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In the Future Light is Just a Myth for Humanity


By RoyhanPublished 11 days ago 2 min read

In the future, light became a rare commodity for humanity. It wasn't because of some apocalyptic event or a cosmic disaster. Nope, it was all because of a scientific breakthrough that turned everything we thought we knew about light on its head.

You see, scientists discovered a way to manipulate and harness darkness. Yeah, you heard that right. Darkness became the new cool kid on the block. They figured out how to amplify it, mold it, and use it for everything from powering cities to creating super sleek gadgets that put our current tech to shame.

At first, people were skeptical. I mean, we've been taught since forever that light is essential for life, for seeing, for, well, everything. But once they got the hang of this new dark tech, it was like a whole new world opened up.

Imagine walking down a street where instead of streetlights, you've got these elegant, glowing orbs of darkness casting a gentle, soothing glow. It's like being in a perpetual twilight, where shadows dance gracefully and illuminate your path without blinding you.

Houses and buildings? Forget about traditional windows letting in sunlight. Now, they're designed with these cool shadow panels that adjust based on the time of day, giving you just the right amount of ambient darkness. It's like living in a futuristic cave, but way more stylish.

And the energy savings? Insane. Darkness tech turned out to be super efficient, way more than those old light bulbs and solar panels. Plus, it's eco-friendly. No more worrying about light pollution or wasting electricity. Darkness does its thing quietly and efficiently.

Of course, there were skeptics and old-timers who clung to their love of sunlight. But even they couldn't deny the convenience and allure of this new dark age. Restaurants started dimming their darkness lights to create cozy vibes, and parks became enchanting twilight wonderlands.

Sure, there are moments when you miss the warm touch of sunlight on your skin or the way colors pop under natural light. But hey, humanity's always been good at adapting, right? And this new era of darkness? It's definitely shining bright (well, dark) in our future.


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