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Fantastical The Story! Part 5!

Time and the Bottle!

By Jennifer CooleyPublished about a month ago 12 min read
Fantastical The Story! Part 5!
Photo by ata mohammadiyan on Unsplash

Fantastical The Story! Part 5!

Time and the Bottle!

The bottle whirled and twirled, wooshed and shwished it's way at sea, heere and there, and everywhere, toward a final direction and outcome to which only fate, the waters, it's waves and the glorious expanse of the powers of Love that sit upon their throwns from above, watching down below ever so carefully, taking interest on the message within. The special valve that glass long necked beauty, full of magic, holds the key to, unfolding the magnificent, fantastical story being told!

Even now just in it's journey to and fro amongst the waves and the creatures that swim all about it, as it makes its journey to the place and time where it will finally rest & lay waiting to be found; picked up and enjoyed for all that it travelled there to share with the one meant to reprise the role... Oh how exciting to see what will become of the changes that await, the one to be made noble of its worth?

The charming Prince went through the deepest, darkest despair, day after day, where 1 turned in 4 and 4 days turned into 7 and 7 days turned into 77 or more? So many he no longer knew how long he had been there with the soul taker peoples, or the (otherlings' rather as they say) in the deepest darkness, of their world, where night ends and light never comes and they never see a day! They showed him and taught him of all their ways, sharing what they were proud of in who they are and what they understood about themselves, that they believed others should want to do and be a part of too!

They did not seem to understand the difference of the terribleness of the starvation of Joy with light and warmth of Sun and God and Warm summer rains and dancing free without a care in the world, a place the Prince knew oh so well, and missed being from! Nothing is like a world where you can see each persons face, separate, unique, and a wonderful delight to look at and see and understand! How can the Prince explain about colorful things and edible delights, like cotton candy, cor on the cob, corn dogs, candy apples, lollipops, flowers, butterflies, bees, honey, birds, outdoor theater, and the spring, summer and fall fairs?

The otherlings' kept on keeping with their preaching, convinced they were that he would overcome missing the world he left and that all they can grant him with their powers, here in their world of the night, that when his every vein desire, wish and need is met by all the fair maidens they've masked their females in, who serve him, along with all that he gloriously dreams of; that he'll come to see the great reward in accepting all that they offer him! And come to know and be as 1 of them knowing the darkness and it's overlords and all they offer him, so great an expanse of scheme of things that it would indeed be worth the sacrifice of all the feelings of the daytime world and Sunlight on his face and God he once knew!

After all nothing he had done or accomplished in the time he had when he was there, nothing had satisfied him, and he walked around unfinished in a state of incompleteness! So they were convinced it was them and all that they offer that would FINISH HIM, make him complete, yes to fit their ways and be oh so fine a Prince of the otherlings, and the Overlords Kind! Then he will live free, no more concern or worry about rules and a way of life and place that was not suitable to his fair princely desires, pursuits of interest and needs! Yes, perspective, and outlook, on one's wants, needs, desires, are definitely all key!

The Prince did admit he enjoyed the lavish food they did their best to imitate for him so he would be full of his palatable desires too, and of course all the wonderful clothes and service in entreating his every need that they took care to try and adorn him with, so he wouldn't miss out on missing any desire or need! Pedicures, manicures, facials, personal shaves, for men too! To help bolster his looks and certainness of handsomness and value, to all he graced the site of around him! Every day a New Face of Delight was sent to him to discuss and share in all things the overlings' could not understand, but still they did the best they could to meet these needs and demands?

But with all that he was experiencing, dreaming and seeing in the mirror, day after day in all that time he was there, he could not tell front from back... his head was all turned around, he did not know what was true? What was real, and not some kind of trick, illusion or super imposed on him? As these overlords and the overlings' did not have human faces like himself and the world of daylight and Sun and God that he knew, in their true form even their faces were covered in what looked like dark, black, or grey face masks that could not be removed? Though he never tried to date to see what's underneath for fear of what might happen if he did?

So he lives always unsure of things, lost and feeling like it was the same as to be living without any hope! He was so suffocated by their attendance to him, and surrounding him, even if it was just in an attempt to entertain him with their otherly' children, playing their otherly' night people games, similar to those children of the day, but just with no light, color or hope to understand why doing these things is so rewarding? These children the Prince knew so long as things remain the same, they will not know Joy, and laughter, with big smiles and shiny white teeth breaking free like light from their mouths, along with wonderful expressions on their faces!

But these children had none of that! No features to tell them apart one from another, no whiteness that could ever help them reach the other side, to understand what it's like to take flight through the clouds and know that God and maker of all those colorful, warm, delightful wonders, and the gift of an individual and independent imagination, each one their own! Oh the Prince knew and understood, looking at them and it all, so dreary and the same that if something never changes for them here, they will never, ever come to know, all that he knows about the world that lies somewhere out there beyond the waters, on the other side of the sea back to the light of day and glory of that place the Majesty in the heavens and his heavenly kingdom of helpers, has made, in which he himself is from!

They will just be here, throwing balls, playing frizbee, skipping ropes in the dark and dampness of the only place they know; growing up until they are broken pieces of the same identical otherlings' raising their own new generation of growth and replacement for their ongoing insufferable Otherling World to Come!

These attempts at convincing and distracting him, only made him more frustrated with his need and desire for time alone, freedom, space, privacy, and fresh air alone, without others sharing it! He had to think and plan about when, where and how he could give himself this great escape? So he studied and watched carefully (without them being suspicious of his thoughts), their routine schedules and activities in their otherlings Darkness Zone Lives! And after some days the fair Prince FOUND his ANSWER!

So finally came the day, maybe it was a Wednesday, from HIS keeping calendar of days attempt, since he found himself taken from his world and arriving in this one! Everyone does sleep, and all living matter needs rest, and so at 5:00 am darkness of a new day, the Prince finally got away! With his sandals in his hand, he quietly and softly and swiftly escaped down the sandy path of the beach next to an Ocean the Otherlings' say leads nowhere... or is it perhaps (he thought) because they've never explored it, and don't even know how to use boats? Maybe they've never even seem them, not even canoes? How can you sail anywhere either if you have no wind, or swim of you haven't the heat the water needs to be warm enough to escape to the beauty, joy, and healing it offers them?

That said, the Prince of Vanity himself was for certain glad that he knew of all these things, and was now getting a time to walk barefoot in the sands with his feet next to the small waves calling to him as they crawl up over his skin, daring him to enter into it's glory, no matter the temperature of it's place and time! He walked and walked and walked what felt like forever, sometimes in the water... that felt so good to his body's touch, and sometimes in the wet and dry parts of sand and land.

When finally something sparkled, and glittered, twinkled, and clinked, and clanged against a large stony rock, from which it could not escape, being forced up against it, to and from the waters movements and waves, pushing against it, time and time again to continue the wrap and end in the same result over and over... clinking and clanging against stony rocks (bolders) so big that even human's could not move these! No matter it was not the bolders that needed moving, the Prince could quickly understand as he drew near!

And there it was in all this darkness, gloom and colorless surrounding, all the black and grey and sandy dark arrays, was a beautiful clear class bottle long necked, with a wonderful, pretty ever so delightfully PERFECT, PINK, glass bottle topped lid, securely in place in it! And just like that, there was a glimmer of LOVE, a glimmer of HOPE, a glimmer of LIGHT, for it was a glimmer of COLOR, real color, no matter, how small the glass bottle plug lid was! Color NOW LIVED, and EXISTED and GLITTERED and SHINED in a World that has NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS! :-)

HE held the bottle up above his head, arm straight out with the bottle tightly secured in his hand and he looked right at it, like literally right through it, since it was clear and you could see to the OTHER SIDE! AHH A KEY to the answer, in taking this walk he may be indeed looking for? And the bottle though nothing to drink in it, was still not quite empty! There was more to the excitement of this moment, inside it was the most detailed care for a wrapped letter with Perfect Lace String, nicely rolled and in secure place within, was a NOTE, A letter, a message, in the bottle!!!

Oh how exciting, defying all the odds, contact, hope from the outside world, somewhere beyond the eyes site outwards over the sea moving to and fro eternally before wherever you may be? From the one (world) he clearly knows he's from. But how shall he retrieve what's in it? For he would not dare think to destroy such a breath-takingly beautiful long necked glass bottle to which this message was sent out to him in!

The Prince scowled, and frowled, and frowned, thinking hard, his eyebrows up and down, and his lips pursing, and moving, here and there. His tongue in and out, hanging there while all these many thoughts came and went from within his mind, on houw he could get that WONDERFUL letter of matching color to the lid... OUT of there without ruining the letter or the pretty bottle it came to him in? He took part of his shirt and wiped down the whole bottle, bottom to top, top to bottom, till it was dry, clean, spotless and glimmered like it was some kind of magical piece of the days he's missed! It was simply, a reprieve, a sample taste of that light he remembers so well, that lies now nowhere within his midst!

He was so excited to try and show and share what his early morning darkness adventure gave way too... maybe, just maybe, he can convince them, and turn them into believers? To end these days they've thrust upon him too, the prince thought, 'they can change if there was just only a way to teach them how to?' That their Ocean and all that water does indeed LEAD... out INTO OTHER DELIGHTFUL PLACES! Many, many other wonderful places, just like the colorful and warm and clearly welcoming place and person in which this bottle came from. This bottle is proof that there's a whole other wilderness out at sea, so maybe they can be made to come to believe that trying new things, taking chances and risks to learn and grow can 'help them to know and feel and understand how GOOD LIFE, FREE OF SHACKLES' in all the Darkness they've so long lived in and think of as normal really, really is?

If they can see just a bit of color, that they didn't create, something NOT FROM HERE, if they too just start to believe, maybe HE 'The Prince" can be Redeemed from this Punishment, this 'curse' that's been brought upon him? He was so excited about the thought of what could finally set him free, so that he can return to his world, his place and time and back to a normal life he never thought he'd miss so much, as he was looking at, right then and there while holding and walking with this lost but not lost, and definitely FOUND BOTTLE, of HOPE! That he believed if he could just get this ONE THING RIGHT... maybe, just maybe, make a CHANGE for THEM ALL, just as it needs to be and should be, there will Finally arrive a Solution, Just ever so Perfect, ending in a life of Freedoms to come, giving birth to a New thing called DAY, to their (tomorrow) one like they've never ever known, that can begin to give way to such a delight, like a Fresh Bloom of a New Spring after a long, dark, damp cold spell of winter after it's end!

Carefully he moved as quickly and safely as he could to return to the place where everyone should now be rising from their sleeps for the new dawn of darkness, where they would gather to cook, eat, drink and do all their new other rituals at this time! He was thinking hard for special words of what he could say, and answers to possible questions that may come to arise that the otherlings and their children might likely ask at the site of such a graceful wonder? And if his conversation with them goes ever so well, it should lead to a new world of wonder, a slight, sliver of excitement and enthusiasm that could put curiosity and desire within them, to want to do more, and know more about the bottle and what should come next around the mystery of what was in it, and the pink glass top that was keeping it in place? Yes, the Prince thought, Yes, Yes, THIS might just do the trick!

And he walked off into the distance away from the place where the bottle was found until he too could no longer be seen in the dark, as did the fair maiden and princess of the day herself had already done when she first herself had sent it out to sea! :-)

The end of Segment 5!

STAY TUNED... I will be back with more of this ongoing story!! You will not be disappointed, it is a wonderful piece of work, a story in a world fit for all ages to enjoy, taking you to another world, and time without even leaving your home if that's where you are when reading it, or any room, anywhere you might be in, or seat wherever you are on a bus or in a car! Simply read along and Enjoy the adventure, romance, excitement and challenges within for the characters to find their way through with you right there beside them for support all the way to the End! :-)

Thank-you & Take Care!

The Writer!

Jennifer Cooley! &

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Short StorythrillerPsychologicalMysteryLoveHumorFantasyFableClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Jennifer Cooley

I've been writing as long as I could hold a crayon! Remember writing my first story like it was yesterday at 5. I remember the details of the day, location, time, excitement & where the story was preserved for all time! Lots Born From That!

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    Jennifer CooleyWritten by Jennifer Cooley

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