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Hostility vs my winter coat

Why we should all have a proper coat…

By AJ BirtPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Hostility vs my winter coat
Photo by Mark Neal on Unsplash

I was wearing a new coat. Not my coat, really, my partner’s, but it was warm inside the coat and raining outdoors so I borrowed it.

Across the road there was a queue of homeless people, or people living rough. They were waiting for free food and toiletries that were handed out every Sunday. My city had a lot of low points, but sometimes it did okay things. Such as catering to basic human needs (just food though, not shelter).

My glasses were foggy and dirty so I could only hear what they were saying across the street, those street preachers with overly religious jumpers on.

I’d much rather be wearing my new coat. I’m sure they would, too; the rain was getting worse. Plus, the sheer amount of cold shoulders people gave them both must have been felt at least a little bit.

As the tables were set up to dole out food, the one with the headset just started repeating the word “JESUS!”. I’m not sure how anyone could expect words alone to feed people. Find solace, maybe, but interrupting a queue for food? Kind of a dick move.

After screaming ‘JESUS!’, a different man put a headset on. I wish I could say they were battling, one promoting satanism and anarchy, but no. More Jesus.

“Jesus is knocking on the door to your heart!” he crowed. “You need to be set free inside!”

I’d like to go inside. It’s perfectly warm in this coat, though. No Jesus inside here…the only feeling in my chest was of burning lungs, delicately blended with sinus issues that spread mucus throughout my body. Gotta love cold season.

Unfortunately, the preachers were on the move. They’d wander around in their self-proclaimed stage area, which I happened to be stood opposite.

Somewhere out there, there is footage of a blue haired student in a coat too big for him. Glasses slipping down his nose constantly. Maybe they think I’m the perfect example of someone who needs to be saved?

Maybe I do need to be saved. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard the preachers. It’s the only time I’ve felt confident hearing them, though. Maybe it’s because I’m wrapped in this coat. A warm, encompassing embrace….an outfit stolen from my partner.

Cheekily, maybe one just needs love to overcome adversity.

I don’t know.

My boyfriend approached, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Not having my glasses on meant I was treated to pleasant surprises such as seeing a beautiful face in front of me, ready with a smile and some reassuring questions to dispel any animosity in my head.

Why bother questioning the words of madmen when you have love to fall back on?

It was time to go home. To go back to his flat, for him to shower and for me to do uni work. For us to both relax and just be us, outside opinions be damned.

No need for a fluffy coat with the embodiment of empathy by my side. No need to venture outdoors, other than to do things for him. No need to do anything but focus on the beauty that I love.

Though whatever happens, personally? I’m keeping that coat. Whether I have a partner or no; whether I need consoling or no… it is always a good idea to have a thick, warm, winter coat.

I thought I was safe when the preachers started approaching. The most recent one, the one who had claimed the headset when the first proclaimer of righteousness gave up. He sped across the road towards us, holding some kind of pamphlet.

The fact that I had kissed my boyfriend before we walked home made the approaching preacher feel like a threat. It would not be the first time a public speaker had attacked my identity, but for me it would be the first time someone directly responded to a display of homosexual PDA.

Fortunately we walk quickly. The warmth of the coat, the energy of my love next to me, encouraged me to walk on.

We outpaced the dejected preacher who scowled after us. We were able to continue, happy, content, continuing with our evening.

But that terror - that passionate animosity - has never been conquered in my brain. The fear that street preachers elicit is something unique to the queer community.

I am fortunate that I have my winter coat to hold me close and keep me safe. A shield from the bitter winds outside. A protector against the world, a symbol of love.

All that I need, really.

LoveShort StoryHorror

About the Creator

AJ Birt

History nerd who likes to live in a fictional world... also pretty gay.

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Comments (1)

  • Parliament Homebrew2 years ago

    Excellent stuff, well written, sufficiently queer. No further comments.

AJ BirtWritten by AJ Birt

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