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Freeing Azria

Burning Skies

By Billy RosePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Freeing Azria
Photo by sukhdev singh on Unsplash

7 years ago the world broke out into the biggest, most violent, war the world had ever known. Several nuclear weapons were launched and weaponized contagions were released. Pockets of survivors scattered the land but most of the population was dead or dying. Those left alive had to raid and pillage. Grocery stores and gas stations and restaurants were favorite targets. Some survivors resorted to raiding other groups.

By Ilja Nedilko on Unsplash

Azria was in the alley with the rest of her group or what they called "The Tribe" she was preparing for a supplies run to the grocery store warehouse one block south. Azria got a clean towel out of the box next to her and a water bottle. Azria carefully soaked the towel in water and then removed the now dry towel from her face and replaced it with the wet one. This now had to be done for every person left on earth because the air was thick with ash from nuclear weapons. Azria's mother was sitting in the alley next to Azria wrapped up in blankets. The air was always very cool because the ash blocked a ton of sunlight. Azria's mother was weak, her lungs full of ash and just days earlier she'd come down with one of three weaponized viruses. Azria kneeled and kissed her mothers pale forehead fully aware she was in danger of contracting the virus. Azria's mother held out her quivering hand that was balled into a fist. Azria could tell she was clenching onto something very tightly. With a ragged breath her mother said, "N...Never F.. Forget." Azria's mother took her last breath. Her mother's hand came unclinched and a heart shaped locket fell to the alley floor. Azria picked up the locket and opened it and inside was a picture of her mother when she was a much younger woman. On the back of the locket it was engraved, "Hope Endures Forever" A single tear dropped from Azria's eye as clenched the locket tight to her chest and gently kissed her deceased mother's forehead. Azria stood and grabbed the single shot bolt action rifle leaning against the dumpster and a couple of protein bars from her tattered duffle bag. The leader of the tribe, a gruff old veteran, came over and put his hand on Azria's shoulder.

"Only three today." he looked at her with despairing eyes but managed a weak smile as he handed her three .30 caliber rounds. Azria looked up at him with knowing eyes and smiled.

"Hopefully I won't need them at all." Joe the tribe leader nodded and shuffled off to attend to the weak and wounded. Azria slung the rifle over her shoulder and headed toward the end of the alley where the guards were standing watch.

"The coast is clear for now azz." said one of the guards named John who was infatuated with Azria.

"Thank you for looking out for me John."

"We have to protect the prettiest lady in the tribe."

"You're full of it John." Azria laughed and ran out into the street. Azria moved southward down the road ducking behind burned out cars for cover. Finally the grocery warehouse was in sight but there was a long stretch of street leading up to it. This stretch of road had no cover and so was very dangerous. Azria decided to make a run for it. She sprinted with every thing she had toward the warehouse. She was getting nearer and nearer to the door and she was confident she'd make it. Just about 10 feet short of the door Azria was hit in the back with a gunshot and fell to her face sliding with momentum across the asphalt. Azria was numb her body in shock from the terrible pain. She managed to roll over on her back and take one last look at the darkened sky. Suddenly a man appeared and held the cold barrel of his handgun to her head.

"Not your lucky day is it?" he laughed. Azria began thinking of all the horrendous things she and her family had gone through the past 7 years.

"No you are the unlucky one...because now I am free." Azria struggled to say with her dying breath the heart shaped locket still in her hand.

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    Billy RoseWritten by Billy Rose

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