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Don't bother anyone so much at the time of rising, People who ask for your dow

Much at the time of rising

By Ramoon MalPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Don't bother anyone so much at the time of rising, People who ask for your downfall

The sun rose over the hills, its warm light filtering through the windows of John's small bedroom. He stirred awake and stretched out his arms with a yawn. It was time to start the day.

As John shuffled out of bed, he heard noises coming from the kitchen. His roommate Mark was already up, banging around and making a racket as usual. John rubbed his eyes tiredly. Mark was never considerate of others in the morning.

"Do you have to be so loud?" John grumbled as he entered the kitchen.

Mark looked up from the stove where he was cooking eggs. "Oh good, you're up. Want some breakfast?"

John poured himself a cup of coffee, hoping the caffeine would wake him up fully. "You know I like to take it easy in the mornings. Can't you be a bit quieter?"

Mark shrugged. "Sorry man, I'm just trying to get started on my day. Not my fault if you're still half asleep."

John sighed in exasperation. It was a constant battle trying to get Mark to respect his space, especially first thing in the morning. He knew Mark didn't mean any harm, but his inconsiderate nature was wearing John down.

After eating a quick breakfast, John got ready for his morning jog. Exercise always helped clear his head and start his day on the right foot. As he laced up his shoes, he heard a knock at the front door.

Opening it, John came face to face with his neighbor Kyle. Kyle had it out for John ever since they'd had a disagreement a few months back. Now Kyle went out of his way to antagonize John at every opportunity.

"Well if it isn't Sleeping Beauty," Kyle sneered. "Just woke up, have we?"

John frowned. "What do you want, Kyle?"

"Oh nothing, just thought I'd stop by and see if you were up for once. Usually you're still snoozing at this hour." Kyle leaned against the doorframe with a smirk.

John felt his frustration rising but took a deep breath to stay calm. Arguing with Kyle was never productive. "As you can see, I'm heading out for my run. Have a nice day."

He closed the door firmly in Kyle's smug face. John knew Kyle was just trying to get under his skin and disrupt his morning routine. But he refused to let the petty neighbor succeed.

The jog helped John relax his mind as planned. By the time he returned home, he felt refreshed and ready to start his workday. In the kitchen, Mark was still bustling about making more noise.

"Hey, I'm heading to the library to study. Try to keep it down, okay?" John said.

Mark nodded. "Sorry again man. Have a good day!"

John left, hoping for a peaceful morning of productivity at the library. But as he walked down the street, Kyle pulled up beside him in his loud pickup truck.

"Where you off to, loser? Gonna cry in your books some more?" Kyle taunted.

John ignored him and kept walking. He wasn't about to let Kyle or anyone else disrupt his focus and plans for the day. Some people just wanted to see others fail. But John refused to give them that satisfaction. It was time to rise above the negativity and create success on his own terms.

Fan Fiction

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Ramoon Mal

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    Ramoon MalWritten by Ramoon Mal

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