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[FMK] C-1: The Full Moon Murders Begin

Full Moon Killer: Chapter -1 [The Full Moon Murders Begin]

By PPPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It was a typical night in Willow Creek, a small, idyllic town nestled in the heart of the mountains. The streets were quiet, and the only sounds were the gentle chirping of crickets and the distant hoot of an owl. But all of that changed when a scream echoed through the night.

Detective Jack was the first on the scene, and what he found there would change the course of his life forever. A young woman lay in the middle of the street, her body brutally mutilated, her eyes wide open in terror. Jack knew that this was no ordinary murder. It was the work of a monster.

As Jack and his team began to investigate the murder, they quickly realized that they were dealing with something far more sinister than they had ever imagined. The victim, a local college student named Laura, had no apparent connection to the killer. She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. But as the body count rose, it became clear that there was a pattern to the murders. They all occurred on the night of a full moon.

The town of Willow Creek was thrown into a panic as the residents began to suspect that a serial killer was on the loose. Everyone was a suspect, and no one felt safe. The local police department, led by Jack, were determined to catch the killer before he struck again. But with each passing full moon, the stakes grew higher and the list of suspects grew shorter.

As Jack and his team investigated the murders, they began to uncover a dark and twisted web of secrets that connected the victims and the killer in ways they never could have imagined. They realized that the killer was someone from the town, and that the murders were connected to a long-forgotten conspiracy from the city's past.

The investigation was not easy, as they faced roadblocks and resistance from the town's powerful residents who wanted to keep their secrets hidden. Jack and his team were under constant pressure to find the killer before the next full moon. They worked day and night, following leads and interviewing suspects, but they always seemed to be one step behind the killer.

As the investigation continued, Jack's personal life also began to unravel. He was consumed by the case, and his relationship with his wife and daughter suffered as a result. He was haunted by the victims' faces and the knowledge that the killer was still out there, waiting for the next full moon to strike again.

The town was on edge as the next full moon approached, and the tension was palpable. Jack and his team were under more pressure than ever to find the killer before he struck again. But as the full moon rose in the sky, the killer made his move. Another body was found, and the town was plunged into darkness once more.

Jack knew that they were running out of time, and he was determined to catch the killer before he could strike again. He and his team worked tirelessly, following leads and piecing together the puzzle. But as the next full moon approached, they still had no idea who the killer was or why he was doing this.

The investigation reached a boiling point as the next full moon rose in the sky. Jack and his team were running out of time, and they knew that the next victim could be anyone. They were determined to catch the killer before he could strike again, but the clock was ticking.

As the sun rose on the next day, the killer was finally caught and the truth behind the murders was revealed. The town of Willow Creek was shocked to learn that the killer was someone they knew and trusted, a respected member of the community who had been hiding a dark secret for years. The murders were connected to a traumatic event that had occurred in the town's past, and the killer had been seeking revenge on those who he felt were responsible.

The town was in shock as the truth came to light, and many struggled to come to terms with what had happened. Jack and his team had finally solved the case, but at a great cost. They had lost friends and colleagues, and the town would never be the same.

[Chapter-1: END]
As the series progresses, Jack and his team will continue to investigate the murders, uncovering more and more secrets about the killer and the town of Willow Creek. They will also have to deal with the emotional toll of the case and the impact it has had on their personal lives.

To be continue...

Short StorySeriesScriptMysteryHorrorFantasyAdventure

About the Creator


Psychology, Horror, fiction, education, poet, and about many crazy topics; I love to create content.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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    PPWritten by PP

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