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Eli the Elephant

How Elephants got trunks.

By Rebecca HackneyPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

It was a hot day in the African landscape and all Eli wanted was a drink of water. So he walked on down to the local watering hole which wasn’t easy for Eli because he was a big, fat and round mammal. His skin was a grayish color and got easily dried out, so occasionally he rolled around in the water when no one else was around. Today was especially hot so Eli dreaded having to walk to the watering hole because it was right in the sun so his skin would be extra dry. Still though he made his way down to get a drink of the cool water.

However when he got there he was shocked because the watering hole seemed to have shrunk. Where the once flowing water sat was a crater. All the animals were gathered around trying to see where the water went. Eli got a closer look and saw that the water was still there just at the very bottom of the hole. The animals were puzzled and started trying to figure out how to get the water out.

Eli figured he was the biggest animal there if he could get to the water somehow then he could share it. He tried to reach down with his feet but couldn’t quite get it. He tried to think of something else then realized he could stretch his legs. So Eli went over to where some rocks and trees were. He stuck his feet in between the rocks and used his nose, which was long but not too long, to hook to a tree branch. Then he pulled and pulled with all his might.

Eli looked down but his legs were still the same length however his nose wasn’t. His nose was stretching and soon it was to his chest. Eli thought he would use his new nose, which he called a trunk, to reach the water but it still want long enough. So Eli went back and stretched his trunk even more until it reached his knees and almost touched the ground. He raced back to the watering hole and sure enough he could reach the bottom!

Eli sucked up the water and sprayed it on his back helping his dry skin. Soon the other animals came and asked for water. They dug a smaller hole that everyone could reach and Eli filled it with water with his new trunk. The animals were grateful for Eli and gave him the name Elephant. Every time the watering hole feel short Eli was there to fill it back up.


About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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