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"Emancipation Of Uncle Samson"

Nature's modes If Communication

By Philip EbuluoforPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
"Emancipation Of Uncle Samson"
Photo by Adam Kool on Unsplash


“Emancipation Of Uncle Samson”

He suddenly jerked awake, sweating profusely. He sat still on the bed mopping at nothing in particular, even the walls opposite him, he was not seeing. 15 minutes later, after a cup of cold water and visit to the toilet, he went back to sleep.

After his morning routine, Samson sat on his settee reminiscing about incident of last night. He could not remember the last time he had any nightmare that concerns him to the extent of drawing sweats all over, yet, he couldn’t even remember 50 percent of what he witnessed in the dream.

All he could remember was that a man he had seen once or twice at the café he frequents was frowning and was walking away with something in his hands.

Dreams is what he as a person doesn’t total believes in as having any significant meaning to the extent of being fused about as some people do, to draw sweat in a normal weather on someone that don’t connect or relate to him in any way is something else.

He tried once again to conjure up the image of the man and incident that brought their first encounter in that café but could not recall anything intimate in particular.

On the advice of a friend, he had entered the café to interview the manager on how their internet business is being run. He had been going through the questions he prepared earlier when the manager had granted him audience as a man that seems to be friends of both the manager and the staff judging from the way he was greeted entered and halted the flow of the interview for a while.

The man had eyed him awhile and indirectly questions the manager to know what was going on between them and that his intrusion made Samson to also pay unduly attention to the man.

He wore short sleeve packet shirt on a black woolen trousers. His biceps were all covered in tattoos that Samson guessed covers all his whole body judging from the ones he could glean from his neck. Tattoos are fashion that doesn’t appeal to him then or now. He couldn’t just understand why people does injustice like that to themselves. There must be evil spirit behind such actions he concluded.

The man is of medium weight with deep voice that sounds like echo to him. He has this penchant for demonstrating with his hands whatever is coming out of his mouths as if he was speaking to a foreigner that doesn’t understand the language.

The manager had spent about ten to fifteen minutes attending to the man by himself before returning to him. On his way out, the man had tapped him on the shoulder in the name of greeting.

Now, what was that the analyzers of dream taught on how to decode dreams and their meanings?

“ How does one begins to decode what he don't even recall 60 percent?” he queried himself.

They said that dreams are of three types:

The one that comes from heaven,

The one that is from hell,

And the one where your heart is playing games with you.

So, where does this morning dream comes from?

He had spent only about 15 minutes in the presence of the man about seven days ago, why did he start appearing in his dream when he had no direct business with him?

He decided that the third category of the dream analysis makes more sense in his setting. It must be his tired mind playing tricks on him. “But why would I be sweating like a man exercising or fighting if it’s just my subconscious playing games with me?” he asked.

The first two don't make sense, if heaven was communicating with him, why sweat?, secondly, why would a man he don’t know from Adam or had any business with will start fighting with him or made him to sweat the way he did for he don't even recall engaging with the man in any tango in the dream apart from seeing him walking away with a bag in his left hand?.

He don't like the tattoos on the man, it depicts negativity and the man's deep voice wasn't helping issues, it doesn’t march anything positive he could recall. All those not withstanding, he concluded that the third option seems the most logical one to go with.

He recalled reading somewhere to always cancel dreams especially ones that involves fight, eating, running, sex and crying etc. Whether they favoured you or not. According to the book, if the dream is from God, it would stand your cancelling and if it is from Satan, you would have defeated whatever plans and plots they lined up for you. He had heeded that instructions during his morning prayers.

Picking up his file, phone and laptop, he went down stairs heading towards bus station. He boarded a bus, sat down waiting for the driver to take off. On looking out of the window, there was the man in his dream coming out of the supermarket besides the station with him was Kate his girlfriend carrying shopping bags and talking animatedly with the man as both heads towards a SUV that packed not far from there. He checked his time and it said: 8:35am.

He got transfixed at the image before him that he don't even knew when the driver entered till the bus started moving.

Kate has been his girlfriend for four years now since they finished service, she had gotten work at Mr. Biggs the fast food joint and he at the electricity generating company. Initially, their relationship had been solid and he had this plan of settling down with her later in the year, but suddenly about three months ago, the relationship began to take another shape that was confusing to Samson. Kate suddenly began to exhibits behaviours he has never witnessed from her, she started getting angary at nothing, if it is not her phone performing strange, it was her forgetting to pick the phone while leaving the house.

He suddenly recalled the dream and the sweat, he unconsciously picked his phone, dialed the number he could not recall and when it rang, he screamed into it “This is crazy” all heads turned towards him as he continued shouting into the phone.


About the Creator

Philip Ebuluofor


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