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Hidden Forest

What secrets will they tell?

By Jeremy WhitePublished 3 months ago 7 min read
Hidden Forest
Photo by Lingchor on Unsplash

You wake up one morning and decide you have to make some changes in your life. Your life is going just OK. You want more. Your job is going well. You have been at the same job for 25 years. Your social life is going to concerts by yourself. You don’t date because of who you are.

From the outside it looks like your life is going well. There are things you want to improve on and secrets you want to learn to live with because no one can ever know. You have been seeing a therapist for about a year. They have helped some. They helped you through your new adult autism diagnosis. They eventually recommend you go see a Shaman. The therapist knows you are not religious but are interested in Shamans.

You prepare to go see the Shaman. You really have no idea what to expect. When you get there, you are brought back and are introduced to the Shaman. You lay down on a table and they begin. First, they clear your Chakras then they clear and restore your Aura. The last thing they do is channel the Spirits.

The Spirits say something interesting. They tell you that there is a forest. This is a special forest that can help you. This forest is hidden and you will have to work to find it. The Spirits tell you it will be worth it and you will be enlightened after going to it.

You are stunned after the appointment. It takes you a couple of days to get your head around what you were told. After you recover you go into research mode. The Spirits did tell you it was somewhere in Mexico. They also told you it was in an area once occupied by the Mayans. You do a lot of research and talk to some people you know in Mexico and have pinpointed somewhere near Guatemala.

As you prepare to leave for the adventure of a lifetime you wonder if you will be able to find the woods and if you do what will it be like. You also have questions, like why were you chosen to find the woods? What makes you special. The answers to those questions will be life changing and have an impact on the world.

You land in Guatemala and the first thing you are thankful for is that you are fluent in Spanish. You check into your motel and just crash for the night. When you wake in the morning you make the decision to just explore the city. You enjoy all the street food. You go explore the National Museum of Archeology and Ethnology. You love the museum because you have always been interested in Archeology. As you are walking around you begin to talk to people. You learn about an elder that might know something about the forest you are looking for.

It takes you a few days to reach this Elder because they live high up in the Mountains. When you reach him the first thing, he says is that he has been waiting for you. You are shocked and ask how. The villagers forget to mention that this elder was also a Shaman, The Spirits had told him you were coming. You ask him did they tell you why I was chosen. He tells you no they didn’t.

After talking for a while, he starts to tell you about the forest. He tells you it is in the middle of the rainforest. He explains that it will be hard to find because you have to enter it at just the right angle. He tells you not to worry because the Spirits are on your side.

He then tells you a little history about the forest. He tells you that a Sorcerer made that part of the rainforest a long time ago. He gave the trees in that part of the rainforest the wisdom of before and the ability to learn. They know everything that has ever happened and sometimes they know things before they happen. They also have the ability to talk. The Shaman tells you that the forest's purpose is to help certain people with their problems or to get them back on track with their life's purpose. You say that is fascinating because you were going to the forest to ask for help with a problem.

He then tells you where to start looking. He tells you to enter the rainforest at this particular entrance and to walk west for 2 miles. Then turn north and walk for a mile. Then back west for half a mile. He says this is where it gets difficult. You have to enter from the left side and make an immediate 45-degree turn. You say thanks and say Goodbye to the Shaman. As you are walking back down the mountain you are still thinking why me.

When you are back in the village you take a few days to gather supplies. You find a detailed map of that part of the rainforest. You get water and food and a tent. You brought some MRE meals with you.

The morning of your departure you are feeling excited and a little nervous. It takes you a few days to reach the rainforest. Along the way you are staying in small villages. Somehow the secret of what you are doing has not gotten out. Everyone is friendly. You finally reach the rainforest around midday. You decide to stop and camp just outside the rainforest. You set up your camp and explore a little. You know you have to be really careful of the animals in the rainforest. This includes Jaguars and other cats and Pit Vipers. You have a gun and antivenom with you.

You wake up the next morning excited. You know that hopefully today will be the day you learn something about yourself. You begin walking west. You quickly learn that this would have been easier if you had some landmarks you could go by. You walk for 2 miles without encountering any deadly animals. You turn north when you have walked exactly 2 miles. You walk a mile and see some of the birds that are native to the rainforest. After walking a mile north as you get ready to turn back west you see Jaguar in the distance. You stop and try to hide. You are lucky that it didn’t see you. The Jaguar walks on.

You are almost done with the half mile when you hear a rattle. You are confused at first then you see what is making the noise. You almost step on a rattlesnake. It lunges toward you, but you step out of the way just in time, you move to your left a hundred feet to get away from it. After you are safely past the snake you walk back right a hundred feet to get back in line.

You have now reached the hardest part. You enter this part of the rainforest on your left and immediately make a 45-degree doesn’t work the first time. It takes you seven tries to get it just right. On the seventh try you feel a change in the air and the trees look different here. You have finally made it.

You walk into this part of the forest, and you feel different. You keep walking not knowing what is supposed to happen next. You finally see a tree move. You stop and look at the tree. The tree says Hello, we have been waiting for you. You say hello back and the tree asks you what questions you have for them.

You ask them how you learn to live with a part of yourself that you don’t like and have to keep secret. They ask if this thing is dangerous. You say yes it is. Then they shock you by saying that there are ways to live with it like meditation or if you have to get it out there are break rooms. They also suggest a Hypnotist that can take away that thought completely. They actually recommend this method because they know what the secret is. You ask your other questions like how do I improve my life in certain areas. They give you the answers.

It is time for them to ask you a question. They ask if you would like to know why they choose you to come to the forest. You say yes you are. They tell you that you are destined for greatness. You will cure all depression and will drop the suicide rate to almost zero. The ones that are still doing it are the terminal ill and prisoners and spies. You are stunned. You can’t speak for a long time.

When you finally find your voice, you ask them how. They will not tell you. They do say the key to all this is getting your secret permanently removed from your thoughts. You say OK and thank them. As you turn to walk away, they say that once you exit the rainforest you will not remember how to get back to them. You say that is for the best and walk away.

You make it out of the rainforest. The trees have basically melted your brain. It takes you the walk back and the plane ride home for you to finally accept what they have said.

When you get home you book an appointment with a Hypnotist. They remove that secret thought completely. Even though it has been buried deep for years you feel immediately better.

It takes you 20 years to fulfill your destiny. You have cured all depression and cut suicides to almost zero. How you did it isn’t important. What is important is the help you had to accomplish this. All the people that helped you also visited the forest at different times.


About the Creator

Jeremy White

I am from a small town. I have grown up surrounded by woods. I love to Write. I started out with poems. I did not start writing stories until I joined vocal. Writing stories is really fun. I have a Bachelors in Psychology.

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