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Episode #27 It 's time to check out that Old Hospital....

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Episode #27 It 's time to check       out that Old Hospital....
Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

You and Jordan walk quickly up the driveway to the old three-story hospital. It now stands proudly painted white with accents of oak wood on window frames and doors, it has six tall white pillars on top thirteen solid cement stairs, at least twenty feet long. A roof is attached to pillars giving both shade for those below and a deck for the rooms on the second floor, the deck runs entire length of the building. A third level has only windows with no deck. The stairs lead up to a set of two twelve-foot-high oak doors. Each door has it’s own hand craving, one door has beautiful eagles, and the other door has gorgeous wolves. You reach for the doors with anticipation of it being very heavy, as it opens with ease. You step into the foyer, first thing you notice is there is no restricted area sign just to the right of first entering anymore!

Jordan walks in behind you, whispering, “Its quit beautiful in here. Look at the dual staircase.” She walks up the left side of staircase softly dragging her hand across the hand carved railing while she starts walking up the stairs, continuing with a slightly louder voice, “It’s all oak wood, hand carved too! Wow this is beautiful!”

As you make your way to the left side of staircase noticing how the entrance leading to meeting room and mess hall has a arched doorway with fifty plus round tables all set with plates, cups and silverware for five people per table. You grab handrail of the staircase, instantly your eyes close and you can visualize a native man craving the symbols you feel under your fingertips. He similes at you and continues to work on his symbols.

By Library of Congress on Unsplash

You hear Jordan’s voice coming from above, “I need to go to the washroom and there is one right down the hallway, meet me there.” When opening your eyes, you barely get a glimpse of Jordan letting the door go behind her as she walks away.

You continue up the stairs to second level of the hospital, pulling door open you see Jordan waiting by the washroom. She waves at you, jumping back and forth like she still needs to use the washroom. When getting a few feet from Jordan the washroom door opens and a woman dressed like a nurse walks out, “Excuse me ladies.” Continuing down the hallway.

Jordan runs into the washroom, “I will be out in a minute. Wait for me!” fades away as she closes the door. You stand outside the single person washroom waiting for Jordan when you hear a baby crying. It’s come from around the corner of the hallway where the nurse headed.

You knock on the washroom door, “Hurry up Jordan! I think that nurse was a ghost! I can hear a baby crying now!” Jordan comes running out of the washroom, still tucking in her shirt, “Where? What baby?” "The nurse went this way! Come on lets go!" The baby cries again. Jordan states with excitement, “I just heard the baby. Hurry up I want to see the baby!”

Once turning the corner at the end of the hallway, you find a large corner room with six cribs lined side by side in front of the windows going from center of wall to the ten-foot-high ceiling. A nurse dressed in a white nurses dress and white nurses cap stands next to a woman holding a crying baby.

You walk in, “Excuse me do you live here?”

By Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

The nurse answers with a smile, “Yes we do. I have lived and worked here for many years. I love this place; it is so peaceful and tranquil.” The woman answers, “We haven’t lived here as long as nurse Jan, but we love it just the same.” Jordan comments to the woman, “You have such a cute baby. How old is he?”

The woman answers, “He is still pretty young, only three months old.” You nicely comment to the woman, “Yes, I must agree your son is adorable. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us.” The woman responds back, “It has been my pleasure. Enjoy your journey, it’s beautiful here.”

The nurse adds her part to the conversation, “Yes, I must agree there couldn’t be a better place to spend the rest of our time.”

You head out the door continuing left down the hallway, each room has a closed door, a person walks towards you, stopping to unlock a door and walk in. Commenting,” Jordan, they must rent out this area of the hospital with all these doors closed, lets take these stairs and see what we can find upstairs.” Increasing your pace as you walk to stairwell. Once getting to third level of the hospital you notice all the doors to the bedrooms are open.

You can also hear children laughing and chatting further down the hallway. You stop and look in the first bedroom where there are two beds, both covered in cotton sheets two pillows and a duvet. Both beds face the wall of windows with a small wooden night table between the beds. An oil lantern sits on the wooden table with a box of wooden matches next to it. As you continue down the hallway you notice every bedroom looks the same.

On the opposite side of the hallway the bedrooms look slightly different. There are still two beds covered in cotton sheets, two pillows and a duvet with a small wooden table between them. The main difference is the wall of windows in this bedroom. There are doors opening out to a deck, where the beds have been pushed out onto the deck. As you continue down the hallway looking in the bedrooms you see two elderly women laying in the beds that have been pushed onto the deck. One is reading a book and the other woman is sleeping.

When walking in the bedroom you say, “Hi how are you two ladies today?”

Neither of the two women acknowledge you, instead they don’t seem to move at all. You walk around the first bed to stand between them looking directly at the woman who is reading when you realize they are wax figurines.

Jordan walks into the same room, “ Hello ladies.” You interrupt Jordan before she says anything more, “Don’t both, Jordan! They aren’t living or a ghost!” Jordan walks towards you, as you head for the door, “These wax people look so real, it’s amazing!” As she is reaching over to touch the woman who is sleeping.

You look back for Jordan questioning, “Jordan, can you hear the kids down the hallway? Are you going to read to them too?” Jordan snickers, “Very funny! I think I will pass this time.”

The closer you get to the voices of the children you see a framed letter on the wall reading:

'We dedicate this library to all those who lived and died in this hospital. May you all Rest in Peace!' From The Veterans

When reaching the library, the children’s voices become quiet. There sitting on the floor and in chairs a bunch of children either reading a book or coloring. Jordan comes up from behind you, “You heard kids, did you? I don’t think any of these kids are real. I think they are wax figurines.”

You answer back confused, “I know I heard kids. I think you are right about these kids in the library, they don’t seem to be moving.”

Just as you reach out to touch one of the kids sitting in a chair, another one comes walking in from outside, “Hi! Welcome to the Library. There are lots of books to read and even some coloring books too! Want to come outside? Its really nice out there.”

Before you can even respond you hear Jordan, “Sure that sounds pretty awesome to me. Do you live here?”

The young boy answers with excitement in his voice, “Yes, I live here with my parents! I love it here; I never plan to leave! Come on I will show you a secret place to watch the stars late at night.” He walks back out a short thin door, that looks almost like a window.

You follow Jordan as she lifts her leg up to get through the door, crawling through the door right after her. Outside is a small area with three small chairs facing out to the massive sandstone waterfall. The moon and the star are shining brightly giving a ray of light over the garden and village area.

By Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

The young boy offers, “I can show you a secret way to get back into the building from outside. Want to come?” Instantly Jordan, “For sure! I’ll follow you.”

You watch as the young boy begins to walk along a narrow path located right against wall of hospital. Your stomach begins to turn as you slowly make you way down the path, coming to yet another small door that looks like a window that opens sideways. You crawl through to find yourself in a sitting area with two couches against either wall, across from each other with an armchair on either side of them. A woman sits in one of the chairs, knitting socks, with a smile on her face.

The woman speak to the young boy, “What do you think you are doing, young man? You have been told not to be outside this late at night. Now go and find yourself a nice book to read.” She goes back to her knitting not missing a stitch. Since she doesn’t seem to notice either you or Jordan, you both decide to walk right past her heading back out to the hallway, finding a set of double hospital doors leading to unknown area.

With anticipation in your voice, “Jordan? What do you think is behind those doors? Think its safe?” Jordan calmly answers, “I’m sure it’s safe. There would be a sign of some kind if it weren’t safe. Plus, this is a place where the living and spirits can live together in peace. Right?”

You slowly make your way to the doors, looking through the window, seeing a doctor standing at the end of a hospital bed reading a medical chart. One nurse is sitting next to a bed with a young woman laying in it. A second nurse is taking the temperature of an older man laying in another bed.

Jordan puts her head over your shoulder, looking through the window in the door, “So are you ready to go in?” “Sure, why not? What’s the worst that can happen?”

You push open the door, with help from Jordan, who walks right up to the doctor and pokes his arm. Looking back at you Jordan says, “Come on they aren’t even real! Look at this place, it must have been the old, restricted area.”

By Brandon Holmes on Unsplash

“Wow Jordan, this is a major reminder of what those who lived and died here went through all those years ago. Pretty sad situation all around!”

As you start walking through the hospital room you notice a note sitting on a table so you look down to read it! Congratulations you have just received a free pass to the doctor’s house! “Look here Jordan, we just got a free pass to the doctor’s house! I wonder how awesome that place looks now, it was pretty overrun by evil!”



Just a quick hi to my readers! Thanks guys your tips are very much appreciated. If you could be so kind as to hit the heart button and share so others may enjoy an adventure or two through the Damn Pandemic!!!! Thanks a bunch! Stay Safe and Smart All! Thanks for Being You! Love and Peace and Self Respect goes a long ways...


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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