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When Lana Falls Pregnant with Fenry's child she uncovers disturbing information that changes her life forever. What does she find out? How does her life change?

By Haylee MarickPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Working in a bustling city was never Lana's plan, but when she met Fenry she knew she had to be with him. They instantly connected. Lana, who hadn't left her hometown in Ohio which had only about 500 hundred people, soon moved to Miami, Florida. Fenry had suggested Paris or London, but Lana wanted to stay in the States. Lana soon got a job as an office associate and Fenry was working with some friends. Lana wasn't a hundred percent sure exactly what he did. They dated for only 3 months when Fenry asked her to marry him. She happily agreed and they quickly married. Lana's mom was not very happy. She had only met Fenry once and she didn't like him.

Fast forward 3 years Lana and Fenry's marriage was going great. Lana had moved up from office associate to manager. She was living her best life. Fenry was still working with his friends that Lana hadn't met yet. Lana had a big surprise for Fenry. When Fenry was on his way home Lana was setting up a banner that read " We Are Expecting" She happily went to the kitchen and finished preparing the baby back ribs. She was so excited.

When he got home he walked in and saw the banner. Lana smiled expecting him to be elated. Fenry read it and instead of hugging Lana and loving on her. He stormed out of the house. Lana confused, called him. Fenry didn't pick up. Lana then called his brother Swanson.

" Hello?" He picked up, his low voice growling over the phone.

" Hey, your brother just stormed out of the house. Do you know where he would have gone?" Swanson pause.

" Lana, Why did he storm out of the house?" This was the first time Swanson had ever said her name right. This was serious.

" I...Um."

" LANA, What happened?" He said shouting into the phone. Lana was conflicted she wanted to talk to Fenry first, but her gut said to tell Swanson.

" Swanson, I'm pregnant." Swanson had a sinking feeling.

" Lana pack a bag. You are in big danger." Before Lana could respond Swanson hung up. Confused Lana gather the important things in a small bag and sat on the couch not sure what to do now.

Soon a knock rang out through the silent house. Lana ran to open the door. What met her wasn't Swanson or Fenry it was her boss. Lana was even more confused.

" Mr. Disago why are you here?" He didn't speak he pushed past Lana.

"Sir?" Mr. Disago sat on her couch.

" Lana, I have some troubling news to tell you." Lana confused sat down across from him.

" Lana, This is about your husband. To put it short. Your husband is a part of a high-crime society and you are his cover-up, but this baby you're going to have throws you into the mix and puts a hit out on your head. Now Lana I suggest you run. Lose all contact with all of us. You are now in danger." Lana who hadn't told Mr. Disago about her pregnancy was startled. She was between shocked and in disbelief. When Swanson came bursting through the door. " We need to leave they are coming."

" What! Who?" Swanson lunged towards Lana grabbing her arm. Let's go I'll explain later. They flew down the stairs of the condo into a yellow Cadillac. Lana decided it was time to do research herself. She pulled her phone out and did something she should have done from the beginning and searched " Fenry Levencroft". The search can up with nothing concerning at first until she kept using different keywords.

"Swanson is Fenry's real name Fenry?" Swanson paused.

" No, his name is Fenly Croft." Lana typed that into the search bar revealing 3 names she had never heard before. Gemma Waters, Lillyanne Reids, and Raina Nars. The more she read the more concerned she became. Gemma Water Disappears After Announcing Pregnancy was the first one she scanned. She saw Fenly Croft was in a semi-serious relationship with Waters but was cleared of suspicion. The case is still open. She searched for Lillyanne Reids. She got a similar headline. Fenly Lencroft under investigation for the murder of Lillyanne Reids mysteriously dies. She finally got to Raina Nars the most recent news story just 3 weeks before she met Fenry. Raina Nars' Corpse Washes Up On New York Beach.

Lana was speechless. She wondered if Fenry had done all this. She was sad and hurt. When she got her thoughts together she asked Swanson.

" Can you tell me what you know about Gemma, Lillyanne, and Raina?" He stopped the car and let it all spill. Fenry was a murderer, but only when the woman he was with fell pregnant. He has had over 20 girlfriends all of which have disappeared under weird circumstances. He's evaded Police and the Crime Society's radar this long and it wouldn't surprise me if he continues to."

Lana was getting more and more angry she hated when people lied to her. She felt it bubbling inside her she couldn't contain it anymore.

" Why haven't you two gone to the police?" They both shared looks.

"We have why do you think they know about the three women, but every time he gets cleared." Lana was now in fear for not only her life but her baby's life.

"You guys got to get me out of here." Relieved they both smiled.

" Lana that's what we are doing. We have a whole plan where he will never find you or your baby." She was overcome with relief.

" What is it?"

" We need pieces of your clothes and blood. Then we are going to drop you off at a gas station where a trucker named Rick is going to drive you to a different state. He will set you up with a job, house, car, and new life. You CAN'T be in contact with anyone from your old life. We are staging your death." Lana was distraught.

" Can you guys send something to my parents?"

"Of course" She handed them a letter as they pulled up to the Circle K. Rick can strolling to the car. Lana thanked Swanson and Mr. Disago. Then she followed Rick.

" I'm taking you to Montana." After a grueling 37 hours, she arrived at her new house. Her new name was Rola Garret she worked on a farm as their accountant. She gave birth to a baby boy in December.

When her parents got the letter she sent they went to the police.

Mom, Dad, by the time you read this I will have been murdered by Fenry. Just know I love you and I'll never forget you. Love Lana.

It was short sweet and to the point, but the police were interested. Lana watched the whole investigation. They cleared Fenry of any wrongdoing again. Lana was angry, but glad that she was safe. She wrote a letter to her parents as Rola.

Dear parents of Lana,

You never met me, but I was a good friend of Lana's before her murder. She wanted me to write this to you if anything ever happened to her. She asks you to publish it. " Mom, Dad please give this warning to everyone. Always look into who you are with. If your gut tells you something up its probably right. Be careful of your surroundings. Sincerely Lana." I know it sounds fake but she sent me this picture of you guys and begged me to do this for her so please do.

Sincerely, Rola Garret

After her parents received this they posted this message. Rola and her son are still hiding from Fenry. Her life has been permanently changed due to not looking into her significant other's past.


About the Creator

Haylee Marick

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    Haylee MarickWritten by Haylee Marick

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