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Kal's Locket - Part 2

A Mental Health Story

By Marcus Alan PerkinsPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read
Kal's Locket - Part 2
Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

“Doctor Franklin?” A rough male voice enters the confines of my mind. “Sir, are you okay? You took quite a fall there.”

“I’m fine, what happened?”

“You just fell over, like something grabbed your legs as you was walking or something. You sure you’re okay doc?”

“I believe so. I probably need food, how long was I unconscious?”

“You wasn’t unconscious, you fell and hopped back up. Maybe I should take ya to the infirmary.” His large hand wraps around my arm as he tries to direct me towards the doctor’s office.

“I think I’m fine. If you wouldn’t mind letting go of my arm I will be on my way.”

“I’ll walk with you to the door then. If you was to fall I could get in trouble. Sorry for havin to hold onto ya.”

“It’s alright, I understand.”

As the guard and I arrive at the exit a blaring alarm explodes throughout the building. Red lights strobe throughout the building as I turn back towards the hallway I had just been escorted down. The guards’ hands grip both of my arms before he shoves me through the door and locks the building down. Before I have time to comprehend what’s happening, he is rushing towards the area of Kal’s room.

Slamming my fists on the door gets no response. The alarm continues to sound as I make my way towards the parking lot and my waiting car. My mind shifts from one possible problem that could have caused the alarm to another as I begin my drive home. The one possibility that seems to be true is that the alarm had something to do with Kal.

Searing pain courses through my head as I think of the child’s face while he described the abuse he suffered at his father’s hand. As the pain gets worse, I’m forced to pull off of the road and bury my face in my palms.

“You see, good doctor, not everything in this life can be explained through science and education. You believed that the child was afflicted mentally when in reality the locket has a power that you can never understand. In an attempt to show you the power of the world the boy has snuck the locket onto your person.”

“Through the locket I have entered your soul and am now a part of you. Shall I show you the evil of man? Shall I prove to you the existence of the supernatural? Shall I allow you to live, Doctor?”

Unable to move I continue to hold my head as the throbbing continues. The loud voice has left an echoing inside of my head that makes the pain worse. Tears roll down my face as the throbbing travels from my head throughout my body.

A knocking seems to break some of the pain from my body. The throbbing creeps back up my chest and into my head where it combines with the pain. Letting out a cry I throw my hands away from my face and slam my head back against the headrest where a harsh light crashes through my eyelids.

“What’s going on tonight, sir?”

I look around the light and see a uniformed officer behind it. His hand is at the ready by his firearm which makes me freeze at the wheel.

“Sir, I asked you a question.”

“I’m fine, officer. I have a… a migraine and I didn’t want to cause a wreck.”

“What’s your name and where you headed?”

“I’m Doctor Graham Franklin. I just finished the day at the Institute down the road and am on my way home. Is that a crime?” Frustration seeps through my voice towards the officer. Who is he to question what I do with my time?

“You do know it is three in the morning, Doc? That’s an odd time to be pulled over on the side of a road having an episode of whatever was happening in there. It’s also not a great time to be rude to the cop who’s just trying to see if you’re okay.”

“It’s what time?”

“Three. In the morning. Can you step out of the vehicle please?”


“I want to check you for narcotics. You’re displaying typical signs of drug use and for the both of our safeties I want to ensure you have no weapons.”

“I can’t deny your logic officer.”

My frustration builds as I step out of the vehicle. The officer can see my nametag in the cupholder with my credentials but he still doesn’t believe me. Or he does and he’s just on a power trip because he has a badge and gun.

“Thank you. Can you please face your car and place your hands on the roof for me? Just need to do a quick pat down for my safety.”

I do as he asks and feel his rough hands begin to search me. He starts at my feet and begins to work his way up towards my chest. As his fingers close around the locket a rage goes through my body that he senses.

“What’s this? You seem to have tensed up when I touched it.”

“Just a necklace that means a lot to me, officer. Please be careful with it.”

“Why would a necklace mean so much that your entire body tenses when someone else touches it?”

“It just does.”

“Does it open?”

“It does.”

“May I open it?”

“You may not.”

“Is there something in it that you don’t want me to see?” The officer pushes me against the car.

“It’s just a picture.”

“And you’re refusing me the option of opening it?”

“I am.”


“Because I don’t have to let you open it.”

“Okay. Turn around please.”

I do as he says and watch as he inspects the locket further. His are fixed on a spot on the back of the necklace that he brings his finger to and begins to scratch.

“Hey, don’t do that!” I take a step towards him, receiving a palm to the sternum in response.

“Stop right there!” A taser appears in his hand as an odd smile crosses his lips. “Get on the ground, right now!”

“Give me my necklace back!”

“Get on the ground! I will tase you, get down!” He takes a step towards me and pushes the taser into my chest.

Redness washes over my vision as he drops the necklace. The voice from before booms back into my head which causes my legs to give out and I slam into the pavement.

“What the fuck?” The cop shouts as he jumps backwards.

Something erupts inside of me as my hands find the necklace and I launch myself at the cop. His taser goes off, the prongs burning my skin on impact. I cry out in pain but continue to attack him. He had tried to break my necklace; he had treated me like I was an average criminal.

“I’m a fucking DOCTOR! I’m not a criminal! FUCK YOU!”

My fingers slide into his eyes as a laugh comes from deep inside of me. The demonic sound of it scares even me as I continue to push my fingers deeper into his eye sockets. The locket burns my skin as the cop’s blood soaks between it and my hand. A vibration begins to occur as the cop loses his will to keep fighting and let’s go.


A new energy sends me to my back, off of the cop that I had just been straddling. I can feel a warm liquid begin to pour out of my chest as the feeling of life drains from my consciousness.

“You are not my champion.” The deep voice from before says before I feel a weight leave my body. The locket seems to move away from my hand as my life creeps towards its end.

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About the Creator

Marcus Alan Perkins

I’m a father, published author, student, avid reader, husband, and advocate for equality for all. I am going to use this platform for my short stories and poems. Follow me on Facebook: @Author.MarcusPerkins, Twitter handle: @AMarcusperkins

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    Marcus Alan PerkinsWritten by Marcus Alan Perkins

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