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Jealous Barbie

Was the competition rigged?

By Tiffany Gordon Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

Barbie Bryant batted her brown specs, twirled her jet black spirals, and made a guppy face as she applied her favorite tub of midnight blue lip gloss. She loved wearing edgy colors like blue on her lips. She had always felt ahead of the curve as far as trends were concerned. She recently learned from her well-traveled, flight attendant Aunt Zuri that Nigerian teens had been wearing blue lipstick for years. Apparently, it signified that each blue-lipped girl was single and ready to mingle.

Although it was 9:30 A.M., Barbie felt especially electric; she was headed to an audition for her first real acting job playing an "it girl" in her favorite group FINICKY'S latest music video.

As Barbie swung open the door to the music studio, she was greeted by a warm spicy floral scent and a beautiful sunflower-drenched floral arrangement that was comfortably residing on a mahogany-stained coffee table located in the middle of the reception area. Barbie quickly signed in with the receptionist and sat down on a large red leather sofa nearby. Barbie was the first girl to arrive but was soon surrounded by a host of other anxious hopefuls.

Suddenly, an attractive nutmeg-complexioned girl dressed in a turquoise tie-dyed miniskirt and salmon pink bikini top sat down next to Barbie. She gracefully crossed her never-ending, long, slender legs and anxiously awaited her turn. Facially, the girl didn't look a day over fourteen but she wore plenty of makeup on her pudgy heart-shaped face and sported four-inch pink heels.

Despite her youthful appearance, the girl had an "hourglass" figure that made her look as if she were Beyonce's twin; she was definitely model material.

Upon spotting her flamboyant competitor, Barbie's heart sank. She definitely did not have an hourglass figure. In fact, she had a classic "milk glass" figure. She was made straight up and down. Barbie fought back tears, as she instinctually slunk down in her seat, poked out her bottom lip, and sighed. Suddenly, she straightened her back, glared over at Daddy Long Legs, and with feigned confidence muttered, "Well, at least I have a brain!"

Barbie's icy comment was eclipsed by the studio receptionist's raspy voice. "Mandi Igby!" the receptionist shouted with authority.

Barbie noticed a mysterious box, wrapped in brown paper, nestled securely under the receptionist's right arm. The package stood out because it had the name: Fran Thompson taped on it. Each letter was spelled out in magazine clippings, serial-killer style. Barbie, wondered briefly, who would send such an odd-looking package to a music studio but her attention quickly returned to her long-long-legged competitor.

Daddy Long Legs dutifully left her post, greeted the receptionist with a smile, and disappeared down a long hallway.

"I bet that Mandi girl gives up the goods a lot," Barbie whispered to a slim freckle-faced biracial girl sitting across from her.

"That turquoise and pink I-Dream-of-Jeannie ponytail just screams Thot Pocket. Everyone else looks like they're auditioning for a GAP commercial. She's the only one that looks as if she is trying to put her goods and assets on display," Barbie continued.

"I was just thinking the same thing. Did you see the way she sashayed down the hallway like she had a 'for sale' sign taped to her behind?" the freckle-faced girl replied with a giggle.

"Yeah, she has no class," Barbie replied.

"I agree, she'll probably land the job because she provided the FINICKY boys with ample eye candy throughout the entire shoot minus the brains," the freckle-faced girl said with a snicker.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Daddy Long Legs emerged from the back room with a huge smile on her face. Ironically, she crossed the room, sat down next to Barbie, and began programming her electronic day planner. Out of curiosity, Barbie glanced over at Daddy Long Legs' plans for the day. She was stunned by what she read:

July 1st

1) Have hairdresser attach I-dream-of-Jeannie ponytail to prepare for chemo tomorrow. Note to self: stay strong, Mandi. The silly hairpiece will keep a smile on your face!

2) Audition for lil' Bro's music video.

3) Take church youth group to the beach.

4) Speak at National Abstinence Before Marriage Rally.

Barbie suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She had totally misjudged her beautiful competitor. Daddy Long Legs was actually a Cancer patient who chose her unusual hairpiece to cheer herself up; someone who had actually been auditioning for family.

She was also not the overly seductive vamp that Barbie had thought her to be but actually just a sweet girl who was dressed in beach wear because she was headed there with her church youth group right after the audition. And most surprisingly, if she is scheduled to be a spokesperson at the National Abstinence Before Marriage Rally it is highly unlikely that Daddy Long Legs is the promiscuous girl that Barbie originally made her out to be.

Barbie felt really bad about the way that she had misjudged the girl. She had totally been off the mark about her stunning competitor. It pained her to make eye contact with her therefore Barbie closed her eyes and pretended to be resting. Barbie thought about the venomous criticism that had spewed from her lips a few minutes earlier and decided to get help for her sour attitude which had actually been fueled by a secret envy because her competitor had been so gorgeous and had had such presence.

Suddenly, Barbie felt a light tap on her shoulder. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was greeted with a cheerful "Good Luck, hon," from her long-legged competitor. Then Mandi Igby smiled, waved, and effortlessly glided out the door.

Barbie felt a large lump forming in her throat. At that moment, Barbie decided to forfeit the audition. Mandi Igby definitely deserved the job more than she did.

Barbie got up from the sofa and swiftly headed for the door.

"Hey, where are you going? You're up next," the freckle-faced girl said with a puzzled look on her face as she pushed her auburn bangs out of her eyes.

"To find a good counselor, actually. I just realized that I have a very big problem with jealousy and insecurity and it's not very cute," Barbie replied as she took out her cell and began googling professional counselors specializing in treating teen girls with low self-esteem.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Tiffany Gordon

I am a super-spiritual, fun-loving artist, writer, & peer-counselor residing in the Pacific Northwest. I am also an Institute of Children's Literature alumna who enjoys writing about the triumph of the human spirit.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  4. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (4)

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    Reading way back. Hi, so many of us misjudge other people. But, we carry on and try to do better. Just checking in on how you are doing. Missed you in the crazy house. Be well.

  • This story brought a dagger to my heart. Many times I've misjudged a person because of my jealousy and insecurity, just like Barbie. I no longer judge people but I'm still working on my jealousy and insecurity. This was an amazing story with a powerful message! I loved it!

  • I remember this and have enjoyed the revisit. I love that Vocal unearths so many different types of story.

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    Loved the message in this story! It's so easy to judge a book by its cover :( Glad Barbie chose to do the right thing. Loved this!

Tiffany Gordon Written by Tiffany Gordon

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