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Last Train Journey

Do you dare to board?

By Poonam BhattPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Last Train Journey
Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

It was a dark and stormy night as the train chugged along the tracks, the rhythmic sound of the wheels against the rails the only noise in the otherwise quiet carriage.

Mia had boarded the train hours ago, tired and ready to settle in for the long journey ahead.

She had fallen asleep soon after but was now wide awake, her heart racing as she listened to the strange sounds coming from outside.

She peered out the window, trying to see through the rain that was pelting against the glass.

The darkness made it difficult to see anything, but she thought she saw something moving in the shadows.

She dismissed it as her imagination, but then she heard a faint tapping sound. It was coming from outside the carriage door.

Mia hesitated, wondering if she should investigate, but then the tapping grew louder and more urgent.

She got up from her seat and walked cautiously towards the door, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she reached for the handle, the door suddenly flew open and a man stumbled into the carriage.

He was soaked through and shivering, his clothes clinging to his thin frame.

Mia could see that he was badly injured - blood was seeping from a wound on his head and his face was twisted in pain.

She rushed over to him, trying to help him as he collapsed onto the floor.

"What happened?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

The man looked up at her, his eyes wide with fear.

"I was on the roof," he gasped. "Someone pushed me."

Mia's blood ran cold. Who could have done this? And why?

She tried to comfort the man as best she could, but his injuries were severe and it soon became clear that he was beyond her help.

He died a short while later, leaving Mia alone with her thoughts and the looming sense of danger that seemed to permeate the carriage.

As the train continued on its journey, Mia couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen.

She tried to rationalize her fears - maybe it was just the storm or the fact that she was alone in a strange place.

But as the hours ticked by, she became increasingly convinced that there was someone else on the train with her, someone who meant her harm.

She heard strange noises - footsteps in the corridor outside her carriage, whispers that she couldn't quite make out.

And then, just as she was about to lose all hope, she saw a glimmer of light in the darkness.

It was a signal - the train was about to reach its final destination. Mia's heart leaped with joy and relief.

She gathered her things and made her way to the door, eager to leave the train and the horrors that had haunted her journey.

But as she stepped onto the platform, she felt a sudden pain in her neck.

She reached up to touch it and her hand came away slick with blood. She looked around, but there was no one there.

She had been attacked by someone - but who?

Mia stumbled towards the station building, her vision growing hazy as she struggled to stay conscious.

She managed to make it inside and collapsed onto the floor, her body wracked with pain.

The last thing she saw before she passed out was the face of a man, peering down at her with a sinister smile. And then everything went dark.


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About the Creator

Poonam Bhatt

I am a mother and author of the book GOAL TO SUCCESS.

I am an avid reader who loves to read non-fiction books.

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    Poonam BhattWritten by Poonam Bhatt

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