was weakened by her small kisses on my neck trailing off to the edge of my shoulder blades. Sam lifted me in the air with my legs wrapped around her waist she swiftly smiled and flopped me onto her soft Mattress… we undressed each other from the Little that we nonetheless had on and The Love was Magically indulging, although I couldn’t stay the night, I’d lay there for awhile snuggling inside her passion.

I watched as the Uber Driver Pulled into the Driveway from her room window. She stuttered as she look at me and said “Tiffaney I’ve been waiting for this moment forever!” I thought to myself that I wanted to say that... I fluttered inside with Butterflies. Walking me downstairs and to the Car, she told me about the first time she had seen me at school... I thought to myself (Wow, she had a crush on me😳😳😳That was my thing!!!! Omg!!! When it's meant to exist, it happens.”

She kissed me and shut the car door behind me. “call me when you make it home Babe!” I blushed and watched as the car pulled away from the Driveway and she stood there locking eyes with me from a distance… I heard her whisper in my mind over again “ I’ve been waiting for this Moment forever...”

“I can't believe that I have been on the 3rd week of Dating with (Point Gaurd Tiffaney Green). The moment she appeared behind me inside the Bathroom at this House Party that I shouldn't have come too... But I know that she would be here it was The Summer and Everyone from junior Class to Senior Class was Here... The Other Cheerleaders insisted that I Came... I tried to find my way Toward the Bathroom and after I'd Jolt out the door to the safety of my Lonely Planet inside my room...

Tiffaney conversed with me while stepping inside the Bathroom and closing the door. “Hey light skin, Can we share the lavatory, I need to go but after you.”

I was probed but I smiled with a Shy Blush and she said “ Are you Blushing” I quickly said “No” but she Replied I Know what a Blush looks like”

I couldn't defy so I said, “what if I was?” as I Washed my Hands and Hurried out the door carrying all left of me that didn't Melt in the Heat of that Momentum.

Outside studying through my purse for my phone... I inscribed to send an Uber but I was interrupted by Tiffaney “Hey you left your Lip gloss on the sink.” she looked me directly in the eyes. “Can I Take You On A Date, Sam?” That was the first time anyone has Called me Sam(I thought to myself). “Sure I Said, but would I have to wrestle you afterward, I'm more of a Fem...” I sauntered to the Uber car That was Parked near the Curb.

Reality is the Best and This weekend will not be able to get in between the two of us!

Although Ms. Clint paired Me and Tiffaney for the Romantic Fantasy Story Challenge! I figured we'd Go on our Date and later work on Brainstorming Ideas for the Story...

5 pm on Friday Afternoon Tiffaney called to say that an Uber Driver would arrive at the Driveway... I didn't know she was so much more Generous, Tiffaney only showed her masculine side.

Spattering on a fragrance that would last half of the day, I grabbed my Purple Purse flew out the door and bounced down the Driveway in my Yellow Dress, but inside the car like the keen School girl I was...

I thought she arranged a place in Philly but the Drive was 30 minutes and it was almost like I could see Volcanoes. The name of the place was called “Trippy Island” she found this place on Google...

When I arrived at the location there was a Big Black gate blocking the entrance to the Resort, and I was unclear if I could get inside so I told the Driver that I was fine and she could leave, although she was quizzed she said “Have a Great Night and be noncontroversial ” I smiled and waved bye.

So now that I'm Standing here independently next to this Big Gate... I stared into the almost Dark surroundings, I wondered how long has this Place Been Here. It was likely to be missed... Or maybe it was Meant to be tucked away, kinda hard to find 🔍 a few minutes ago inside the Uber Ride we struggled to find the correct road leading up to this Big Gate...

I was dumbfounded when My Purse shook from the vibration of my iPhone... My fingers fumbled over Lip Gloss and 2 different perfume bottles and there underneath it all, was my phone!

“Hello, I see you've arrived at the location from the Uber ride tracker... Why didn't you call me Babe??” Tiffaney spoke roughly but Concerning...

“Oh, I was starting too but I Got Distracted... Where are we?... I SAID How did you find this place but as I spoke the Big Black Gate started to unfurl... The Ancient looking lights that Rocked above the Big Gate Started to become Luminous.

I saw Tiffaney wave her hand and Greeted me with a Wide Smile across her face.. The flare from my dress gave me a cute walk towards her but a Jolly silhouette on the pavement. She scooped me up and kissed me down, I returned the kiss and it lasted for 60 seconds...

We both moved quickly as the Big Black Gate made a loud squeak and Swung close...

Inside the Gate, I still couldn't catch a glimpse of the place but I could see why it took Tiffaney so long to get to the Entrance...

“Hey, Sam slow down a pinch.”

“Oh, I'm sorry, but I am obscure about this region, I turned and looked at Tiffaney she was carrying my Luggage. How did you come across this spot? I asked Frantically.”

She didn't have time to answer me because I was distracted by the wagon full of wood being dragged by a few Muscular and chatty guys who looked to be wearing cloaks...

Tiffaney leads me in the direction of the Bridge with a small River flowing underside...

“This could be beautiful in the daylight hours”... I said

“Hey Sam,” Tif called out for me.

To my surprise when I turned around

She was ducking behind a Bush on the side of the Bridge...

“Hey, Babe what's going on... I whispered close to her ear while trying to see whatever she had been peeking for... But she turned and Kissed me Hard and we both fell back on the Soft Grass... She climb on top of me and I looked up and spoke out “ I thought I was clear when I said I can't tussle with you” she put her face close to mine and said, “ This isn't wrestling it's Flirting”.

I pulled her down for another kiss but to my surprise, she Ran over by the Bush again.

“Alright, What's up??” I said while getting up from the grass... I fanned my Garments.

Tiffaney hushed me with a motion of her hand toward her lip... I was now uneasy so I demanded we go up to our room now!!

I moved to retrieve my luggage from the Grass and when I turned around there was no sign of Tiffaney.

I heard muffled laughter nearby and the second I made it underneath the Bridge...I froze looking at Tif play with a Lizard species...

“What kind of thing is that?” I said while looking Disgusted...

“It's a Baby Dragon,” Tif said while trying to get the lizard thing to crawl into her hand...

“That's not a Dragon it's a Lizard”... I declared

“Sam look at these attachments this is a Dragon,” she said In a matter-of-fact reply.

“Can we go up to the room...I said while walking back uphill towards the Luggage waiting for me on the Concrete.

Tiffaney caught up and scooped up My Luggage with one arm... I released my hand and smiled at her being so Gentlemen like...

After crossing the Small Bridge the walk was almost like going through a Forest... We followed a Track that looks like Giant Dinosaur Paw Prints leading us to the Entrance and I Snapped Photos of Me and Tif along the walk...

Inside the Castle Room, I was eager to ask “why does this place look like a Black Castle?? I didn't know you guys had a Castle in Philadelphia, PA” I had so many other Questions and then Tiffaney Pulled out that Disgusting Creature from the Bridge... I shrieked.

“What are you doing with that?”

She turned to me and said, “I've never seen anything like this one.”

“OMG, and you want to keep it?” I yelled out.

Tiffaney had planned a Dinner Date so she declared that they Leave the Lizard creature Inside the bathroom until they come back upstairs to the Room.

The whole Dinner Sam said a little bit of nothing...

Tiffaney raised a question “Isn't this place hipness?”

Samantha turned her head and pretend to be fascinated by the Large Dinner Rolls in the middle of the table...

Tiffaney reminded Sam...

“This is still our Date night, let's have fun and we can start the Class Report Tomorrow... We have all weekend!”

The Hotel was Huge just like a Castle but why were only 100 people allowed at the Resort for each stay in?

“This place is peculiar” Sam mulled over as they tour the Giant Castle before returning to their chamber...

No one was allowed off the property after checking in... So All Weekend 100 guess would be on the hideaway Resort!

“ Tif what is behind the wheels of that”, before I could finish... I was startled by a Big Ship!

Sam tried to convince Tiffaney to Take off and return up to their room, but she grabbed her hand and galloped her along...

Why had they entered this room Samantha didn't want to examine the Dark Ship, but Tif was eager. “Tif this place smells antiquated and I could barely even see, Let's Go!” I gossiped.

A light started heading toward them as it got closer it appears to be a Flame and the Guy in the Cloak said: “You Guys, Need to leave now!!”

His voice was Deep and bunco just like Samuel L Jackson's in That Movie “Lake View Terrace”

We Runaway Through the Hall... Once the Elevators opened up we gasped for air.

I veered around to face Tif and we both laughed out loud!

Our Room seems to be at the Top of the castle But the Elevator showed us differently... We Stood on the 9th Floor inside this 12-story Castle, the floors and walls materialize antique glimpses.

The Girls Entered the Room and Was Captured by the scenery... It looked like a Burning Building debut only inside the room...

Samantha Screamed and Tiffaney ran in search of the Baby Dragon...

I heard her shrieking from the Bathroom so I Yanked the first cloth I could get at... I held it to my nose and rushed inside and back outside the bathroom once I'd gotten a peek inside...

The Dragon was the size of a puppy and the wings Had spread... it kinda reminds me of a Gargoyle.

Outside the Door, I Could hear Tif trying to calm down the Baby Dragon who began to Panic... The door burst open with a small flame and I heard a scream as Tiffaney fell through the Shower curtains and inside the Tub on her Buttocks. The Dragon raced past me and Charged out the window...

Tiffaney came out of the bathroom looking like she had been embarked upon which was kinda salacious... She had a hole inside her Hoodie on the Top shoulder... I was concerned if she was okay, but she asked me sooner: “hey are u okay” she studied my face for a clear sign.

“Yes I'm fine, I replied that thing flew out of the window”. Continuing to speak I said, “I've never seen anything like it.”

She faced me and said: “I told you it was a Dragon, wow,” she said. “Let's go see where it took off”.

I had wanted to change But now I was Stuck in this Yellow Dress... I ran After Tif. once we had made it off the Elevator Down to the Lobby she sprinted out the Door Heading for the Bridge where she found the Baby Lizard Dragon...

I did not want this Adventure I repeated to myself while trotting behind Tiffaney now outside walking through the Dark Gardens and Passing The Giant Dinosaur paw Prints in the Gravel.

Closer to the Bridge Tiffaney stopped and I could see why... The Lizard was sniffing around the Bridge looking for something...

Tiffaney moved closer to me and Held my hand... She could see I was quivering so she Rubbed my hand in a Soothing manner. I gave into the comfort and I wanted to say something but the Dragon started to move and so did we... I held my dress up above my ankles and stomped through the Grassroots side by side with Tif...

Underneath the Bridge, a Green Light shined, and the Dragon was lost in sight!

I didn't want my Cute Dress wet so I stayed on the Dry Grass and Tiffaney ran Underneath the Bridge to get a closer look...

Subsequently, 30 seconds later I didn't see her, and I darted off toward the Bridge with my dress wrapped Tight around my fist... The wet grass and Mud were repulsive but I kept running until I arrived at the area she disappeared... I kept thinking to myself what will I tell everyone? And who is going to believe my saga?

I tried to ring her phone but Only the Voicemail continued to answer me...

Wow was this some kind of portal to another world?... I scanned for clues and then I saw the Greenlight again but this time Brightness almost blinded me... I covered my eyes and called out for Tiffaney!

Someone grabbed me from behind and I fell in love with her again as she swept me up in her arms and kissed me so hard...

“I got you, Sam, I'm right here” she whispered...

“I told you it was a Dragon”.

“Where are we?” I said while resting my head over her shoulder.

She looked me in the eyes and said: “we've just entered another World”.

“How do we leave and what about the Dragons they're going to kill us!”

“No, they will not if they don't see us” but before we could scatter away from the area we were approached by the Small Baby Dragon that was now a Teenager or just a really big Baby!

The Dragon remembered Tiffaney and agreed to Walk with us... This realm was Beautiful and very colorful... I expected it to be Dark and Burned just like the Black Castle.

I tried my phone, possibly my Mom would try to call me or My Dad, but no one called I couldn't even get a signal but I did snap pictures. I felt like this Started a New Romance between the two of us and although I'm terrified of the new world with Dragons I'm loving it with her...

Tiffaney helped pull me up the side of this small mountain we hiked to the other side and walked into a Dragon nest... 3 eggs remaining and 1 was cracked open already... I dropped my phone and it cracked up my screen... I wanted to cry but Tiffaney assured me that she would get me a new one.

We examined the eggs and It looks like that's where this Big fellow came from...

“His mom must be out looking for him,” Tiffaney said to me sounding concerned for the Dragon! I spun my head around frantically hoping the mother would not spring upon us by the nest.

“The Dragon brought us to his nest!” Tiffaney said to mention it.

“ look over there I pointed out a Pink Castle in the distance... Before we could move I Heard voices. We stooped low to be sure we weren't seen. The guy with the cloak and another guy were walking around with a long stick but they were yelling at each other in a weird language. I turned to Tif but she wasn't there and then 2 guys started heading toward me... “wait can they see me?” I peered around then the voice of Tiffaney screamed out: RUN!

I saw 3 guys with Cloaks holding Tiffaney as she struggled to get free... 1 guy she hit hard with her fist in his stomach and slammed him into the pavement. It took a while for them to wrestle her down but then a Flame came from behind the Small mountain and the men began to run away!
One man screamed with a broken English accent shouting “The Dragon!!! The Dragon chose her, Run she is the Dragon keeper!!!” the Dragon chases the men away.

At that moment I knew exactly how we would start our class report... (TIFFANEY THE DRAGON KEEPER) if we get back!

AdventureFan FictionFantasyHumorLoveMysteryShort StoryYoung Adult

About the Creator

HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)

Welcome to “My Public Diary “🤪💖

Your Mind is

A Wonderland of

Your Imagination

Make it Beautiful!

🎉I am an Actor, Model, Writer, and Entrepreneur ❤️❤️🙏

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Comments (2)

  • Rick Henry Christopher 2 years ago

    Good job... You put a lot of imagination and creativity into this story. You did a really good job with it.

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Wow!!! Fantastic fictional fantasy!!! Amazing adventure!!!

HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)Written by HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)

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