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Jonesy First

Holiday Scare

By Joe AvilaPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Jonesy First
Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Jonesy started the day by following Kendrick and his buddies around finding out any and everything about Kendrick. The groundskeeper tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. Only A few times did Kendrick spot Jonsey lingering around. On one of those occasions Kendrick was walking back to the boys cabin and turned around to face Jonsey. You got a problem or something, “no do you.” said the groundskeeper in a strained voice. Kendrick walked right up and said, ‘I know you’ve been watching me, what's your deal? Jonsey thought quickly, “I just want to be your friend or more if you're into that.” Kendrick stood there in shock for a minute then said,” What do you think, I'm some kind of werido like you!”

Letidia had also been spying, herself and jumped out of bushes. Hey Kendrick you don’t have to be so mean. Kendrick stepped back from Jonsey and looked at Letidia sheepishly and said, ``sorry what are you hiding out in the bushes anyway?”Letidia just grabbed the groundskeeper's hand and started to walk away from Kendrick. Kendrick mentally kicked himself. Letidia was the hottest girl at camp and he knew that she was always helping the less fortunate. Kendrick decides to follow them and figure out a way to impress Letidia. As Letidia walked with Jonsey she wondered why a person would live at a summer camp all year round. So she asked Jonsey, tell me what's your story. They had talked before but mostly about how sexy and athletic Kendrick was all from Letidia’s view that was. So Jonsey mustard up his most sincere fake sad voice and told Letidia how his parents had been murder when he was just ten years old. Letidia squeezed his hand gently and said Oh my God, that must been hard for you, did you have relatives to take care of you. My mom and dad were drug addicts so the cops put me in a home. It was a horrible place until Pastor Dave met me when he came to the home for a church outreach program.

Jonsey knew it was all a lie. Jonsey had put poison in the drugs they used and ran away to his aunt's house who was just as evil. Jonsey's aunt took him in and started to teach him how to con and lie. From the age of 12 to 16 Jonsey had conned through most of the city. On one of those occasions Jonsey was selling fake drugs to the homeless, when pastor Dave was helping out with lunches. Pastor Dave had approached Jonsey with a pamphlet to a church summer camp. Jonsey went figuring it was about time to get out of the city and steal from the other campers or con them out of stuff. Pastor Dave soon had caught on to what Jonsey had been doing at the camp and decided to put Jonsey to work at the camp.

Jonsey and Letidia reached the commons area of the camp and sat down on a bench facing the lake. Jonsey quickly told Letidia I need to get some work done in the kitchen, talk to you later. Kendrick slowly sat down next to Letidia and said look you know I'm no jerk but that groundskeeper gives me the creeps., but I know your friends so because I think you're cute I’ll be nice. Letidia blushed and slowly grabbed his hand and said I like you too why don’t we hang out today. Jonsey secretly spied from the window of the commons building at the couple. Jonsey cursed knowing full well that all the spying just pushed Letidia and Kendrick together. Jonsey would have to think of a new way to get Kendrick alone.

So one day Jonsey sent a note to Kendrick to meet Letidia in their secret place. Jonsey patiently waited for Kendrick to arrive. Kendrick slowly made his way up the hill towards the falls that supplied the lake of the camp. It was a very narrow and dangerous trail Kendrick had asked Letidia how she had found it. She had told him that Jonsey had brought her. Kendrick pulled back the branches of the Weeping willow tree of His and Letidia’s secret spot. There stood Jonsey, Hey where’s Letidia Jonsey quickly grabbed him and tried to kiss him. Kendrick pushed the groundskeeper off him and said I told you I’m not like you. Jonsey frantically said please dont tell Letidia she’s my only friend. Kendrick just turned around and started to walk away. Jonsey quickly chased after him than in front of him. Jonsey then stopped and jumped right off the cliff into the lake below. Kendrick shooked jumped in after just to see Jonsey frantically fighting to stay above the water. Kendrick swam towards the groundskeeper just to be grabbed around the neck and pushed under the water by Jonsey. Kendrick fought with all his strength but the weight of Jonsey was too much. Jonsey finally felt joy as Kendrick’s body went limp. Jonsey started to swim towards the shore towing Kendricks limp body along. Once on the shore Jonsey screamed for help, campers and camp leaders came running to help but it was too late Kendrick was dead. Letidia was the last one to arrive just to see Kendrick's lifeless body laying on the shore. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It had only been yesterday since they had. Pastor Dave saw Letidia standing there out of the corner of his eye. He rushed to her and started to comfort her while leading her towards his cabin. Pastor Dave sat her down on a comfy chair just outside his office inside his cabin. Pastor Dave grabbed the phone to call the ranger station and Police. Letidia sat there and started to cry, was that Jonsey she had seen next to Kendrick’s body? What had happened?

Once all the police and parents had come Jonsey sat in front of the Sheriff and Pastor Dave explaining everything that had happened. Jonsey sobbing asked Where’s Letidia does she know yet? Pastor Dave stood up, hugged Jonsey and said, “She’s left with her parents, She was very shocked.” Letidia ran to her room and shut the door, falling on her bed crying Kendrick why? The next couple of days Letidia just laid on her bed crying so much she didn’t realize that she hadn’t started her menstrual cycle. A week went by and Letidia's parents finally decided to talk to their daughter about Kendrick’s death and if she knew him well. Letidia was as truthful as most teenagers are and told her parents that Kendrick was her boyfriend. She didn't tell them they had also been intimate. Her and her parents had talked about sex before but like hell she was going to tell them her and Kendrick did it. They would kill her especially since they hadn’t used protection. Letidia thanked her parents for understanding and letting her grieve that week. Letidia woke the next day and drove to the store, bought a pregnancy test. She had checked her calendar on her phone that morning and realized that she was almost two weeks late for her period. Letidia faced her full body mirror and rubbed her belly, she was going to have Kendrick’s baby. How was she going to hide this from her parents. A few weeks went by then one sunday at church Letidia approached Pastor Dave and asked if she could talk with him privately.

Pastor Dave had been worried about Letidia and how she had been handling the death of Kendrick. As Pastor Dave sat at his desk looking at Letidia with a worried look on her face he knew something wasn’t right. Letidia was trying to figure out how she was going to tell her pastor she was pregnant and Kendrick was the father. So she started with Pastor hows Jonsey I got a letter but I've been so…. she pushed back tears and haven’t read it. Pastor Dave shook his head in understanding kind of way and said Jonesy's fine as can be considered. How about you I'm sure you didn’t ask to speak with me privately to ask about Jonsey. Letidia took a deep breath and then let it out she told him how her and Kendrick had been secretly meeting each other on the hillside of the Church Camp where the falls are. She then told him how much she had loved him and the night they had sex. Pastor Dave was use to this teenagers came to him all the time about sex but this was harder for one of these teenagers was dead. Before Pastor Dave could respond Letidia said and I'm pregnant.You got help me with my parents they’ll kill me once they find out. By now Letidia couldn’t hold back the tears and began crying. Pastor Dave rose from his chair and made his way around the desk to where Letidia sat. He put his arm around her shoulder and softly spoke don’t you worry. I will do everything I can to help you.

The following Sunday Pastor Dave called Mr and Mrs Shells into his chambers of the church. As the Shells sat down Pastor Dave offered them something to drink. Pastor Dave began with a prayer than dove right in Mr and Mrs Shells your daughter as you know spoke with me last sunday. I don't know how much she told you about how serious her relationship with Kendrick was. You see Letidia and the recently deceased Kendrick made a mistake while at camp this summer. You see Letidia is quite scared of how you’ll react to this wonderful mistake that was made by her and Kendrick. Just then Letidia stepped into the room and slowly sat down next to her father. Pastor Dave smiled at Letidia and continued While at camp Letidia fell in love with Kendrick and they thought it would be smart to express that love physically. Letidia’s father immediately stood up and faced her how could you. You’re only sixteen did you really think we would go easy on you because this boyfriend of yours is dead. Letidia’s Mother just sat there and began to weep. Pastor Dave stood up and grabbed Mr Shells Shoulder now Mr Shells remember What would Jesus Do. Mr Shells turned towards the Pastor and yelled HOW CAN THIS BE WONDERFUL NEWS. Pastor Dave calmly said well Letidia was blessed with a child. This just enraged Mr Shells WHAT YOUR PREGNANT!

Pastor Dave Stood facing Mr Shells and Letidia’s Mother had now stood next to her husband. Letidia remained seated and began to cry. I told you pastor they wouldn’t understand, she sobbed. Pastor Dave was at a loss of words with Mr. Shells yelling and Mrs. Shells crying holding her husband's arm. Mr. Shells stopped yelling, grabbed Letidia and headed for the door that exited the back of the church. Pastor Dave let out his breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, He called the Shells Family that evening but no one answered, he told himself that God would help Mr Shells find forgiveness in his heart.The following Sunday Pastor Dave noticed that the Shells family weren’t at Service, So once everyone had left he called Letidia’s Cell Phone. He had never abused his privilege as a Pastor before, but this was important. Letidia answered on the second ring, Hello, came the quiet voice of Letidia, Pastor Dave, why are you calling me? I just wanted to make sure you and your parents were doing okay. I noticed you didn’t attend service today. Letidia held back tears. Why didn’t you just call my parents, let me guess my dad hung up on you. While no, no answer from them. Are you okay, you sound different? No I'm not, my parents grounded me and I haven’t been able to leave the house since last Sunday. Don’t worry Letidia I will continue to pray for you and them. I know God will show them you are a smart christian young lady. Also School will be starting soon so you’ll be able to get out to see your friends. My father said he's sending me far away to a place for pregnant teens. Pastor Dave assured Letidia that he would be drive to her house first thing Monday morning to talk with her parents.

Monday Morning came Mr and Mrs. Shells were getting ready for work when a knook on the door interrupted their routine. Mrs. Shells opened the door standing there was Jonsey, Hello I’m a friend of Letidia’s, is she home?”


About the Creator

Joe Avila

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    Joe AvilaWritten by Joe Avila

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