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Fantastical Magick EP. 2

The young man's face comes back into view, his dark hair, those grey eyes; the closer she looks at his face the more trusting he seems. “I suppose not. You will become quite familiar with my name later on anyway. I’m Warren Bishop, I’m your Guardian.” Gina’s eyes get wide, “What does that mean, that you’re my Guardian?” she asks curiously.

By ShinyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Gabriel Bastelli

The familiar clinking of chains and rattling of doors wakes Gina out of her sound sleep. Her gaze focuses back on the same brick walls and barred door that she saw the last time she was awake. She sits up cautiously expecting someone to pop out and scare her. She feels a chill and rubs her arms; her t-shirt and black jeans aren’t serving her very well in this murky cold. “It doesn’t even feel like it's near home,” she mutters to herself.

She looks at the blank brick walls, there are no windows, and one small light hums above her. She taps her toes nervously; the last time she tried to get someone’s attention she got herself helplessly in trouble. The thought crosses her mind but flits away as she breathes a sigh, a sad attempt to calm herself down.

She walks over to the door once more. “Is anyone there?” she says softly and calmly.

“I am here…” says the same voice from before.

Gina feels a nervous pit in her stomach but tries to remain calm. “What’s your name?” she says with a shiver, “There’s no harm in telling me your name, right?” she adds.

The young man's face comes back into view, his dark hair, those grey eyes; the closer she looks at his face the more trusting he seems.

“I suppose not. You will become quite familiar with my name later on anyway. I’m Warren Bishop, I’m your Guardian.”

Gina’s eyes get wide, “What does that mean, that you’re my Guardian?” she asks curiously.

Warren squints his eyes then says in a low voice, “It means that I will protect you, always. I’m bound to you, and you are bound to me.”

Gina nods and twirls her hair around her finger, “Okay… why are you, my Guardian?”

Warren rubs his chin, “I’m not sure how to explain it to you. I felt your presence as your power came to fruition. You’ve awakened, and have had your powers as a Caster made open to you.”

Gina’s heart sinks, “It’s a cult… oh no, it’s a cult. I’ve been sucked into a cult…” she backs away from the door, her heart beating out of her chest.

Warren smiles and laughs, “It’s not a cult… we’re a society, protectors of Caster’s like yourself. An awakening has never happened to someone outside of our community. Never to someone without magical parents and we’re confused why.”

Gina shakes her head, “Dude, I honestly don’t understand you. I’m not a…what was it? Caster? I don’t even know what that is. I’m sorry to ruin your society but maybe you could just take me home? Whatever this is, I’m not interested.” She says waving her hands frustrated.

Warren steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. “Listen, Gina… I know everything about you. Our hearts and souls are connected. When a new Caster experiences an awakening, a Guardian does too. We are partners. I don’t know how you experienced an awakening, but it doesn’t change the fact that I am bound to protect you. Even if you never use your magick, it’s my duty to keep you safe.”

“Whoa… hold up twilight...I need a minute to process this." she says chuckling to herself at her genius quip.

She sneaks a peek back at Warren and he seems less than entertained.

Gina clears her throat, "Okay if you’re my protector then bust me out of here. Or can’t you do that?” Gina asks her voice low and serious.

Warren stands there quietly for a moment before swinging the door open. He motions for her to go through the door. Gina wastes no time and flies out the door. She walks up and around a series of stairs until she reaches the outside.

“It’s dark and even colder out than it was in that dusty cell.” Gina mumbles.

Shivers run up and down her body. Warren removes his coat and puts it around her shoulders.

“I don’t want you to be cold.” He says innocently.

Gina ignores him and looks closer at the location and her stomach drops. Green hills, mountains, and what looks to be thousands of miles of green nothing.

“Where are we?” she growls as she turns to face him.

Warren smiles, “Home.”


About the Creator


I am a writer, author and painter. I have a Master's degree in Creative Writing and love writing about all kinds of topics.

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    ShinyWritten by Shiny

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