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Fist Bump

RIP Harambe

By Jonathan BlackbowPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Fist Bump

Mshindi ambled around the enclosure on a lazy Saturday afternoon, past the plaque reading “RIP Harambe” again. He’d never met Harambe, but when he’d been introduced into the enclosure, he’d found the spot where Harambe had been. Harambe had been upset, but under control, and then he went to sleep very suddenly, and there was the smell of blood all over the place.

It was all very confusing. Chewie and Mara, the other two gorillas in the enclosure, had told him pretty much the same thing. Harambe had been upset, and he’d had a small gorilla in his lap, and then he went to sleep.

A splash sounded in the moat separating the gorillas from the people. Mshindi turned to look and saw what appeared to be a juvenile gorilla swimming out of the moat towards him. It had something wrong with its fur, but it was swimming for all it was worth.

Mshindi trotted over. This was interesting and different. The small gorilla clambered up out of the water and started making noises that indicated distress. Mshindi picked it up by one leg and it started making louder noises. Clearly this was not the way to hold it, so he cradled it, and it quieted.

A louder splash sounded in the moat. Mshindi looked and saw a larger but still small gorilla wading out of the moat. Was this gorilla the parent and coming to get the child? He looked over at Chewie and Mara for their input and saw that they were headed for the door to the small den they all shared.

The larger gorilla walked up to him, leaning down, eyes properly downcast, and extended a hand for the child. Mshindi decided that this was proper and extended the child to the other gorilla. The gorilla reached out with both hands for the child and Mshindi made sure the other gorilla had a good grip, and let go. While tucking the child in under one arm, the other gorilla left its fist extended. Mshindi thought this was funny, and performed a fist bump on it. The other gorilla looked back, saw the interaction, and smiled. Then it began wading back through the moat to the wall where other gorillas were reaching down for the child. Mshindi smiled; he had helped the lost gorilla and all was well. He turned around to head back to his patch of sun and saw three, no, four, red dots on the ground. Curious, he poked a finger at them, and they did not move or react. He howled his confusion and turned around.

Four other gorillas were all looking at him with sticks in their hands. This was a challenge! Mshindi roared his acceptance of their challenge and heard four distinct clicking sounds. Well, whatever, Mshindi was up for this. These gorillas were all smaller and unhealthy looking anyway. It wouldn’t take much to teach them their place if they would only come into the enclosure with him.

Another splash sounded in the moat.

Mshindi turned to look, and saw the larger gorilla running towards him, head down. Still not threatening, therefore not a challenge. He turned to look back at the other four gorillas with sticks, and saw the four red dots in the fur on his chest. This promised to be interesting.

Suddenly the larger gorilla was standing in front of him, facing away, arms raised. The four red dots were shining on its chest. One hand came down and waved behind it, then pointed at the archway leading to the den.

Mshindi was confused; did this gorilla mean to accept the challenge of the other four? And the gesture was repeated; a wave, followed by pointing at the archway leading to the den. The gorilla turned to look at Mshindi, and Mshindi saw tears in the other gorilla’s eyes.

Mshindi did not comprehend, but if the situation was that upsetting to another gorilla that had demonstrated proper subservience, he was willing to go along with it. He ambled back to the den door, with the other gorilla standing between him and the other four gorillas the entire way. He liked this strange gorilla.

As he went into the den he decided to see if the other gorilla liked him too. Mshindi extended his fist back towards the other gorilla and was pleased when the other gorilla immediately fist bumped him.

Time passed, and the other gorilla came back to the enclosure. Mshindi howled his pleasure and extended his fist. The other gorilla did the same.

Even though their fists never made contact, the intent, and meaning, were clear.

Fist bump.

Short Story

About the Creator

Jonathan Blackbow

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    Jonathan BlackbowWritten by Jonathan Blackbow

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