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Last Of My Men

My Final Push For Survival

By Kasey V. DravenPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Last Of My Men
Photo by Stijn Swinnen on Unsplash

I wish I could cry. I wish I could show emotion to the end of a 7 year war. So many lives have been lost and for what? Looking back on it I wonder was it all worth it?

I remember the final battle and the last bit of violence I’d ever see. We started with over 100 good men but after it was all said and done there were only 4 who survived. Myself, Big Rick, and Willow trekked across a desert for what seemed like an eternity. Despite winning this war, our journey home made it feel like we lost. Big Rick had a knife wound that was bleeding pretty badly. Willow had a broken ankle that was shaped like the letter J.

Big Rick and myself carried Willow as far as we could go. “Leave me” Willow said to us completely defeated. We knew we couldn’t go any further with him in the heat, but we were determined to get back home. “No” I said to Willow with authority. As the the burning sun beamed down on our bodies, we fell trying to carry Willow.

With our hands buried into the sand, Willow dropped his head down. “Please” Willow said to us with defeat. As much as I wanted to take him with us, I knew we wouldn’t survive exerting energy on Willow. “Are you sure?” I said to Willow with sadness. Willow extended his hand out. “Thank you both” he said defeated. After shaking hands with him, Willow pulled out a knife from his boot. Big Rick and myself look at each other knowing Willow’s intention. We both walk away to leave Willow in the sand. The pain Big Rick and myself felt was stronger than any war wound.

We walked further for what seemed like miles. I turned around and saw a silhouette of Willow’s body on the ground. The blowing of the sand made a grave for his body. The further we got the less visible he quickly became. We continued to walk through the sandstorm that had begun. Big Rick stopped in the middle of the storm. “How’s that wound holding up?” I said to Big Rick concerned. “I’ll be much better once I get a beer in me.” Big Rick responded with an optimistic smile. As we continued our trek, I could tell Big Rick wasn’t feeling well. I didn’t know where we were walking but I knew if we didn’t get to some form of civilization soon he would bleed out.

It seemed like hours had gone by. The sun was still very high in the sky. I began to lose hope that civilization even existed. “What kind of beer do you want to get when we get back?” I said to Big Rick. He didn’t answer me. As much energy as it took, I turned around to look at him. Big Rick was nowhere to be seen. The sandstorm was too strong, I couldn’t go back. I’m the last of my men, I am accepting death.

I dropped to my knees as my body began to shut down. Dehydration had finally reached me, it was time to meet my maker. I never been one to beg or plea but if there was a higher power I wanted to try. “God, whoever. Please spare me.” Suddenly the sandstorm stopped, and the temperature dropped. I don’t know if it was my plea or if the dehydration was making me delirious. As I picked my head up I saw in the distance a bull. I didn’t know if I was hallucinating or if it was real. My mind began to blur the lines between reality and imagination. I took what little bit of energy I had left to walk over to bull.

The bull lowered his body to the ground. With absolutely no energy left in me I fell onto the back of the bull. The bull quickly lifted its body and began to walk. I closed my eyes but felt my insides giving out. I held on to the bull hoped that it would take me to civilization.

I woke up for what seemed like days later in a dark cool cave. I began to walk around the cave thinking it was hell. I died and this was some form of purgatory that I was stuck in. As I walked a little further there it was. I saw the bull that saved my life. The bull was soaking in the water surrounded by live fish. I entered the water and it felt like bliss. I don’t know why I’m alive, or if I am for that matter. All I know is that if I am alive, I owe my soul to someone. However, if I’m not alive then it’s good to know that there is an after life. Maybe this cave is my new home for all of eternity, but I can now have hope that Big Rick and Willow are in a better place.

Short Story

About the Creator

Kasey V. Draven

Screenwriter, Fiction Writer, Thinker, Eater. Personal interests include fiction, stock market, human rights, and the feeling of nostalgia from time to time.

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    Kasey V. DravenWritten by Kasey V. Draven

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