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Jungle Expedition for Beauty

Word Hunt Challenge: Map, Jungle, Comb

By Iris HarrisPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Jungle Expedition for Beauty
Photo by Boudhayan Bardhan on Unsplash

Raindrops beat down upon my head relentlessly, drenching my hat completely. I’d give anything for an umbrella to protect me from the downpour, but I need to focus on my mission. I have been sent into the heart of the jungle to retrieve a precious treasure and walk cautiously through the dense foliage, hoping not to attract any attention to me. The last thing I need is an armada of animals to attack me to abolishment.

I push two giant green leaves out of my way and squint in an attempt for a better view of the landscape. Darkness and rain is all that registers. Yet, the sense of more existing, quietly creeps onto my shoulders and twists my stomach into uncomfortable knots. Growling sounds echo in the air, surrounding me in fear. There’s a brute brawl nearby, indicating an area I need to keep far away from. Death shall not become my tour guide today.

I pull out a map my colleague shared with me before I began this expedition. According to the map, the cave I seek is due north of my location, provided I read the compass correctly. I secure the map in my backpack before it transforms into a pulp from the heavy rainfall, and glance forward. Two leopards are prowling fifty meters in front of me, searching for prey. I keep low and quiet to avoid becoming kitty food. Lucky for me, the rain has definitely masked both my presence and my scent.

A few silent minutes later, I take a gamble and stealth forward from my position, heading north towards the cave. A troop of chimps frolics in the trees above me, but pay no attention to my intrusion in their territory. However, they are the least of my concerns. My worries are committed to the surroundings and my survival to reach my destination.

Five minutes into my jaunt, terrifying sounds behind me shake my nerves, turning me into a living statue; praying whatever creature is behind me, ignores my existence. The low bass filled growling becomes more defined, pumping fear into my amygdala. The desire to peer over my shoulder to determine the species is sustained by the urge of fearing it might be what I am thinking: an angry, predatory feline. The growling continues, but is followed by a raspier, less developed growl. If I am surrounded by a streak of tigers, there is no way I am going to escape them. My breath vanishes. I want to run; scream, but doing so may cause them (assuming there is more than one) to attack. Seconds at the speed of minutes finally pass, and the creatures’ calls become distant. I take the frightful opportunity to inch my way around and face my attacker, only to spot a glimpse of orange swallowed by evergreen colored leaves. I take a heavy, refreshing sigh and collapse on the ground below me.

“Why am I even here?” I question myself for my stupidity on engaging in this treacherous, yet quirky quest.

Once my forced break ends, I return to my legs and continue north towards the desolate cave. The jungle seems to have come alive with sounds of the natives in a vibrant conversation. Despite the increase in activity, very few creatures come near me and my silent stroll through the dark, damp wilderness remains undisturbed. Minutes later, I am standing at the entrance of the cave. Before I submerge myself into darkness, pulling out my flashlight and the pamphlet that led me here. According to the map, I have reached my destination, it will be just a matter of time before I find what I am looking for. I scan the various stalagmites and stalactites, each displaying their uniqueness in the beam of light. The variety of stones residing in the cave walls captivate me, glistening for my attention. Granted, they have been covered in darkness for years, it amazes me how much color continues to shine through. A pure enigma.

The occupants of the cave keep to themselves as I creep through. Occasionally, a black bat would swoop down from the ceiling and buzz past me, either offering my assistance towards my goal, or distracting me to cast a glance in a different direction. It provides me with a warm, welcoming feeling, instead of trepidation. Each bat expressing the beauty hidden and belonging within the cave. Eventually, one bat flutters towards my goal and the final destination comes to view. Located on the wall is precisely what I was searching for. The object which brought me to the jungle in the first place. A multicolored comb. I reach for the comb, but pause. Was it really worth all this trouble? Putting my life at stake for a twelve-pronged two-colored comb? According to the research, this is no ordinary comb. It’s a plant-based comb, which detangles any hair type. It’s the last comb that any woman needs, especially me with my wild frizzy curly hair.

I snatch the comb from its resting place and retrace my steps back to the entrance of the cave.

As I enter the twilight zone, I see a massive shadow weaving back and forth on the rocky floor. I stop abruptly, only to be greeted by a gorilla. It issues a slew of pig grunts and glares at me. I cautiously pull off my backpack to place it on the ground near me. With my lowered gaze, I retreat step by step away from the massive beast. The large primate moves towards my backpack and seamlessly splits it open. Vibrant colors of fruits fly out of the backpack and the creature begins snacking on them, granting me exit out the cave.

“Thank you for shopping at Sephora,” I hear behind me, while I smell the sweet aroma of success.

The road to beauty can be treacherous, and this expedition is proof of it because shopping at a large mall is like entering the jungle.


About the Creator

Iris Harris

An aspiring novelist. I enjoy writing ghost, horror, and drama. Occassionally, I dabble with some essays. You can find more of my work with the link below:

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Comments (2)

  • Leslie Writesabout a year ago

    I like what you did here. I am uncomfortable in those places and everything is so darned expensive. Well done!

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Outstanding!!! Loving it!!!

Iris HarrisWritten by Iris Harris

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