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Jason Gordon

Blood Of The Ancient: Simple Teen Extraordinary Purpose

By LATANYA N CHATFIELDPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 16 min read
Jason Gordon
Photo by Beth Tate on Unsplash

“Jason Gordon."

“Jason Gordon."

I hate that name. I don’t know which of my parents decided to name me that simple name. I prefer something a little more original.

“Yes, I am present”.

It is the beginning of my sophomore year. I don’t understand why the education system is still supported. It robes the unwilling participants of all individuality. I never will understand why I was sent somewhere to learn something at the pace of everyone else. I already knew the information plus more.

The information comes to me organically. I don’t ask for it. It just flows to me. In my dreams sometimes when I am awake. I can hear a voice that tells me something and I say what I hear to whomever and then it becomes weird.

The voice. I started hearing the voice one day when I sat in the closet to pray. My parents told me to find a quiet spot to talk to the creator, so that's what I did. I was so scared that I would hear this “boom” of a voice that was different from my own. A voice so commanding that it would automatically put me into obedient check. I know I would be a different person had I heard a voice like that. I might have even joined the angels and everyone else in the ancient days. The voice I hear sounds like my voice and is gentle and without emotions. When I finally sat quietly in my closet. I heard the voice say, “let me show you something." Ever since that fateful closet day, I have heard things and been prompted to do things that are seen as psychotic. My mom and dad blame it on puberty. I have come to recognize it as a masterful way for me to gain an inside knowledge that I have no knowledge on how it got there.

Mrs. Coran cleared her throat and began her welcoming dialogue. “Okay, everyone. It is time to get your heads back into class. You all have had a long summer to daydream, smoke, and do whatever else teenagers do. Now it’s time for you to learn to be adults. Time is ticking and your future needs to be crafted now. If you haven’t thought about college the good thing is because you are in this program, they are thinking about you.

The program. Yep, it’s been a program alright. A program that strips you of any ounce of possibility in exploring yourself and the world around us. It has been a proven effort of distraction for everyone. But I am not a spoiler alert for anyone. Just a person that has been in the program for the gifted and intelligent but not really of the world of the gifted and intelligent program. My counselor, Mr. Mac, tells me all the time that the information I possess is not to be wasted in the program. He tells me to dial it back and only do what is necessary to stay in the program so that I can be recruited by the right college.

I have done this since 6th grade. Funny how Mr. Mac has been with me since 6th grade. We also attend the same church. Most of the time in the youth groups we would engage in talks that had nothing to do with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Peter. We would talk about ancient civilizations and how certain constructs were evolved into the things we do today. We even studied symbols. I only liked hanging out at church because of our youth group talks. The other people that were in the service were too distracted to even notice that a few of us were eating and talking in one of the meeting rooms. My mom and dad were helping drag the people to the side until they recovered from what seemed like a trans. It all seemed so orchestrated. It just did not resonate with me. Mr. Mac told me to ignore it all and concentrate on learning who I am and what my purpose is.

Lunchtime is always a great time for me. I get to spend 45 minutes in my world. The world I have created within. I don’t know how it happened but through my dreams, visions, and just pure imagination I have created a world that is worth visiting……….

Just as I was about to settle into my thoughts the ground shook and formed an amazing ripple effect. It looked like a picnic blanket when you lift it up to clean the crumbs off of it. The students around me tumbled about up and down and rolled around knocking each other over. Some flew up into the air! What happened next was incredible and I thought I was dreaming, but I wasn’t.

Counselor Mac glided out of the school and caught each and every student, adult, and a dog that flew up into the air. He even saved his vintage car that looked like a space shift. Actually, I think it saved itself! Then there was another person. The lunchroom lady turned into a Sailor Moon character. She came right towards me but before she could reach me an arrow hit her and knocked her to what looked like another state. She skipped the cities. The most amazing thing is that I could see into that state where she landed.

As I looked on in amazement, I noticed that I was hovering in midair. Just as I was about to grab onto the tree nearest to me. The hairs raised on my body, and I felt something coming towards me. It was the same arrow that hit the lunchroom lady. I instantly entered my world within. My body started responding in ways that I had no control over. It was as if I was in a Voltron robot eating popcorn while I did the most superhuman freaking amazing things.

I jumped up so high and flew into a shield of invisibility and disappeared through a portal. The arrow did not follow but Counselor Mac was right behind me. We landed in the same place where all the action was going on, but the scene was totally different.

"Did I just teleport?"

"No, you did not teleport," I heard Mac say.

I didn’t open my mouth.

"You don’t have to Jayahce." (pronounced Jay-hash)

I knew this was possible, but I had never tried it. “You have some explaining to do Counselor Mac. Who is Jayahce, and what just happened?"

There were cracks on the ground from my force, well a hole where I landed. Counselor Mac just floated down like he had been doing this forever. I used the heel of my feet to get out of the hole and propelled forward into a wobble of a landing. I looked around and there were buildings that looked familiar, but I couldn’t get a clear thought as to why I knew them.

Before Counselor Mac could answer my questions. A person came out of the basement from one of the buildings. Dressed in a Gandalf mixed with Roman and Egyptian outfit. I don’t know how he pulled it off, but it worked. The lunchroom lady had recovered from her travels and was now walking towards me. She seemed to have gotten taller during the chaos but now she was shrinking and looking very familiar.


"Sophenegy". ( So-fin-na-gee)


"My name is Sophenegy."

"What is with the change in your voice...and body….and superpowers?"

"I’ve always had them."

Now I was so confused. Sophia lives next door to me and has been my next-door neighbor for as long as I can remember. We have spoken to each other many times in passing but that's all.

The man from the basement began to speak.

In my head.

"Come inside Jayahce. We will explain everything that you already know."

I didn’t have a reason not to trust him, so I followed him, Sophia, aka lunchroom lady, aka Sophenegy, and Counselor Mac inside. I wonder what he is going to say about all this.

Once inside the basement, the man spoke. “You are the reincarnation of a super being named Jayahce. The time has come for your true self to be known because you are needed. Some time ago it was noticed that you were remembering things that only Jayahce would know. So, we needed to create a simulation to push your abilities forward."

"Whoa. So, I have superpowers for real, for real!"

“Out of all I have said, you only remember the abilities I spoke of? " The man massages his temples in impatience. After a few deep breaths, he began to speak again.

“You are a spiritual being, and you have direct contact with all your past lives and guides. I am one of them. My name is Olena."

Okay, this is why the whole ensemble is working for her. I knew no man could pull that off.

“ I speak with the voices of all those that come before you. We are the voice you hear and need to trust in this time. The voice that will never tell you to do anything that doesn’t identify with your true nature."

“Nice to meet you Olena. So, what is going on at this time and how do I get my superpowers to work?"

Ignoring my question Olena continued. She had a lot to say.

“Arsayash ( Are-say-ash) wants to stop you."

“Who is that?"


“No, I am Jayahce. I thought.”

“Arsayash is another life of yours. He seeks to separate you from your physical body so that you will not grow spiritually and ascend to a higher realm. Your life on earth determines your position when you transition, as you say die. Death is an illusion. You are immortal."

“That’s crazy! Why would I want to harm myself? Wouldn’t Arsayash want me to evolve?"

“As each physical life evolves, it becomes better and better because you have reached a new level of consciousness when you reincarnate. Arsayash is jealous and has separated himself from you as an ancestor. For a normal being, this is impossible, but because you have the blood of the ancients. Arsayash can overtake you and live the lives going forward. The goal is not to continue to reincarnate to this realm, but Arsayash has mastered remembering all his past lives. He uses what he has learned to build wealth and power through greed and deceit. Without Arsayash as an ancestor you lack valuable information to continue to evolve."

This is a lot to digest, but somehow it all seems very possible. I’d been having some different dreams lately and this whole Arsayash situation just brings a whole new understanding to what’s been going on.

“What’s up with Counselor Mac and the lunchroom lady, uh I mean Sophenegy?"

“Macron and Sophenegy have been soul mates of yours for thousands of years. Macron has chosen to be an aide and Sophenegy is a protector."

“Why has all this been hidden from me?"

I started to feel a little annoyed and emotional at the same time. I trusted Mac and through our countless conversations, he never mentioned anything. Sophenegy was always standing in my yard, close to my window, and in coincidental places I was going to. She morphed into the lunchroom lady, which is still very creepy.

“We did all those things to protect too,” Sophenegy said.

“There has got to be a way for you not to read my mind!"

“Jayahce, we agreed to this arrangement. It has nothing to do with lying. Sophenegy and I are here to help you in this time so that you can get back to your higher self and continue to create in eternity. The only way Sophenegy and I were able to aid you is if we fully immersed ourselves in your life, in practical earth roles. This way no one would suspect anything other than simple human living.” Mac explained.

Olena stepped into the conversation. “With every turn in ages, we have been raising ourselves. Waking up to who we are as the creators of universes. Some of us come with the mission and stick to it. Others like your ancestor Arsayash, mishandled his time on earth many, many, many times. He is supposed to help you not make those same mistakes, but he wants to remove you altogether. Macron and Sophenegy have made sure to keep you safe.”

“What am I supposed to do? Why me?"

Sophenegy opened her mouth this time to talk. “You are far greater than you know. Your ancestors worked together and broke generations of curses brought on by Arsayash. They have faith that you will succeed in this lifetime and free them all.”

I immediately felt a wash of love over me. It was like the ancestors they spoke of were letting me know that I was thought of before I was thought of and now, I had the task of freeing them.

No pressure.

(A loud crash and a series of explosion-like boom noises filled the air)

"Wha---Wha is that?"

"It is time you learn more about yourself Jayache. It is time you met Arsayash."

“Wait! I know who I am. I just don’t know what to do. Why are the walls shaking? Isn’t there supposed to be a training period?”

“You have always cracked me up,” Sophenegy smirked before she teleported to wherever.

“Mac. What is happening?"

Mac’s super form emerged. It was spectacular. He looked like he was made of glass, but it was pure light surrounding him. “Jayache, always trust your instincts in battle. Do not work against them, they become stronger with every use, and you will always protect yourself when you listen to that voice within. Sophenegy and I have and will always be by your side, but you are the true activator to your higher self and supernatural abilities.”

And just like that. Mac whirled away out of the matrix. Olena had disappeared too. She didn’t even say goodbye. Oh, I forgot. She is also me.

The protection of the matrix hologram was beginning to crumble around me.

I was alone. Everything around me was turned into a desert wasteland. I almost feel like an idiot having to engage in battle with myself.

Something was lurking. I could feel it.

What do I do? What do I- Okay, I'll go to my safe space.

I sat down and closed my eyes.

(deep breaths sounds)

It felt a quickening in my being and I was sucked in instantly to the world I had built within my mind. The outside activities I could still feel but it was a little more than a tremble under my feet.

"Breeeeeathe Jason, Ummmmm Jayahce."

Lights on every spectrum filled my vision. The birds started singing to me and I understood every note. The water bowed its waves to me as I grew 20 ft tall. I glided up into and the air. Anastinay ( A-nast-enay) and her brother Alue( Aloo) appeared next to me. They are the twins that accompany me on many adventures inside my world.

I always visualized in my world that I had a team working with me. They knew things I didn't and could help me whenever I needed backup. A Team that could help me face anything. Anastinay and Alue are in their teens just Like me, maybe a little older. Anastinay was more mature than Alue and me. She would always think to do things on higher levels. Alue listened to Anastinay. Sometimes his playfulness would get in the way of certain missions, but Anastinay would always bring him back to himself. Alue showed me a lighter side to doing things. He loved to have fun and he was amazing at showing his powers in fun ways. They can do extraordinary things alone but are better together. The perfect balance.

The trees spoke to me in many languages. Although I could not speak back, I understood everything they told me. I could feel their voice run up through the soles of my feet and then to my spine where information was dispersed evenly.

The grass moved aside for my steps. I did not destroy a blade of grass.

Suddenly A rip in the atmosphere allowed me to step back to where I was sitting. I could see myself! This had never happened before. Alue and Anastinay were right there beside me. One riding the wind and the other the Earth.

I turned to see a figure of light and darkness move about in a feverish rumble as if there was a battle within them. They were alive and I could feel their energies as they raced towards me.

"Heysanah!" Anastinay shouted and Alue slid along the ground and caused a wall of earth and rock to try and separate the figure.

"Don’t use fire! Fire will send the signal of destruction and Olena said we must show love."

There were other little energies that started to attack us. Anastinay was taking care of them with little effort, well it looked like a lot of effort. She had multiplied herself so that her beautiful attire wouldn’t get dirty. Today she was wearing her WIND WINGS on her usually stylish gold and purple armored dress. She sometimes wore the green and gold pants armored set, but that's when she worked more with the earthier elements. I thought her brown skin looked amazing with her copper, gold, and glistening crowns with crystal adorning it. Her hair was a beautiful, coursed texture that always flowed with the wind and water. She is a Goddess. And Goddesses had their ways of working with all the elements and the special abilities of others using their magnificent power from within.




“What is that”?

Alue’s wall that he erected between the light and dark figures was cracking and Alue was calling the wind to help him keep it assembled. Alue's outfit always complimented Anastinays outfit. He was wearing a darker brown and gold outfit today with his copper crystal-adorned belt. He had long loc’d hair that he used to connect to the sun for information. My favorite outfit of Alue's was the red and gold armor-like suit he wears when he uses fire to run on water.

I don't think y’all heard me. My dude Alue can run on water with fire. If that isn't the hottest coolest dude you know. Then keep searching your universe within and visualize it.

Bolts of lightning expanded my speed as I made a funnel of air to try and pull the dark energy towards me. I've never done any of these actions before. I just created Anastinay and Alue to do them.

(Whaling Sounds)

A sharp sound pierced the air and it seemed like slow motion events occurred in a split second.

"Arsayach! I want you to be a part of me. I want to feel your guidance and share your wisdom!"

The lighter side wailed at the darkness still coming towards me. It carried the emotions of control, hurt, betrayal, and suppression. The darkness wanted to be free just as bad as I wanted to go to the bathroom and have a snack, but I must stay focused.

How do I show love? How do I show love? Think Jayache. Think!

"Alue stabilize!!!"

"Anastinay water!!!"

I extended my arms out beside me.


I instructed Anastinay to push the water over me. With my mind, I envisioned a calm, reflective waterfall that soothes and helps me when I am feeling a little uneasy.

Like a freight train, the darkness was headed towards me with full force.

I tried the telepathy thing out and heard Alue singing in his head. Release I projected to him

Still singing

"Release the wall Aluuuuuuuuuuee!"

Nothing happened, the wall was still up.

The darkness was getting closer, but I needed the light to be right there with it.

"Heysanah!" Anastinay say, and Alue snapped out of it and released the wall.

The light was faster than the darkness and tried to intertwine with it again.

I was still standing with my arms out and the waterfall was now flowing over me in a thin reflective flow resembling a mirror.

The light energy became fearful and started to pull at the darkness. The darkness flayed and twisted moving away from the light. The darkness' eyes locked into mine and it knew what my intentions were.

It looked back at the light and pulled it closer to the reflection. The darkness had claimed its confidence over the light. The light tried to fight back but the knowledge of the darkness as the creator was too much for the light to overcome. The light saw that it was a reflection of darkness. They were the same. Just like Arsayach and I.

(Zapping boom) Particles fall)

And just like that, I was back in my sitting position in the wasteland. Macron, Sophenegy, and Olena were standing around me. Anastinay and Alue were gone.

Arsayash was trying to protect me from the light by separating himself from me so that he could fight it on his own. He was misunderstood, but why did he want to protect me from the light? I thought the light was good.

“It is only through true darkness that you can see true intentions”, Macron said as he helped me stand.

In what seemed like a few short minutes I learned of worlds that exist around me. The powers I dreamed of having are always present. Macron and Sophenegy are possibly Anastinay and Alue, but I haven’t settled on that idea yet. And telepathy is invasive as hell, but a much-needed tool in dire situations. Now, I need to figure out why the light wanted to destroy the darkness, the original creator. Something must be off-balanced, and I intend to find out.

“So, do we have a secret meeting place or something? I’ll need to be there since I no longer have to go to school.”

“Don’t even think about it. I will see you at 7:30 for your college counseling session tomorrow.” Macron said without moving his lips and then disappeared through a portal Sophenegy opened. She looked back at me and winked.

“I’ll serve better food for you and make sure I stay further away from you so that you can have some privacy.” Sophenegy followed Macron through the portal.

“There is much to do on the Earth Realm and now that we have Arsayash back, he will need to merge his information back into your DNA. Anytime we need to meet. We know where to find you. Going within to your world will always be the main way to communicate with your ancestors and Arsayash.” Olena bowed her head, and I was back where it all began.

It was lunchtime, and I wanted some much-needed time alone. Inside of my world.

Short Story

About the Creator


I love to write all genres and teach my kids that they can do and be anything at any time in their lives.

Check out some of my other stories, short reads, thoughts on my podcast website:

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