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Identity Crisis - Pt 8

An ogoing drama about a teenaged boy who discovers he was adopted fifteen years back under unusual circumstances.

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 16 min read

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

You can find the others by changing the last part of link .... pt-4 , pt-5, pt-6, pt-7

Identity Crisis

Chapter 8

After their video gaming was done, Jason spent some time returning calls and texts to friends who were blowing up his phone with questions. It was exasperating since he didn’t have many answers beyond the obvious details. Finally, he signed into his Facebook account and posted an update. Mr. Rigby arrived home about 5:30 and dinner was set by 5:45. Mrs. Rigby had prepared a wonderful meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and cornbread.

Mr. Rigby – Daniel Sr. – had laid a supportive hand on Jason’s shoulder and told him it would be okay. Katherine, upon hearing the tale, had run around the table and given Jason a hug. She had come close to crying when told he would probably be moving to Indiana. Jason, embarrassed, had hugged her back after a moment and smiled at her fondly. The rest of the meal had been unusually quiet.

During a particularly long lull in conversation, Jason said, “My bio parents called. They told me they love me and would see me tomorrow.”

“That’s nice,” Linda said. “You should call them back.”

Jason pulled out his phone and looked at it. “I don’t really know them…”

Dan Sr. looked at the boy sitting there - noting the glum, angry, face. The boy was confused and scared. “Quinn, these people are victims almost as much as you. Their son was kidnapped. They’ve gone through hell for fifteen years not knowing what happened to you. Call them.”

Lorraine saw the number she had input as Jason pop up when her phone rang. She immediately answered. “Jason! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I just wanted to thank you for calling. I guess I’ll be seeing you guys tomorrow?”

“Absolutely. Also, your sister will be coming from Daytona. She’s been with your Uncle Phil who will be bringing her along with your cousins Tom and Howard. They can’t wait to meet you.”

Jason gathered his courage and answered, “Sounds good. I can’t wait to meet them either. Well, good night.” He still felt uncomfortable calling her Mom. When he hung up, Mr. Rigby smiled at him. Dan gave him a thumbs up. “I get to meet my little sister tomorrow. Also, Uncle Phil and my two cousins.”

“That should be nice,” Mrs. Rigby said.

Jason’s phone pinged from another text. Looking at it he saw it was from Laura: ‘Can’t make after dinner. Meet at our bench at 8?’ He texted back, ‘OK C U Then. Luv U.’ Laura replied with a kissy heart-face emoji.

“Anyone for pie?” Mrs. Rigby queried with a smile when dinner was done.

“No thanks,” Jason replied. “May I be excused?”

“Me too,” Dan said. The boys went to Dan’s room and closed the door.

“Laura can’t make it. She wants me to meet her at our bench by the lake at eight.” Jason flopped onto the bed.

“What about the cops? Didn’t you say there was going to be a patrol car watching?

“Yeah. But I don’t think anyone is watching the back or anything. It’s not like I’m going to be kidnapped again.”

“I guess not,” Dan replied. “You want me to go with you?”

“No, but can you put your bike out back for me. I’ll need it.”


At 7:30 Jason and Dan walked into the living room where Dan’s parents were watching an old episode of Face Off. “Mr. and Mrs. Rigby, do you mind if I take a bike ride? I need to clear my head. Dan said I could borrow his bike.”

“I guess it would be okay,” Mr. Rigby said, looking at his wife who nodded. “Don’t be gone too long, okay?”

“No problem. Thanks.”

Jason went through the kitchen and out the back door to where Dan’s ten speed was leaning against the wall. He was glad the Rigby’s back yard wasn’t fenced. Walking the bike through the edge of the neighbor’s yard behind the Rigby’s he hopped on when he got out to the next street and headed toward Lake Beresford Park. The officer in the squad car down the block was reading a book on his kindle app and never saw him leave.

Fifteen minutes later, Jason arrived at the park where he headed to the bench by the lake where he and Laura used to sit on weekends. His heart was beating and his blood pressure was up. His anger at this mess had built up with every turn of the peddles on the ride over. He wanted to hit something. Anything.

Laura was by the edge of the lake looking out over the water. The moon outlined her in a shimmering halo. She looked like an angel. Jason leaned the bicycle against the bench and walked up to her.

Hearing him approach, Laura turned. Her blonde hair, loose, waved in the light breeze. As he came up to her, he could see the shimmer of tears in her eyes. God, she’s beautiful, he thought.


Jason pulled her into a hug. As her arms wrapped around his waist, he felt a dam burst inside. All the pent-up fear, frustration, and anger boiled over. His throat closed up. Lowering his face into her hair, he held on for dear life, wishing he’d never have to let go. After about thirty seconds he stepped back. He took in the sight of this girl with whom he had thought to spend his life. Laura was 5’5”, blue eyed, and thin. She was wearing jeans and a light blouse. She was barefoot. He wanted to lose himself in those gorgeous blue eyes. How could they expect him to just up and leave her? Her and everything and everything he had ever known. It wasn’t fair.

“Quinn? Are you okay?” Laura asked, her voice tremulous,

“I don’t know Laura. This is such a freaking mess. How the heck is it even possible? I know these people are my family, but they’re strangers. I don’t even know them. Am I supposed to just up and leave? Leave you, Mom and Dad, Dan. What about the soccer team? God this sucks!” Walking a few feet over, Jason punched a pine tree, skinning his knuckles. “They never even told me I was adopted.”

Laura felt her heart breaking into pieces. Quinn was in such an emotional turmoil. She wanted to comfort him, but she didn’t really know what to do. She didn’t want him to leave. She didn’t know how she would deal with it… Still, it had to be even worse for him. She took his injured hand, caressing his fingers. “This is the same tree we had our first real kiss under.”

Jason looked up into the branches. The moon, it’s light fractured by the branches and leaves, shone down through them. The dappled light made Laura’s blonde hair shine. It caused a ghostly aura framing her face. “I don’t want it to be where we have our last.”

“Me either,” Laura said, leaning into his chest.

Pulling out his cell phone, Jason brought up YouTube. As their favorite love song – Here’s Your Perfect by Jamie Miller – began playing, he stepped back. “We picked this as our song on that bench right there.”

“Right after you fell in the water and soaked yourself.” Laura gave a small laugh.

“To be fair, I was trying to find the earring you dropped.” Jason chuckled.

“That’s true. It’s been a good year. Does it really have to end?”

“Probably. I’m pretty sure I have to go to Indiana with my birth family. But there’s no way I’m not coming back. I love you.”

“I love you too, Quinn. I don’t want you to go.”

“Screw this. Let’s just leave. You and me. We could go to your parent’s cabin.”

“You don’t know how good that sounds. But…, then what?” Laura looked into his face. Reaching up she brushed a tear from his cheek, then caressed his cheek with her palm. His skin had that light teenaged boy stubbly feel. It tickled her palm. She could see the fear in his dark eyes. He was the most beautiful boy she had ever seen. His pain tore at her.

“How could they not tell me Laura? It’s like I’m torn in half. My mom and dad aren’t my mom and dad and I’m supposed to meet my sister, cousins, and an uncle tomorrow.”

“Sister? You have a sister?”

“Yeah; her name is Melinda and she wants to be an actress. She’s fourteen.”

“Have you seen a picture? What does she look like?”

“Anthony showed me one. She’s got red hair and freckles. Dan wants to know if she’s cute.”

“Maybe he’s ready to give up on Shelby.” Laura grinned through her own shimmery eyes.

“Let’s hope so. Chester would kill him.” The two walked over to the bench and sat down. Laura leaned her head onto his shoulder. She could hear his heartbeat. Reaching over, she took his left hand in her right. Stroking one finger in small cirlces in his palm she listened to the rhythm of his breathing.

“So, you were kidnapped as a baby.”

“Yeah. On my first birthday. By the way, my birthday is March 5th, not April 2nd.”

“I’ll update that in my contacts.”

“We were at a park with my mother: Me and Anthony. My mother was changing Anthony’s diaper in the back of the car when I was snatched from the stroller.”

“That’s horrible. I can’t imagine being her. Or your father. They probably thought you were dead. No ransom note or anything?”

“No. Apparently it was the adoption agency that my Mom and Dad got me from that actually had me kidnapped.”

“Wow. Quinn…”

“My name is actually Jason.”

“Jason..,.,” Laura felt a cool damp trail runnel down her face. It dampened the front of Jason’s shirt. “You know you have to go with them. They’re your real family.”

“I don’t want to go. I can’t leave you.” Jason pulled her in with the arm that encircled her shoulders.

“I don’t want you to go either. But you have to. It doesn’t mean we have to break up. We can video chat, text, and keep up by Facebook, SnapChat,…”

“It’s not the same. I want to be able to hold you, kiss you. I want to be with you.”

“I know. Me too.” Laura leaned her head back, turning her face upward. Her red lips parted as her eyes closed.

Jason leaned down. When his lips met hers, he melted into the kiss. She felt so warm, so alive. Her lips parted beneath his as his tongue probed. When their tongues touched, he forgot everything but her and his desire to stay here forever. The kiss seemed to last forever but when it ended it felt like only a second. Leaning back, Jason sighed. “Well, at least we weren’t under the tree.” Laura smacked him on the chest.

“Can we sit here for a while? Just the two of us?” Jason asked.


Riding home from his tryst with Laura, Jason’s mind was in turmoil. He had so much pent-up anger and worry his thoughts were chaotic. Pumping hard on the pedals, he put the bicycle in a higher gear and leaned into it. The physical exertion of pedaling hard helped to relieve some of the tension while the cool night air cleared his head a bit. Turning the bicycle onto Thames Dr. he leaned into it for all he was worth. Closing his eyes for a moment he tried to just enjoy the breeze.

When the bicycle darted past his squad car and turned into the driveway at 578 Thames, Officer Michael Harlowe closed his kindle app and set down his cell phone. As the teenager dismounted from the bike, he pulled the squad car up in front of the residence. He shone his flashlight on the boy.

Jason froze like a deer in the headlights when he was illuminated. Crap, I forgot about the cop car. The front door opened, and Dan Sr and Linda stepped out. Jason looked back and forth from the cop, now exiting his vehicle, to his friend’s parents.

“Jason Trilby?” the officer asked.

“Yes, that’s me.”

The officer walked up the driveway as the Rigby’s joined Jason. “Is there a problem officer?”

The cop looked at the trio. The teen seemed fine. “Probably not. I was told to keep an eye out here because of the unusual situation regarding Jason.” Turning to the teen he asked, “Where were you son?”

“I took a ride to clear my head.”

“But I never saw you leave. Did you go out the back?”

“Yeah. I didn’t want any hassle.” Jason hung his head.

“I understand that. From what I gather this has been a heck of a day for you.” Officer Harlowe said. “Where did you actually go? Were you at your adopted parents’ place?”

“No. I went to Lake Beresford Park to meet with my girlfriend.”

“And who is that?”

“Laura. Laura Hinson.” Jason looked up, anger in his eyes. “I just wanted to say goodbye. What would you do?”

Harlowe lowered the flashlight. “I get it son. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry you’re going through all this. Still, I have orders to notify Agent Davenport of anything that happens here tonight. Probably need to call Laura’s parents too.”

“Sorry Officer,” Dan Sr. said. “We’ll make sure Jason stays in for the rest of the night.”

Harlowe took Laura’s number and address from Jason and retreated to his car as the trio went inside.

Back in his squad car, Harlowe dialed the number he had been given for Agent Davenport.

The FBI agent picked up on the second ring. “Agent Davenport.”

Officer Harlowe explained what had happened with Jason Trilby.

“Okay then. You said he was fine and he’s back with his friend’s family?”

“Yes sir. It doesn’t seem like any harm was done. He just wanted to say goodbye to his girlfriend.”

“Do me a favor Officer Harlowe. Just call the girl and check with her parents to make sure she’s home safe. Then you can resume your surveillance.”

“No problem. Happy to. I’ll call you back if there’s any problem with the girlfriend or if anything else happens.” Officer Harlowe disconnected and dialed Laura’s number.

Davenport set his phone on the table next to his mostly empty plate. He looked across the checkered tablecloth at Jalynda who was looking at him quizzically. Her dark eyes shone with reflected candlelight from the table. He noted the length of her eyelashes which were, he thought, a great feature.

Jalynda set down her fork with the bite of cheesecake she had ordered for dessert after a dinner of chicken alfredo. “Jason took a sabbatical?” she asked.

“Seems he went to meet up with his girlfriend for a farewell,” Davenport replied. He was glad the phone call gave him another excuse to look directly at the lovely woman sitting across the table from him. He had been quite happy when she had told him she liked Italian. Luckily, there was an Olive Garden nearby.

Jalynda was wearing a red dress with a low neckline that was filled out quite nicely. He liked the small upturn on her nose as well as the way she met his gaze directly. He found himself wishing he could find an excuse to remain in Deland longer.

“Girlfriend, huh? I hadn’t really thought about that. But he is a sixteen year old boy. Also, he’s a star soccer player. Bound to be fairly popular. It makes sense.” Reaching across the table she took Davenport’s hand in her own. “Wow. This case is about so much more than a fifteen year old kidnapping…, not that that’s not important, but, there’s so much fallout everywhere.”

Davenport enjoyed the feel of Jalynda’s hand in his, despite the fact that she was gazing over his shoulder, lost in thought. She had small hands and smooth skin. He noted that she had not been wearing nail polish at work earlier, but now had a fetching shade of red that matched her dress and lipstick. He hoped that was a good sign. “I know what you mean. The Marcelluses, the Trilby’s, Jason himself of course. All of his friends. Family on both sides. This type of thing flings hurt everywhere. Nobody gets out of this unscathed.”

“That’s for sure.” Jalynda looked back down and smiled at the handsome agent. His eyes were open and honest. She could read the concern in them. Agent Davenport actually cared for the people in his cases unlike so many clock punchers she had known. He had kind eyes. His hair was dark but had a light dusting of grey starting to set in on the sides. She found him attractive not only physically, but emotionally. “And I know you won’t let those a’holes at Child Haven get away unscathed.”

“Oh, you can count on that.” Agent Davenport’s smile turned serious. “Those people will go down as hard as I can possibly drop them.”

“Good. You know, there are bound to be other children involved besides Jason.”

Davenport wiped his mouth with his cloth napkin and sighed. Releasing Jalynda’s hand he leaned back. “I know. There’s no telling how many kidnappings before Jason or even after. There may be other children out there as well as adults who never knew. Whose families are suffering. One way or the other I’ll track them down.”

“You better. Now, how about we finish up this lovely cheesecake then go check up on lover boy.”

“I’m pretty sure lover boy will be fine for tonight.” Davenport smiled at his date. “Tell me more about you.”

Jalynda returned the smile and lifted her wine glass in a toast gesture. She wasn’t sure where this would lead, if anywhere, but she was willing to find out.

Laura was on the phone with Shelby when it vibrated in her hand. She didn’t recognize the number. Telling her friend to hold on, she switched over. “Hello.”

“Laura Hinson? This is Officer Harlowe of the Deland Police Department.”

Laura felt a fright. Her pulse rate jumped. Could she be in trouble for meeting Quinn…, Jason…, at the park? “Yes?” she said.

“Laura, I understand you met with your boyfriend Jason at Lake Beresford Park tonight?”

Laura tried to collect her thoughts. She didn’t know what kind of trouble Jason or her could get into, but this was scary. “Yes. We met up by the lake. He just wanted to say goodbye.”

“And you’re home safe and sound now?” Harlowe asked.

“Yes. We were only there about maybe an hour.”

“Okay. Can I speak with your parents for a moment please?”

Laura felt panicked. “Do you have to? Nothing happened. Quinn…, I mean Jason, made it back to the Rigby’s, didn’t he?”

“Jason is fine. And, yes, he’s back at the Rigby residence.”

Laura felt relief wash through her. When the cop had identified himself, she had been afraid … Jason… had done something stupid. Run away or maybe even hurt himself. The relief at hearing he was okay was palpable. “All right. Just a second. My friend is on the other line. Let me let her go.”

“Okay. Thank you Laura.”

Laura switched back to Shelby, placing the cop on hold. “Shelby, it’s a policeman. They know I went to the park to meet Quinn. He wants to speak with my parents.”

“So you’re a criminal now, huh? I knew you had it in you.” Shelby let out a small chuckle. “Laura, you’re fine. You didn’t break any laws or anything. Your main worry is going to be your mom and dad.”

“Yeah. I guess. Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you at school?”

“You bet. And don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”

Letting Shelby go, Laura switched back to the police officer. “Just a moment, I’m getting my parents.”

When her mother hung up from the officer, she looked at Laura. Her daughter looked sad and frightened. She was hugging herself and shuffling her feet. Tracy sighed. She knew how much her daughter cared for her boyfriend. Puppy love, she thought. Still, she remembered her first bout as a teenager. She had known for a fact that she was going to marry Nathan Louperman and have five kids and live happily ever after. Every time Nathan had looked at her, she felt like she was going to melt. Of course, two years later Nathan had been in the army and she had moved on to Joey. Still, when it was fresh, her crush had been the end all be all of her universe. Also, she had known Quinn for over a year. He was a nice boy who would never intentionally hurt her daughter.

Laura, expecting to be yelled at and maybe grounded, was surprised when her mother opened her arms and said, “Come here.” Stepping into her mother’s embrace she was enfolded in warmth and caring.

“Laura, it’s okay. It’s not okay for you to sneak out to meet a boy on a school night, but I get it. I’m so sorry about Quinn.”

Sobbing, Laura tremulously answered, “Jason. His name is Jason.” She cried harder. “I don’t know what to do.”

“I know. It’ll be all right. At least you kids have Facebook and TikTok. You can see each other anytime. We didn’t have that when I was your age.”

Sniffling, Laura disengaged and looked at her father.

Bruce Hinson gave his daughter a quick hug. “I guess I won’t have to kill him,” he said with a smile.

“Dad!” Laura smiled through her tears.

“Just kidding. I’m going to kill him,” Bruce said with a smile.

Laura stuck out her tongue at him. “Is it okay if I go to my room?”

“Yes. But no more sneaking out.”

The Hinson’s, feeling sad for their emotionally torn daughter but knowing that only time would help, watched her head up the hallway to her bedroom.

Young AdultMysteryLove

About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    Dinner at 5.45pm? Is that normal or do the Rigbys have dinner early? Also, in one of the other parts, you said Jason's real birthday was March 5th. But here you said it's March 7th. Mine is March 7th, lol. I feel so sad that Jason would need to go live with his bio parents. Wouldn't it be so nice if he could bring Alicia and Clark along too? That way they wouldn't feel lonely or abandoned. Also, you should publish this into a book once you're done with all the chapters!

Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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