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Full Metal Locket

A Doomsday Account

By Lauren BrydePublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Full Metal Locket
Photo by Fabian Jung on Unsplash

“Jas… wake up, we need to keep moving”. ‘Mhhmmmm’, Jasper let out a sleepy moan, the voice encouraging him to wake. “We have been here too long, pack up and keep quiet, it's early, come on, big day ahead.”

Jasper gasped and woke, suddenly aware of his surroundings, taking in the grey, dank and smelly concrete piping he had taken refuge in for the night- slowly coming to his senses he rubbed his eyes, taking a minute to gather his thoughts he began to pack his belongings all of which could fit into his backpack, a torn blanket, a tin cup with spork and, his most prized possession a small golden heart shaped locket that popped open to reveal a fitted photo of his mother also inside a tiny piece of orange rind gently resting on top of the photo safely encased in the locket, his mother had worn the locket around her neck, it had once had a photo of him in it, she had replaced it with a small picture of herself when she gave it to him before they were separated at one of the survivors camps, “I’m always with you, never forget to trust your instincts they are the only thing you can trust” she had told him when giving him the locket, the last time he had seen her was when she was yelling to him at the top of her voice that she loved him as she was dragged away by one of the soldiers into the women’s camp.

Jasper held the golden locket in his hand, drifting back to the traumatic memory of the sorting process at the camp.

When the camps started, they were said to be places of refuge, food, water, any and all seeking shelter and help were welcomed but, they quickly degraded into a hellish jail for those inside, forced labour and segregation, the soldiers consumed by paranoia convinced there were spies amongst the ranks they started questioning those they felt might have information or seek to unravel their authority, this turned from questioning to outright torture and our supposed protectors turned into wardens.

It had been six years since the events of the collapse had begun, six long, dark, lonely years since ‘they’ had arrived, unannounced, they attacked our world with brutal and terrifying force violating the surface and civilisation as we knew it with frightening efficiency. For the first time in human history, we had to push aside political differences and international feuds and come together to defend our very existence, humanity tried its best to fight off the invading force, we lasted less than four months before the worlds super powers were nothing more than a bunch of rebels left fighting a losing battle. The camps had popped up as a last-ditch effort by the remnants of governments trying to ensure the survival of the species in well defended bastions, without governments, without resources these fortresses turned into self-governed under cities full of crime where those with the most guns ruled.

The events that had led up to this most disturbing of human behaviour was the invasion of the ‘Necrogundi’ a species of technologically advanced metallic type death machines. They had the ability to repair themselves making them almost impervious to damage had a near impenetrable exoskeleton made from a hardened substance similar to steel but ten times more durable and had weaponry so far ahead of humanity it was like watching a colony of ants defend itself against a tsunami. They appeared in the upper atmosphere without announcing their presence, we didn’t know if they were able to conceal themselves with technology or if maybe they had jumped here like something from one of the old science fiction movies off the entertainment panels that used to be common place in households. Humanity was split when they arrived, some people celebrated the arrival and first contact, others were sceptical, some declared the return of long distant gods, Earth was a mixture of emotion. We attempted to open up communication with the ships that had appeared, first there were five, then doubled and within a week, hundreds of them. Their monstrosity filled the skies, huge and motionless vessels; did not respond to any attempt of contact they just hovered in place, one day, they attacked, no communication, no negotiations only destruction. The largest of their ships that were stationed over some of the planet’s most densely populated areas, and simultaneously opened up their centre revelling and firing huge energy cannons disintegrating hundreds of millions of lives and turning once bustling cities into rubble in an instant. They launched smaller crafts that ferried their soldier class to the surface, they began to hunt down humanity- no one knew what they wanted, it was clear their only goal was to ensure we were wiped out. They had no need for prisoners, no need for humanities inventions, arts or friendship they killed without regard for age, race or class.

Humanity had for so long seen us as a race separated by these things and within a day all our preconceived notions of what gave us our unique identities were cast aside. We shared one commonality…we were all human and therefore we were to be eradicated.

The sound of water droplets in the corner of the pipe collecting in a puddle on the muddy ground below snapping Jasper back into reality and out of his daydream of the events that had led him to his current state of existence. Jasper put the locket in his bag and began to move through the rubble as quietly as he could, the remaining humans were scattered, barely living off whatever scraps could be picked over in the corpses of cities, the fall of society had meant the most savage of people were surviving and encountering another person could be equally as dangerous as encountering the Necrogundi.

Jasper had a companion for a short while, Dahlia, a girl of similar age maybe 15 or 16, he was not even sure of his own age nowadays he had encountered her on the outskirts of a city. She had crept up on him while he was foraging in an old citrus farm gathering some oranges that were growing wild on the unkept trees, he remembers feeling a jab in his ribs and a voice that had shyly but with authority said “leave the oranges and go, they are mine”. He turned slowly seeing a teenage woman who had a makeshift spear, a knife taped to a broom handle pressed into his ribcage ready to plunge it through him at a moment's notice. “Im… Im Jasper or Jas my friends call me” “What friends” she replied with a serious tone keeping the spear pressed against him. “Well….good point I guess, I just think that’s what they would call me if I had any”. Jasper let out a nervous laugh amused by his attempt at humour. “I was just grabbing a few oranges and I'll be on my way. It’s been a while since I’ve seen anyone, are you living here?” The Girl did not respond. “Well I mean maybe if you wanted, we could share some food? I have some biscuits; they are a bit stale but with some oranges might be nice?” “If you try any funny business you will wish the Necrogundi had found you I promise you” “I…I won’t, I don’t mean you any harm I just wanted some food.” She lowered her spear and they began to talk about the citrus plantation and exchange information about each other over some stale biscuits and oranges.

Dahlia’s family had owned the plantation and used to grow citrus as a business before the invasion, she was the last remaining member of her family and was surviving on what she could. Dahlia had told Jas that the farms resources were nearly depleted and she was planning on moving on shortly, more and more raiders had been coming and each time she had come closer to having her hiding spots discovered, Jas suggested they travel together and for a few weeks the duo enjoyed each other’s company- for a little while it was actually nice, they had not encountered any of the Necro’s or raider bands, and even found time to shelter on a beach for a night just sitting in each other’s company enjoying the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. They had so easily forgotten the harsh reality of the world that now was, in each other’s company lulled into a false security that as long as they were having a good time together, they could shrug off the seriousness of their surroundings. This complacency cost them dearly, one night with a fire lit after dark, something they both knew better than to do, attracted the attention of a group or ‘survivors’ a group of four approached them coming out of the shadows and surrounding them on all sides. “Well well what do we have here, aren’t you a pretty little one” said one of the four men. “We….we were just leaving, your welcome to the fire” said Jasper as he tried to quickly reach for his backpack and grab Dahlia by the arm. “Ohhhhh no need for that” said one of the men who darted in front of their escape route, “why don’t you stay here for a while it’s been a while since we…. had some fun” the group menacingly chuckled. Tension filled the air and Jasper met the gaze of the man who was significantly larger than him, this was not his first time coming across people that meant him harm but this was the first time he was really scared, thinking about the complacency that had now landed both him and Dahlia in this situation and he feared for what they would do to them both.

Dahlia spoke “it’s alright, why don’t we all sit by the fire we are all in need of a bit of fun jeez” she said lightly, releasing Jasper’s grip and taking the hand of the burly man sizing up Jasper, the man snickered “hmm she knows what’s good for her ey” the other men laughed. Jasper was uneasy and on edge. Seconds later the man began to wail “Ahhhhhhh” Dahlia had plunged her knife hidden in her pocket straight into his genitals, in pain the man collapsed, “RUN!” she yelled and Jasper knew this was their only chance, he grabbed her by the hand and they ran down their previously blocked escape path. “Get back here you little grot” the duo ran as fast as they could darting in and out of the rubble finally taking refuge behind a large concrete block, they could hear the other three men in pursuit. They were loud, yelling profanity and what they were going to do when they found them. BVVVVVVVMMMMM the loud unmistakable horn of the Nerco ship sounded, the commotion had attracted them to the position. Sounds of advanced weapons fire….then silence, the two hid motionless as they could hear the metallic footsteps outside no sound from the men, Dahlia, risked a look creeping her eyes over the stone that hid them she saw the lifeless corpses of their pursuers, as she panned her gaze left she made direct eye contact with one of the Necro’s, it’s head fixed on her position it rotated it’s large cannon shooting from the hip toward her position “Ruuuuu” she was able to get out before the projectile impacted the stone concealing them, dust filled the air choking Jasper the ringing in his ear was unbearable, minutes prior they were winding down by a fire and now they had been attacked by raiders and had attracted the attention of the Necro’s it was utter chaos. “Comon, Dha….” He pulled at her arm…. the impact of the projectile had caused surrounding shrapnel to riddle her body, she was, no more. Jasper, holding back tears, knew he needed to flee, he remembered his mother’s warning, “Trust your instincts” “Run!” a voice in his head called him to action he darted through rubble, and ran for what seemed like hours finally coming to a concrete pipe exhausted he climbed inside not caring that the pipe was damp and smelly, he closed his eyes.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Lauren Bryde

30something, Nurse, Crochet Lover, My Mother Inspired My Poetry, Always Follow Your Heart

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    Lauren BrydeWritten by Lauren Bryde

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