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Hidden in Plain Sight!!

three items must be found, to get some fun.

By stephanie borgesPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Hidden in Plain Sight!!
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

This story is guy-on-guy interaction, just FYI.

“Punch out, time!” Luke said, logging out of his computer. He grabbed his belonging and headed to the train station. He looked forward to his week-long vacation. He was a typical kind of guy, tall, handsome, and very animated. He had blue hair and dressed like a Japanese punk. Luke was a Japanese and American mix. He was a blogger and a vlogger for video games at a popular café. Even thou he loved his job, he looked forward to his week of rest. As soon as Luke arrives at the train station, he craves a donut and a coffee.

By Petr Sevcovic on Unsplash

He knew where to go; the train station stops and goes snack shop. This place has it whether you need something to read or nibble on. Just as Luke turns the corner to get his snack, he stops and see’s a tall white man in a nice dress suit; as he turns, his blue eyes glance at Luke as if he tried to hypnotize him. Luke was annoyed at the man, for he knew it was Anakin, his former crush. Long story short, Luke and Anakin worked together, both were gamers, and Anakin was great at event sales pitches.

By Teemu Paananen on Unsplash

At the same time, Luke was an expert at social media and blogging. But on one event, Luke overheard Anakin talking about him, saying he could get Luke to sleep with him and be his plaything because Anakin was the CEO’s nephew and Luke was just a lower-middle-class worker. Luke did take the information to HR, but Anakin just got a slap on the wrist. So, Luke got up and quit.

By Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

“I read your blog on that nightmare theme game.” Anakin said, approaching Luke. “such detail on backgrounds.” Luke didn’t even look at Anakin and grabbed a coffee and a donut. Anakin gets in his way. “I’m speaking to you, sweetness,” Luke growls at him. “Get out of my way, Anakin, or I’ll dump this hot coffee on your special place.”

“Oh, now that’s not very nice; this coffee is delicious and shouldn’t be wasted,” Anakin said, tapping Luke’s coffee. Luke shoves Anakin and walks away.

Luke walked over to the platform where his train would depart. He drank his coffee but choked and spit it out when he read the train arrival and departure board. “Delayed/Malfunction ETA: 5 hours.” Luke went from angry to rage, “Mother Fucker!” he said, taking a swig of his coffee. “How can this get any worst?”

Suddenly Luke started to feel tired; he went to sit down on a bench. He tries to take another sip of his coffee but blacks out.

When Luke wakes up, he finds himself on a train in first class cargo, “How the hell did I get in here?” Suddenly the door swings open. It was Anakin. Luke gets up and walks away to open a door, but it is locked. “Tickets, please,” Anakin said, smiling, holding his hand.

Luke has his back towards the locked door, “I don’t have one…and how the fuck did I get in here!”

“I saw your train was delayed, so I thought I would give you a lift in my personal train.”

“This is your personal train? With all that money, maybe you should invest in some manners.” Luke said, “wait…where’s my stuff?”

“In my quarters, safe and secure. If you want them, join me for a little snack.”

By Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash

Luke’s eyes were open wide, “A snack, in your quarters?”

Anakin smiled, waving a key.

“And what kind of snack will we be having, nuts?”

Anakin walked to his quarters, and Luke followed; the train car was divided into a small hallway on the right with a room on the left. Anakin opened the door revealing a luxury bedroom/office.

“Okay, I’ll admit this room rocks,” Luke said in aww.

“Luke, when was the last time you had a little fun with a man?” Anakin said, taking his clothes off.

“None of your damn business, rich boy.”

Just as Luke says, the train jolts, making Luke fly and land on Anakin.

“What the hell is wrong with the train?”

Anakin starts to dry hump Luke on his groin, and Luke starts panting and wants sex with Anakin.

“Okay, fine, let’s do this.”

“After you find three hidden items in my bedroom/office.”

“Oh, come on…you got me horny, hard, and wet. Now suck me!”

“Find these three hidden items, and I will give you such an exciting pleasure; you will have to be tied up and gagged to keep you from squealing,” Anakin said, sliding his hand on Luke’s crotch. Luke was getting excited and agreed.

“The items are an old silver key, a gold pocket watch, and a fountain pen.” Anakin says, “pointing to the wall with pictures of the three items.

“So, I just find these items on the train, and I get some hanky panky?”

“It won’t be easy; they will be hidden in plain sight,” Anakin said, handing Luke the pictures and turning them over. “A riddle on each of them will help you locate the item.”

Anakin lays on the bed naked to temp Luke; it was working.

“Dude, you will have 90 minutes to find these three items; when you don’t find them, you won’t get a thing of pleasure.”

Luke stared at Anakin,” I’ll find these items because if I don’t, I’ll kick your ass for making me hard.”

Anakin starts the clock and sarcastically says “good luck” to Luke.

Luke shook his head and looked at the back of the pictures. He read the back of the fountain pen. “I am always ‘write’ where I need to be, pointing in the direction.” Luke was confused; he looked at the critical picture, “I may be small as a mouse, but I secure my home like a lion, and I always hang around with the gold, silver, and brass.”

“Well, that’s as clear as mud,” Luke shouted angrily, then he looked at the pocket watch riddle, “ I am always on time because I am always with the master; we are a match to a T.”

Luke is annoyed he never liked riddles, and time was against him. “So, did you write these riddles to piss me off?”

Anakin laughed as Luke tried to understand the riddles.

“Did I mention the train is speeding up, and in 90 minutes, we will arrive at our destination?”

Luke grabs some ice and throws it at Anakin.

“Do you know how hard it is to focus when your ass is just laying looking like a banana split?”

Anakin gets off the bed and does the splits on the floor. Then he bounces a little off the floor. “Perhaps you would like to do this to me, maybe…spank me?”

The train felt faster with every minute; it had 30 minutes. Luke read the riddle over and over and looked at the word ‘Write.’ It wasn’t spelled ‘right’ he looked at the desk and on a map. There it was, the Fountain pen. Luke throws the fountain pen at Anakin.

By Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

Another 30 minutes passed, and Luke was looking for the key, “I don’t see a fucken mouse hole,” Luke shouted. Anakin laughs. “It’s not a mouse hole you should be looking for, love.”

“Your right; I should be looking for an Asshole!”

Luke just read over and over the riddle; Luke knew keys come in gold, silver, and brass. Luke saw a poster of many keys. He walked towards it; he hoped it would help give him a clue; he looked at the keys and noticed one was popping out. There it was, the key he was looking at.

By Daniel Tuttle on Unsplash

“As I said, they are hidden in plain sight.”

Luke gives Anakin the finger.

“One more to go, and you have only 20 minutes to go.” Anakin smiles and grabs a small cake from a tray with coffee and tea.

Luke was getting annoyed and looked around the room like a madman. “I think I hate you!”

Five minutes left. Luke just sighed in frustration. “You know, Anakin, if you didn’t want sex, you shouldn’t have gotten me hot.”

Anakin looked at Luke and shook his head, smiling. “Can you hand me the tea?” Anakin Pointed. “It is next to the box of matches, near the kettle.

Luke just stared at Anakin. “lazy ass….” When Luke grabbed the tea, he saw the pocket watch.

By Benjamin Rascoe on Unsplash

Suddenly the announcement goes off.

“Your attention. We will be arriving at our restock location in 3 minutes.”

“I believe your stop is at the restock location. It takes 30 minutes to load and stock.”

I’ll be taking that ass of yours now.” Luke said, tossing the pocket watch to Anakin.

“Keep the items as a souvenir.”

“All aboard.” Luke starts jumping on Anakin.

Short Story

About the Creator

stephanie borges

I've been writing off and on for years; I write short stories, scripts, and blogs. I can't think of anything more relaxing than writing. I also do graphic design.

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    stephanie borgesWritten by stephanie borges

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