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'Donor' part II

A continuation...

By Deborah RobinsonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The moon shone, but her intense light was somehow dazzling my fragile eyes. A face slowly morphed out of her shadows and craters. She grinned. And winked. I couldn't remember the moon ever being this bright before.

''Agent 20. Sarah. Can you hear me?''

She was mouthing something at me, but I couldn't hear what she was trying to say. Suddenly, her face took on a frightened look as she glanced beyond my shoulder. She was yelling, but I still couldn't hear her. I tried to shout. To say I couldn't hear her, but my lips and my voice wouldn't work. My tongue lay thick and useless in my mouth.

''Good. She's fully relaxed. She's conscious, but not aware of us or of what we're doing. Please proceed.''

The moon was crying now. I wanted to reach out to her, but she was so far away, and I couldn't move my arms.

An echoey voice: ''Ok, good. She's fully submerged. We need to keep an eye on her stats for a few hours, but then she should be stable, and we can begin harvesting. Good work everyone. The Director will be pleased. His condition has deteriorated. Let's reconvene in my office in ten minutes' time.''

The moon had stopped crying, and her face once again morphed, but this time into a passive, distant state. I relaxed with her. I let darkness welcome me into a soft embrace.

''Sarah, Sarah! Where are you? Come home, please.''

Mother? I'm here! I tried to scream, to tell her where I was, but I couldn't move my paralysed limbs or tongue. Her face swam before me. She had her hair tied up in a messy bun and her skin was glowing with health and fresh air. She was wearing the little heart shaped locket around her neck that Rebecca and I had bought her for her last birthday. She had miniature pictures of each of us inside. She smiled.

''Ah there you are. But why do you look so ill? And you hair! What have they done? They have taken your beautiful hair!''

My mother's face became distorted and angry. She was yelling and screaming something, but it was all in silence.

Mother! Mother! Don't leave. I was screaming for her inside my head, but her face faded away. I fell into the darkness once more, welcoming oblivion.


A shock of cold air. Hands grabbed me by the arms. Something soft was pushed over my head.

''Sarah. Wake up! Wake up!''

A sting of sharp fire slid up my neck. More lasers of heat slid up my inner thigh. Something soft was pushed up my legs and around my waist.

Something was ripped from my scalp. A vague sense that it should hurt, but I couldn't seem to care. Then something soft was pushed down over my head.

''Sarah! Come on. Please try to stand.'' A hushed and panicked voice. A male voice. Familiar.

Cold, night air. My vision was blurry, but I saw headlights. Strong arms supported me as I stumbled. A familiar scent of someone I knew I must love. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew I must move. Figures came towards me.

''I've got her. Quick, lay her across the back seats. I'll sit with her. She's awake, but still out of it.''

''How did you get here out of the aqua chamber?'' Another voice. So familiar. A girl.

''I had help. We used the hoist. They had just finished the first harvest, so we only had twenty minutes before they came back. We need to go.''


Car doors slammed, and someone stroked my arm. My head lay heavy on the lap of someone I knew I loved, but my mind was lost in a fog of vague memories

''It's ok now, Sarah. You're safe.''

Darkness once again pulled me into her soft arms, and I slept.

Thank you very much for reading this second 'continuation' of 'Donor' which you can find if you click on this link:

I hadn't planned on taking the story any further, but I couldn't just leave Sarah at the mercy of Doctor McKay now, could I?

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Deborah Robinson

I'm new to the 'writing for real' scene. Previously, I've kept my poetry and writing under wraps in a fancy notebook, but now I've decided to give it a proper go!

I hope you enjoy my work.

Thanks, Deborah.

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    Deborah RobinsonWritten by Deborah Robinson

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