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Don't Leap Now

An unlikely lifesaver, a midnight adventure, and a search for home.

By Holly PheniPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read
Don't Leap Now
Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash

The bridge felt higher than he’d expected, not that it should matter now. Trying not to look down, he gazed upward. The 2AM sky was speckled with stars.

Not many passing cars tonight. He supposed that was best: no name, no witnesses, no mourners. His breath shuddered at the thought, and at the cool breeze that came in like a cruel slap.

They won’t miss me.

“Heeeeey good lookin’!” a voice crowed. “Good to see ya!”

He glanced around. No one. There were shadows, but the owner of the squawking voice didn’t seem concerned with sneaking.

“Who’s your buddy?” The voice was closer now, just over his shoulder.

He jerked his head to the left and saw an odd sight -- a miniscule figure waddling towards him atop the railing of the bridge. Swaggering might be more like it. The parrot – or some similar bird – emerged into the moonlight. Its feathers were vivid blue, like a peacock’s. It had a bright red beak and big yellow eyes that widened each time it spoke.

“Heeeey good lookin’! Good to see ya!”

By Jenn on Unsplash

He had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was on the outside of the rail, struggling to make peace with one final decision. Then here comes this bird, acting like the only creature in the world who would be happy to see me.

“Whatcha doing?”

Is it more absurd to answer? “Ummm…I was going to…to jump.”

“Jump around! Let’s dance buddy! You got the moves!” The bird tilted its neck back and swayed to the music in its head.

The little character sure had a lot of personality. He offered the bird a token head bob to go with its trick and it hooted in response. “Yooooooou got it!”

Now they were dancing, giggling -- preposterous. He was having fun -- on the bridge where he came to…

How surprising that joy could coexist with pain, even in such a desperate moment.

He would follow through once the bird left, he told himself. May as well enjoy his last night on earth.

“Look! Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning!” So, his new friend was well read.

“I suppose we could stay up till morning.”

“Good morning sunshine! Heeeey. Where’s Lisa?”

“Who’s Lisa?”

“Lisa mom. Lisa home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home, Toto.”

“Lisa must be your person. Okay, little dude. Where do we find Lisa?”

“I dunno. Ju know?”

I know the bay will be here tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that. I can jump tomorrow. He couldn’t just leap and leave the friendly little fellow to look for Lisa all alone in the dark.

Climbing to the safer side of the rail, he extended his hand. The bird fluttered to his shoulder. It was a bit of a lopsided flight. He couldn’t have come very far.

As they strolled the dark sidewalk, the bird began to call, “Lisa! Liiiiiisa! Gimme a kiss! Lisa!”

If only someone cared as much about me as this little animal does about Lisa… The muse gave him a bittersweet smile.

Lisa was probably asleep, unaware her feathered friend was out dancing. As they walked, the breeze from the water blew across his face, and he noticed the smell of salt from the bay.

The full moon shone down on the path in a peculiar way that night, it seemed to the two travelers as if it was showing them the way. “Heeeey Lisa!”

“Hey bird, that was right in my ear!” He couldn’t help laughing, though. Even the sharp ringing in his ear was another thing to care about. Wandering the midnight streets, he felt a keen sense of purpose in finding his new friend a safe place to land. He felt alive.

“Sorry, not sorry,” the bird squawked. He laughed even more. If joy was still possible, maybe living was too.

“Sing.” The word came as an order from his tiny companion. “I’m as happy as a king, feeling good and everything, just like a bird in the spring, I gotta let it out…”

He recognized the jazzy tune and chimed in, “Everybody loves my baby, but my baby don’t love nobody but me, nobody but me.”

“That’s right, dude. Look! Lisa home! There’s no place like home!” the bird suddenly took off in flight toward a small house. The place was charming, painted pale yellow with a bright blue door. Even under the soft glow of the streetlamp, it radiated a welcoming light of its own.

He had to run to keep up. By the time the bird landed on the doorknob and began pecking at the wood, he could feel his heart’s rapid beating. A light sweat beaded on his forehead, and he panted as the subconscious took stock: breathing, heartbeat, tired, alive. “Are you sure this is it, bird?”

“Honey! I’m home! Liiiiisaaaaa!”

A light switched on. The door cracked and a young woman peeked out. She hugged a purple bathrobe wrapped around her, and red hair fell in waves around her shoulders. Even in the dark he was struck by the blueness of her eyes, and the warmth behind them when she smiled in delight.

“Toto! Oh, baby I missed you so much!”

The bird kissed her cheek enthusiastically, making a smoochy “Mwa!” with each peck. Her giggle was like music.

“Thank you so much for bringing him home! I’m Lisa.” She offered her hand.

He shook it, the warmth of human touch brought an electric tingle. “Jack. Nice to meet you. It was no trouble. He was sort of a lifesaver tonight, actually.”

“Won’t you come in? You look like you could use a coffee, and then you can tell me all about the adventures of Jack and Toto. I mean, unless you have plans…”

He smiled. “I don’t have any plans, no.”

Not anymore.

Short Story

About the Creator

Holly Pheni

This page is for dreamchasing, adventure, and catharsis. Hope my musings connect with others out there.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  4. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (16)

  • Test9 months ago

    Super!!! Excellent story!!!

  • Great Story💚📝✌️

  • Tiffany Gordon about a year ago

    What a supercute story! So charming & full of life! Spectacular job Holly! What a gem this is! I'm so glad I found it! BRAVO!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😊

  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    Such a beautiful story❤️ Love Toto. Love the song too❤️

  • Ersin Yıldızhanabout a year ago

    I'm in love with your imagination 🥰

  • Mohamed Jakkathabout a year ago

    This is a heartwarming and touching story of an unlikely lifesaver in the form of a bird that brings joy and purpose to the protagonist's life. The author's descriptions and attention to detail are impressive, bringing to life the bridge, the bird, and the setting. The story highlights the idea that even in the darkest of moments, joy and happiness can still be found. The ending is satisfying, leaving the reader with a sense of hope and contentment. I wish you all the best in your writing journey, Holly Pheni! Keep up the good work!

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Brilliant & beautiful story!!! Love this💖💖💕

  • Rick Henry Christopher about a year ago

    What a heartwarming story. I love it.

  • Testabout a year ago

    Fantastic and uplifting, Holly! Bravo 💕🙂

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    What a wonderful, heartwarming tale. Love it.

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Omg, my heart swooned at the Peter Pan line! 😍😍 That was gorgeous and so, so fitting! This is such a sweet, emotional story! I really love how you approached this challenge. You are such a talented story-teller, Holly! 😍❤️

  • Quincy.Vabout a year ago

    A delightful journey that takes me to new places and allows me to experience a multitude of emotions.👌👍🧡

  • Alina Zabout a year ago

    Your story could melt a glacier's heart, how candid and sweet! I did not get all the references ("Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning") but I didn't need to, the parrot was spot on! I liked how the exuberance of the parrot brings back Jack's sense of purpose, one song at a time!

  • Omgggg, I loved the Peter Pan reference! Toto is sooo adorable and I'm so glad he managed to stop Jack even if that wasn't his intention. Fantastic story!

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    Awww, this was such an emotional journey in such a short span. I could feel Jack's heart and mind thawing and coming back to life as the story unfurled. Beautiful storytelling :)

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Such a sweet story! I loved it!

Holly PheniWritten by Holly Pheni

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