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Don't Forget about your password

Everything could be stolen

By Lee RobyPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Reset Your Password is the last message I sent myself to save my work from being destroyed from a Hacker. They had eyes in the sky and were watching me from cameras embedded in my room even though I knew they were there; there was nothing I could do except move but this wasn't in the plans yet and they knew my every move from my credit card numbers to my passwords because they could actually see me typing them in from afar. I had written three books and was making a meagre living from my royalties and working as a cashier at Walmart. This stupid Hacker wanted to erase my books from Kindle Publishing, Barnes and Noble and Ingram Spark. Good thing is the books have each been sold but to erase those books and my credibility as an author were too much to handle for this lonely cashier. I had painstakingly taken the job because I needed health insurance and a modicum of living as mortgage prices were on the rise.

My books were good but I hadn't reached the best seller lists yet and would have to do a lot of selling and the costs of publishing were outrageous, let alone the cost of food and a car note. My credit hadn't been the best because the first book I published I put on a credit card to the amount of 3400 that I didn't have at the time and I kept paying off the minimum balance every month until I couldn't afford the payments and ended up with bad credit. I live in a two-bedroom apartment in a low cost area of living. I wish my last name was Grisham but it just isn't.

Making it as a writer has more to do with advertising and getting people to actually read your book is as much as the cover and the title to the book. The stupid Hacker likes to punch in my passwords and try and hack my webpages to my books where they were created. I have one published book and the other two are self published and the assholes who published it aren't doing their jobs in marketing my book. Going the self published route is feast or famine and your competing with published novels that are edited right have the right tone of paper, the right cover and are priced within range of the novel, but people aren't buying books just to buy books they are picky to the point that if a book were toilet paper they would pick one-ply and have a sore bum for their trouble rather than enjoying a new book to their repertoire for a change, but it's are hard earned dollars were parting with and a good enough book has to come along and be the best and wow us in every way.

This hacker is a shit. They didn't hack me out of computer science and tried when and while loops to try and find my password they did the old conventional way and watched me type in the password or write it down. My problem is I've got to remember every password to my Google accounts, my amazon accounts, Paypal, Hulu, my bank accounts, and you name it, and my computer itself. My landlord was who I thought was the hacker at first but I soon found out it wasn't; it was actually someone close to me who was a friend of the family who had been jealous that I had actually written a book and wanted it destroyed and any fame that I would get out of the book. They soon started writing bad reviews about the book in different aliases and called places like Amazon and threatened; actually threatened their lives if they would count how many reads a person would have if they read the book, and to go further they threatened the lives if they actually sold a book. I soon went to the authorities at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Ingram Spark to have this person arrested but this person used an alias and got away with it, but they assured me that they would count my reads and acknowledge my sales and to call the police if any further action takes place. I had to get three locks on my doors and weld the hinges to my doors shut so this Hacker couldn't get in my apartment and steal my work while I was working at Walmart.

Manager Jim Sykes who is my boss has heard my story a million times and he's the one who actually got my book into Walmart. Thanks Jim. When I tell my customers about my book they're hesitant at first but for my repeat customers I give them free copies and tell them to spread the word about my book. I even bribe some of my colleagues at Walmart to put my copies at the front and not the back of the shelves, but this rarely helps. Working at Walmart has helped me become a better salesperson and business thinker than anything else has even though I show up tired from writing all night usually I come to work as dead as a comatose horse whose been shot in the head. My name is Tom Fisher and I use my real name to sell my books.

"Welcome Tom had a rough night trying to make it as a millionaire." said Jim. "Yes Jim rough night as always banging away at a keyboard making up shit for my fans; trying to make it in this business." Well Tom as I said before and like I said before we really don't give two shits about guys like you and like I said clean up on aisle three Tom I think some lady had birth on aisle three so get your happy ass to work and go clean up aisle three cus I said so got that Grisham." Jim said starkly. "Yes sir boss." I said giving him the finger. God I hated clean up duty. He made me sprint my balls off to clean aisle three and then kindly fuck up my starting duty to set up my cash register. I had a ton of paper work to fill out also it was all about Walmart's get tough initiative on maintaining a clean work environment.

Our register had to be immaculate from the end down, and now we had to know every damn rollback to God's green earth that Walmart made down to the new sales price of every pair of underwear to bra to shoe to a garden gnome.

My first customer was a briskly man in his forties wearing spectacles, black hair gently cemented to his head with some type of hair gel, khaki shorts and a blue shirt , yellow socks and a pair of worn out Nike's. He was sort of bookish and looked and stared at his phone while I rang up his items. I mentioned my book to him and he gave me a laugh like I had been a billionaire like in the movie "Forrest Gump" when the guy says, "I can't belive I've been talking to a billionaire," for Bubba Gump shrimping fortune. That's the kind of stuff I usually get at the register when I mention my book but when I tell them I'm Tom Fisher and to check it out they do sometimes and kind of give me a pale look of disgust and tell me just to ring up their items, and sometimes they tell Jim not to be bothered by my book so I have to shut up and ring their items most of the time.

So lately I haven't even mentioned it, and I hate asking if anyone of the other cashiers have rung up my book as if they really give a shit because they're not authors and they are trying to just get by with no book to speak of so they don't like me half the time. I've gotten shit from corporate also telling them not to try and sell my book. "That's why we hire greeters at Walmart and not salesmen." Corporate said. So I stink at my job what else is new, but I have health insurance which you would think is the best but for a cashier at Walmart it kinda sucks, but I don't mind that co-pay when I go to the doctor's office which is rare, but I do get a discount on prescriptions which is nice, but I only make the average 9.90 an hour. I make less than 20,000 a year as a Walmart cashier but I'm hoping my books make up for the rising cost of living.

That's why this hacker has ruined my life so to speak and gotten to my books and written bad reviews, but I've gotten most of them taken down. Jim's been a leader in the fight against my book reviews and I'm working with corporate right now. I've had to file for bankruptcy because of my past and my hacker stealing my information. So when I write at night I'm usually exhausted from work and only get some work done and end up watching a movie unless I drink at least 3 to 4 energy drinks but then I crash and can't get up for work.

I call my Hacker Tim the tool man tailor. One because he tailors his life on beating me and destroying me and the other because he's a tool. A tool of the third dimension. He keeps me changing my password. So I make a note of it every night "Reset Your Password." Every single day I have to come up with a new password. It invokes my life and I have to keep calling my publishers. Every day I have to deal with this asshole and my password. It's the nerve that spike my psyche and leads me into the nether world of hell and why I have to work as a cashier at Walmart. Tim has ruined everything until my books sell and I can stop working at Walmart which will never happen because Tim keeps putting evil forces on my books and creating a mess for me.

Yesterday I was so damn tired I forgot to reset my password and oh shit all my books and my information were gone, and I tried to tell the damn lady my information was scrubbed and for them to put it all back but she couldn't comprehend what I was talking about, but lucky for me they had an algorithm and put my book back for me, but they had actually put back my older versions so I had to fix everything and reset my password. Now I have triple verification and triple encryption but yes I must "Reset my password." What a world we live in. For Peet's sake.

Short Story

About the Creator

Lee Roby

I published Trigonometry Simplified on Amazon. I like to write fiction as well as non-fiction. This is all a learning process for me and as I progress through this maze called life hopefully my passion and writing becomes greater.

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    Lee RobyWritten by Lee Roby

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