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Identity Crisis - Pt 10

A Parting of Ways

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 7 months ago 13 min read

This is chapter 10 of a story that started for me with my entry into the vocal challenge for identity. The chapter spoke to me well enough that I continued. It is the story of the emotional drama and struggles surrounding a young man who at age 16 discovers he was adopted under some rather unusual circumstances. It is a story of pain, bonding, struggle and the challenges of coming to terms with discovering that your very core identity is a lie. Below are the links to parts 1 through 8. To get to parts 3 through 9 just change the end number of the link to the appropriate number.

Part 1:

Part 2-8:


Identity Crisis

Chapter 10

“Honey, I think that’s Phil,” Lorraine called from the hotel bathroom where she was drying her hair.

“I got it,” Anthony said, crossing the room and pulling back the bolt lock on the door. His Uncle Phil stood there, his cousins Tom and Howie behind him. Melinda was bouncing in the background, her long red hair waving in the breeze. The four came inside, Tom and Howie high fiving their cousin as they walked by.

Lorraine came out of the bathroom and, large smile on her face, hugged her brother-in-law and nephews. Turning to her daughter, she held out her arms. “How’s the Oscar winning actress doing?” Marcus walked up behind her.

Melinda moved around her cousins and hugged her mom and dad. “Drama camp was a blast. I met some really cool people. Of course, none of them are as good at acting as me.”

“I’m glad you had a good time dear. I hope you got some video from your performances,” Lorraine said, grinning.

“Of course I did. Every aspiring actress has to have some clips to display when they audition. Gotta have a film repertoire.”

“Well, of course they do,” Marcus said.

“I got some headshots made up too.”

Behind her, Anthony rolled his eyes.

“So, when do I meet my other brother from the same mother?” Melinda asked.

“This afternoon honey,” Marcus answered her.

“What’s the latest Marcus?” Phil queried. “Is today the big day?”

“Have a seat Phil. You boys want to go to the pool with your cousins? There are bikinis.” Marcus winked at his nephews. “And boys,” he said, looking at his daughter. The boys were in shorts and tee shirts with flip flops given the heat of a Florida summer. Melinda was in white shorts, a pink halter top, and crocs, her hair hanging to the middle of her back. “Looks like you’re dressed for it.”

“Awesome. My stuff is in the back of Uncle Phil’s car. A celebrity has to be prepared you know.” Melinda gave a flip of her hair, chuckling at her own joke.

“Sounds good,” Tom said. “Cool with you Anthony?”

“Works for me. Let me grab us some towels.”

As the four teenagers headed out, Marcus, Lorraine, and Phil pulled out stools and sat at the counter which adjoined the small kitchen area. “We’re meeting Jason at the police station at one. The police said they’d have the DNA results back. The detective said you guys could come too.”

“Good. Can’t wait to meet my nephew. That picture Tom found threw me for a hell of a loop.”

“I’m just glad Tom follows high school soccer,” Lorraine said. “I understand he’s a goalie now?”

“Yeah, but, and don’t tell him I said this, he’s not as good as he thinks he is. He let seven get past him in his last game. He does his fanciest footwork when he’s trying to get out of chores.”

“Well, we can’t all be David Beckham.”

“What about this couple. The Marcelluses? Have you met them?”

“Not yet. Detective Perkins asked if we would be okay with them being there when we pick up Jason. He seems to think they’re nice people.” Marcus shook his head. “I guess. They seem to have done well by Jason. I know he loves them. Christ, what a tangled web we weave.”

“When first we practice to deceive.” Phil grinned. “So, what did you say?”

“We told him we were fine with it. I want to meet them.”

“Yeah, I’d want to too. Besides, I suppose it’s not their fault. They adopted what they thought was an orphaned baby.”

Lorraine blinked. She was thinking of all the time that Jason’s adopted mother had spent with her child. Time she’d never have or be able to make up for. She fought down the surge of jealousy she felt for Alicia Marcellus. “We’re grateful Jason was raised in a good home. Besides, we’re getting our son back but they’re losing theirs.”

At the pool the three boys found an open table and sat down. There were only a few people splashing in the water and no good-looking girls. Melinda pulled one of the lounge chairs over and laid back on it.

“So, what’s the scoop on Jason, Anthony?” Howie asked. “Is he okay?”

“He’s messed up right now. Hell, so am I. Who wouldn’t be? But he seems mostly okay.” Anthony traced a circle in some water droplets on the table surface with one finger.

“That’s good. You know he scored like five goals in the Florida state high school soccer championships last year. And he was only a freshman.” Tom looked awed.

“Glad he plays soccer instead of swimming. I may have to share a bedroom, but at least we won’t be on the same teams at school.” Anthony gave a deep sigh. “It’s just strange. You know, I’ve lived my whole life in the shadow of the missing brother.”

“Why do you think I like to come to Florida in the summer?” Melinda sat up on the lounge chair. “You’re not the only one whose life has been overshadowed.”

“You’re right Mel. It’s both a relief and a scary thought. We don’t even know him and he’s moving in on our lives. What the heck is it going to be like now that he’s been found? I hope Mom and Dad can start focusing on more than the latest search parameters.”

“More like they’ll be so busy trying to make up for the last fifteen years that we’ll be ignored more than ever.” Melinda looked down, wriggling her toes on the warm cement.

“Come on guys. It won’t be that bad,” Howie said. “Aren’t you glad your twin brother has been found?”

“I am, really, but…, time will tell, I guess. I’m the one who’ll be sharing a room with an identical stranger.”

“And don’t forget. He grew up in Florida. He may be a swimmer too.” Tom chuckled as Anthony threw a towel at him.


At one o’clock Clark and Alicia walked into the conference room at the Deland Police Department where Jason’s birth family was waiting. She was shocked at the sight of the boy sitting there. The picture had been astounding, but the physical reality was a kick in the gut. Anthony looked almost exactly like Jason except for the longer hair and slightly less tan skin. Any last doubts she had harbored about their claim were dashed on the crags of a vicious reality.

Detective Perkins stood at the far end of the conference table around which the seven Trilby’s were seated. “Glad you could make it. Clark and Alicia Marcellus, this is Marcus and Lorraine Trilby. And this is Jason’s sister, Melinda, his uncle Phillip, and his cousin’s Thomas and Howard.”

Everybody looked uncomfortable until Marcus stood from his chair and strode forward. Taking Clark’s hand, he shook it. “Thank you both for taking such good care of Jason.” He nodded at Alicia.

“He’s a wonderful young man,” Clark replied, returning the man’s handshake.

“Have a seat,” the detective said, gesturing to the remaining empty chairs.

Before sitting down himself, Clark pulled one of the remaining chairs out for Alicia who practically fell into it. Her eyes were on Anthony.

In the lobby of the police department, Jalynda waited for Jason to arrive. When she spotted him walking up to the lobby doors with Linda and Dan, she went to greet them. Jason looked like a scared rabbit – nervous eyes darting like they were seeking an escape route. Dan was obviously upset but trying gainfully to put on a good face. “Linda, thank you for bringing Jason. You’ve been a great help. You and Dan can wait here in the lobby if you want.”

“Thank you. Also, we have Jason’s suitcase in the car. We’ll be happy to wait.”

As Jalynda used a fob to unlock the door into the main station, Jason looked back at his best friend. Dan gave him a thumbs up. Turning, he followed the policewoman into the bowels of the station.

As Jason walked into the conference room both women started to jump from their seats to give him a hug. Alicia stopped, uncertain, looking at the other woman - the stranger who was about to take her son away. Lorraine looked at Alicia, a stirring of sympathy in her breast. Nodding at the other woman to go ahead, she hung back a second.

Alicia gave her adopted son a hug which he returned stiffly. Jason’s eyes roved the room. Everybody was looking at him. Anthony smiled and gave a small wave. The red-haired girl next to him – his sister Melinda – was giving him a strange look, like she was appraising him for market. As he disengaged from his adopted mother, Lorraine gave him a hug. “Uhm, hi…,” he said, swallowing the trepidation threatening to engulf him.

“Jason. Good to see you.” As his two mothers returned to their seats, Detective Perkins gestured around the room. “You’ve met your mother and father and Anthony. This is your sister, Melinda, and your uncle Phillip and cousins Thomas and Howard. Tom here is the one who actually was instrumental in finding you.”

Tom grinned at his cousin. He was flabbergasted at the uncanny resemblance between Jason and Anthony. He had always known about his cousin’s missing brother of course, but seeing the two together was surreal. “Thank God for soccer, huh?” he said.

Phil stood and walked over to his nephew. “Jason, it’s great to finally meet you. Welcome back to the family.”

“Uhm, thanks. It’s nice to meet you all.”

Melinda leaned her head onto one palm, elbow on the table, and looked her new brother up and down. “So you’re the dark shadow that’s been hanging over us our whole lives.”

“I suppose so. Sorry…?”

Melinda grinned and came over to give her long lost sibling a hug. “Glad you’re here.”

At that moment the door opened once more and Agent Davenport walked in. Scanning the room, he smiled. He had a sheaf of paper in his hand. “Glad everyone’s here,” he said. “Have a seat. Jason, good to see you again.”

As the two women, Melinda, and Phil headed back to their chairs, Jason looked around. The only open seat was between his Dad – Clark - and his twin brother. Reluctantly he sat. He felt like a prize bull on display as everyone looked at him.

“Time for the big reveal I guess,” Anthony said.

The FBI agent held up the papers. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Special Agent Davenport of the Indianapolis office of the FBI. This is the DNA test results.” He looked around the room at the anxious faces. Alicia looked scared witless. Clark looked resigned – just waiting for the axe to fall. The Trilby’s looked eager. The red-haired girl with the freckles – Melinda, he recalled – looked curious.

“Look, I think we all know what this says.” Alicia sobbed. “The test is a 98% match for Marcus and Lorraine and a 99.9% match with Anthony.” He looked at the stricken boy sitting between the only father he ever knew and his just discovered twin. “You are Jason Trilby son.”

As all the Trilby’s got up to gather around their newly found family member, Alicia began crying. Clark, looking at the joyous reunion scene, patted his wife’s shoulder.

Jason felt his entire world view shattering. He really was Jason Tribly. Quinn Marcellus – the soccer player: Quinn, boyfriend of Laura Hinson, best friend of Dan Rigby: Quinn – son of Clark and Alicia Marcellus – wasn’t real. His entire life was a fiction. His very identity a lie.

Melinda, stepping back from the group hugfest asked the detective about where a bathroom was at.

“There’s one in the lobby. Just a sec.” Checking out the door he saw Officer Feliciano hovering nearby. “Jalynda, would you mind taking Melinda to the bathroom?”

“Of course,” Jalynda replied. Looking at the girl, she could see a slight resemblance to Jason and his twin - mainly in the shape of the nose and the eyes. It seemed apparent that the girl took mostly after her mother – especially with the red hair. “I’m Officer Feliciano. You must be Jason’s sister.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Nice to meet you, Melinda. This way.” She led the girl back through the hallways to the main lobby. Unlocking the door with her fob, she gestured to the bathroom. “Right over there.” Linda and Dan were looking at the two of them curiously.

“Mrs. Rigby, Dan, this is Melinda Tribly. Jason’s sister. Melinda, this is Jason’s friend Daniel Rigby and his mother.”

Melinda looked at the two, her own curiosity as strong as Dan’s.

Linda smiled and said, “It’s so nice to meet you, Melinda. You must be feeling overwhelmed with all this.”

Dan grinned. He thought Quinn’s sister’s freckles were cute as a button. Also, the coppery red hair falling in waves to the middle of her back was gorgeous. “Do you play Call of Duty?” he asked.

“Of course,” she replied. “Doesn’t everyone?”

“Cool. Maybe you can join in with Quinn…, Jason, and me sometime. I hope you’re better than him.”

Melinda chuckled. “Yeah. I could use a competent teammate. Maybe we’ll give it a shot sometime. I need someone who can tell me the real stuff about Jason. Just a sec,” she said, turning to head to the women’s room.

Dan watched her as she walked away.

In the conference room the excitement engendered by the DNA results died down. Alicia and Clark were watching in befuddlement, unsure of what to do. Their son wasn’t their son anymore. He was a Tribly. As the group around Jason dispersed a bit, Clark went up to Marcus. “About Jason’s stuff…”

Marcus looked at the man in front of him. Clark was holding it together as well as he could – trying to be supportive. That had to be tough given the circumstances. “How about Phil here picks it up sometime in the near future? He’s just a half hour away in Daytona. He can send it to us in Indiana.”

Phil nodded. “I’d be happy to. Jason has the address, of course.”

Clark nodded. “That should be fine.” Turning back to Marcus he said, “I know we said it before, but, I want you to know that we are very sorry for what you and your family have been through. Jason is a great kid.”

“Thank you,” Marcus said, glancing at his newly retrieved son and his ecstatic wife. His eyes drifted to Alicia Marcellus. It was obvious the poor woman was devastated. “Look…, maybe, if things work out…, Jason could come down in the summers for a week or two to visit Phil. Then, uhm, maybe you two would be able to visit him…”

Clark smiled broadly. “That would be great.”

“I think we’re going to have a lot to talk about. I’m sure Lori is going to want to know what Jason’s favorite foods are, what kind of shows he likes, and all the other things a mother expects to know about her son.”

“No doubt. Look, Marcus, thanks. I really hope we can be friends.”

“Me too. For Jason’s sake.” The two shook hands.

Gathering his grieving wife from her chair, Clark nodded at the others in the room. “We’re going to wait out by the car if that’s okay,” he said to Detective Perkins and the FBI agent who were standing bemusedly in a corner.

“That should be fine,” Randy said. Quietly he said, “I’m sorry it has to be this way, but you know this is the right thing.”

“I know,” Clark said. Reaching out, he shook the detective’s and agent’s hands then the two exited the room, following signs on the wall toward the lobby. The two passed Melinda in the hall as she was heading back in.

“Uhm, Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus?” Melinda said.

Stopping, they looked at their son’s sister. “Yes?”

“Look, I know this is a big mess. But, thanks. Thank you for being there for my brother.”

“Of course. We love him.”

Melinda nodded and headed back into the conference room.

When the grieving parents exited the lobby, Linda walked up to her friend and gave her a hug. Putting an arm around Alicia’s shoulder she walked her over to the car, Dan and Clark following.

When the Tribly’s exited the police station, Jason headed to Linda’s Toyota. Linda, disengaging from Alicia, met him at the car. Retrieving his suitcase from the trunk he turned to his best friend and his mother. Tears glistened as he hugged Linda. This woman had practically been a second mother to him for over six years. “Thank you for everything,” he said.

“Of course. And, Jason, you’re welcome anytime.

Turning to Dan, Jason forced a smile. “Dude, it’s been a great run. I’ll call you later.”

“You better. By the way, your sister is cute.”

Jason laughed. “Hands off my sister, Dan.” High fiving his friend he hefted his suitcase and headed to where his new family waited.

Nearby, his adoptive parents – Mom and Dad still in his mind – stood, fidgeting. His mom looked at him, uncertainty in her eyes. Setting his suitcase near his parent’s car where his cousin Howie picked it up and put it in the back, he walked over to his ex-parents.

“Quinn…, well, Jason I guess,” his dad said. “Son…,”

Jason hugged his dad. “It’ll be okay. I’ll be down to visit and all that. Who doesn’t want a vacation home in Florida?” Jason struggled not to allow his own tears to fall. Turning to his mom he felt his heart breaking. “Mom? I know it’s not your fault. I love you.”

Throwing her arms around her son, Alicia hugged him for dear life. Breaking off the hug after about twenty seconds, she wiped her eyes. “We love you son, so much. Please visit us when you can.”

“I will.” Jason swallowed the giant lump in his throat, gave his mom one more quick hug, then turned his back on his old life. Feeling like a ship sailing from known port into uncharted waters, he walked towards his new.

Young AdultMysteryfamily

About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    You were so right about me needing tissues. I cried so much. My heart broke so much for Alicia. It hurt me so much to even imagine her devastation. I still have tears streaming down my face as I type this. This just isn't fair. The Trilbys already have two children. Why can't they just let the Marcelluses have Jason? I know how stuff works with rules and protocol but God, can't they see what a wreck Alicia is and how much more worse it'll become. Imagine if she commits suicide. It'll be on them. I'm so sorry, I'm just so heartbroken for Alicia. Also, Melinda seems very sus. She want to know the real stuff about Jason. Like what does that even mean? Super creepy!

  • Brenton F7 months ago

    You've put a lot of hard work into this Andrew, just out of curiosity what's the total word count?

Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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