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Dirty Love Story II

A Little Bit of Back

By Jessica BuggPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
Dirty Love Story II
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

My life was very perfect until that morning when he walked in, it was like everything about him was the wrong thing. Earlier that day, before I came to the office, I woke up to a little late because Anna and I went partying the previous night. We stayed up all night just going from club to club and trying to get wasted. And as punishment for such reckless living, I had a hangover—that banging pain, and a mild distortion of reality. Anna seemed pretty fine.

I made coffee, tried to exercise but when it wasn’t working I abandoned it and rushed to have my bath. After that, I sat at the dress mirror and began to get ready. We had to get to work that morning. I mean, I couldn’t email my boss and say,

Hey Gerald, I won’t be coming in this morning, had a wild night, and need to get over this hangover. See ya!

If that doesn’t get me fired, then I’d give up all of my fortune to nuns.

“Rosanne Isabella James, if you don’t let those full, round balls on your chest show, I won’t do your make-up,” Anna, my roommate warned me, rapidly blinking. She had the sexiest big eyes I knew. I stared at myself in the mirror and huffed. We were almost late for work, and here I was with my roommate slash best friend, arguing over my choice of shirt.

“I don’t feel like wearing anything revealing today, Anna, can’t you at least spare me? For a day?” I begged, making a puppy face.

“Oh, honey, you’ve got the cutest puppy face ever, but no. wear the black top, and sit. We’re running late,” Anna maintained, she could be very stubborn. I rolled my eyes at her and did as she said. Getting off my more concealing white shirt, I wore the stripper see-through she picked out, and settled into the chair, pouting.

“What do you even care, everyone knows we’re bad girls,” Anna said, noticing my manipulative puppy face.

“Everyone thinks we’re bad girls, we’re not bad girls,” I corrected, “Natasha and Olivia are.”

“At least they respect us for that assumption,” Anna said, winking at me.

“They’re terrified of us, Annabella,” I corrected.

“What’s the difference?” she said, and huffed.

“We’re still co-workers, colleagues—we’d need each other at the end of the day, and you earn respect, but you already know that cos you’re not dumb.”

“Hey, now, don’t be mean,” she said, ruining my eyebrow, “Come on, let’s go.” She said, leaving my left brow a little off.

“Hey, finish this up, you don’t want me to look like I am auditioning for RuPaul’s drag queen race,”

“Now, that’s very segregationist.”

“Alright, I am sorry, finish the makeup please?” it was a tug of war getting Anna to do anything. Eventually she got the makeup done, and we headed out to the office. On our way, I wanted another cup of coffee from Starbucks, I mean, who starts their day without Starbucks, and donuts? I had to get one. After that, we arrived the office a little late, but no one was going to do anything about it. We were senior staff, and we had the leisure of being some hours late, because we were going to stay over at the office cleaning up the junior staff’s mess.

On the elevator, my stomach began to rumble, “What was that Rose?”

“I think it’s the donut, or that margarita and tacos we ate last night?” a very rare Mexican combination. The worst part was that we ate both at the same time.

“Did you use the toilet this morning girl?” I hadn’t. I was too bothered about the hangover that I did not remember to use the ladies room. I remembered on the way to the office and planned to use the toilet in my office instead. Getting on the elevator only made things worse, the force from it ascending, pressured my stomach.

“I think I have to go right now. I think I need to do it right now Anna!”

“Oh shit! Don’t even dare do that here and now, we are senior staff, we are not allowed to embarrass ourselves girl! Hold yourself. Get yourself together girl.” it was a good thing it was just both of us in the elevator, and it wasn’t transparent. I held the rail very tight and tried to steady myself, because I was experiencing something that looked like birth pangs. Anna on the other hand panicked. She did not panic because she cared I was about to embarrass myself, It was because whatever happened to me, would affect her.

“Alright Rose, we are here. Just walk slowly, till we get to use the restroom. It’s closer to the elevator than the toilet in your office. Do you have toilet paper?”

“Yes Anna, I do!” I yelled. The door opened, and I ran as fast as I could before the pangs came back. When I got to the toilet, I realized it was occupied, it wasn’t locked, someone was just there.

I didn’t care, I began to take off my skirt immediately I walked into the restroom, then the person who was there popped out! It was a man! I was skirt down, G-string showing!

“Get out you bastard!” was all I could say, because he just stood there looking at me like he was lost or something. I know, I know, I have the curves, the boobs, and everything a guy would ever desire, but now was not the time flirt. So, yelled at him, and entered the other toilet that was free. I did not hear the main door to the toilet close, or footsteps out, but I didn’t care, at this moment all that was on my mind was to get these tacos out of my belly.

After a period of pushes and loud noises like a Lama in labor, I finally emerged from the toilet. Hoping no one was in the restroom, but there he was resting on the sink and waiting for me to come out. I swear my eyes twitched like a robot that was malfunctioning. I was very angry, how dare him? He saw my face, and asked,

“Anything wrong with your face?” I was wearing my skirt this time, but that was not enough reason for him to do this, to just stand there and stare at me like I was some work of art. Alright, I am a work of art, but not like those ones they hang in those exhibitions.

“Excuse me, who are you?” I asked,

“You’d know soon enough, but if it makes you feel any worse, I know who you are.” He smiled and walked out like a royalty. I felt so insulted, I wanted to just pounce on him and rip off his full brows.

I adjusted myself, and walked out to Anna who was waiting for me at the lobby,

“What was that? I heard you scream.”

“Yeah, that young brat that just walked out of the restroom was there when I took off my skirt, and waited till I was done using the toilet, only to mock me?”

“Wait, why would you take off your skirt in front of him?”

“I didn’t know he was there, genius!”

“Oh! I think he liked you. Did he see the...?” she made a clicking sound with her tongue, “No he did not see the,” I made the same sound. She was referring to my vagina. “I am wearing underwear.”

“Oh, I never wear those,” she got up, picked her purse, and swirled her waist till she got into her office. I just shook my head and went into mine. A moment later, we receive a call that we have a general meeting in the board room, and that it was an emergency meeting. We all rushed in, only to meet this man who was at the rest-room a while ago sitting on Mr. Gerald’s chair. I leaned over and whispered to Anna,

“Can you imagine, that is the brat that was with me in the restroom, what is he doing sitting on Gerald’s chair?”

Anna shrugged, “I guess we are all here to find out.”

As the last person walked into the room, he rose from the chair, and began, “I want to welcome you all to a new dawn, and I am afraid that our dear Gerald, your former boss-” as he said former boss, everyone’s face wore worry. We all loved Gerald, he wasn’t forceful, he was an old man so we weren’t afraid of him hitting on us all, and he was gay. Now, he was replaced with this man? This man, who was already oozing arrogance and false chumminess.

“Yes, I am his replacement. The good old Gerald has been moved to our London office, and I am the one assigned his role. I hope to have fun with you all. I don’t have any rule aside those set down by the company. If you need anything, you know my office, feel free to let me know. And, my name is Kyle. I am American, don’t mind the accent, I have just stayed in London a while.”

Yuk! Was my reaction. Such arrogance, I believe he thought we would head over hills for him. “Wow Rose, this was the man who was checking you out in the bathroom? Look at his blond hair and beard. They even connect—his beard.” Anna said. They weren’t full, just trimmed well. He wore a navy blue suit, a white shirt, and a black shoe.

“Are you on my side, or you are going to quickly let me go into the hands of my enemy?”

“Oh girl, this guy is the real deal. He is rich, and cute. You shouldn’t resist him. He is our one way ticket to promotion.”

When the meeting was over, he asked to see me, I already knew where this was going. I was 26, and he looked 30. It was typical for guys his age to want to pounce on girls like me at every slightest opportunity they have, especially when they are in places of authority.

“I am sorry for intruding on your privacy, I think it was rude of me. I just wanted to have some fun, but you cannot blame me for standing and staring at your goddess’ like body! You weren’t born, you were carved!” he said. I rolled my eyes and said,

“Can I go now?”

He scoffed and said, “Go now? We literally would see ourselves every day, why the rush? Alright, alright. I just want to apologize. I don’t want any staff and me to start it off on a wrong foot. That’s why I asked you to wait back. ”

“Alright sir. I understand. Can I go now?” he bit his lip, looked at me from my shoes up to my head, and said,

“Sure Rosanne. We would talk later?” I didn’t reply, I just walked away. I did not like that he was too forward, and bold. It was a sign that he was the type of guy to get down a girl’s pants, and just leave them.


Later that afternoon, it was lunch time, so I went to Anna’s office to get her so we could go and get hotdogs. Every New Yorker eats Hotdogs. On our way out, we saw our new boss at the counter, giving Stacy our receptionist the same eyes he gave me—the same lusty look that was meant to make me fall into his arms. He had a ball in his hands that he fiddled with as he used his eyes to physically harass Stacy in my own opinion. He stared at her as though he was lost in lust.

“Can you imagine this douche,” I said to Anna, “he did the same thing to me, and now he is doing it to this innocent Stacy. He knows what he wants. I don’t like him.”

“Rose, I know he disrespected you, but I think you should leave him alone. He is a human being with the same permission to make any choice he deems fit.”

“Yeah, not when that permission is used to ruin other people’s lives. He gives me a bad feeling.”

“Oh well, we better go get lunch, or the only bad feeling you’d be having is hunger.”

I couldn’t shake the feeling off, I wondered what he was thinking and why he had to be that way. He had this strange vibe to him; and maybe it’s because he already saw me almost naked, and for some men who have managed to go that far, they had to earn it. Maybe that’s why I was very upset, and uncomfortable around him. He knew what he was doing—at least, he came across as one who did, and the way he looked at me when I was leaving the office with Anna, ensconced this fact. He knew what he was doing.

After lunch was over, we returned back to office to continue work for the day, and boom! There she was, Tracy, coming out from his office. I felt everything was happening too fast. does this guy have enough self-control to hold his coffee cup and stop its content from spilling? What was his deal?

“Anna can you imagine what I am seeing?”



“Oh, she looks like she just got some…”

“Yeah, and it’s from that very dirty man. Oh my world, I think this guy is bad news. He is here just few hours, and has gotten Tracy’s pants down. He is not hiding his lack of control from anyone! I am going to send him a subtle message. I’d set a trap for him, and when he comes right into it, I’d teach him a lesson.”

“I don’t think it is that serious girl, they are two adults just doing their thing, I think we should mind our business. Plus you aren’t a saint, so let it slide. They want to have fun at the office, they should. If it begins to affect OUR work, then we can interfere, for now, this is just us meddling into someone else’s stuff. It doesn’t concern us Rose.”

“It’s a workspace, this can distract the staff.”

“Well, let HR deal with it.”

Anna did not understand what I was trying to point out, and I did not blame her. I was the one concerned more with people than she was, and that for her was a superpower—her ability to mind her own business and do only whatever concerned her. But I wasn’t like her, and I was going to do something about this. I love this organization and everyone in it, and I’d do what I can to ensure we are free from sexual predators and bad leadership.

Anna walked into her office, after pointing two fingers to her eyes and back at me, telling me she was watching me. I couldn’t shake the thought that he had just slept with Tracy, during lunch time, and Tracy did not have enough decency to decline. As I pondered on my plan, he knocked on my door, and opened the door slightly,

“Can I come in?” he asked,

“Yes sir,” I forced a smile as he walked in and sat down.

“Nice office,”

“Yes sir,”

“You can stop all that ‘sir’ thing for now, my name is Tyler. You can call me sir in the office where everyone is, but not when everyone is looking.”

“Oh, okay Kyle”

“So, tell me, you like working here right?” I could tell he wanted to spark up a conversation, but I didn’t want that. I wanted him to give me space to plot. Now that he was here asking me about the office, I was bothered.

“Yeah, I think if I didn’t, I’d have quit.”

“But other firms offer better pay for what we are offering you here, I mean, you are one of New York City’s best social media marketer, and you can bargain for something bigger. I can help you put a word. Send an email straight up to HQ and get them to add to your pay. You are such a good executive.”

“Thank you sir, but you have only been here less than a day, how did you know me?”

“Look, you think I have not seen how you look at me? HQ would not send me to such an office as the one here, if they don’t know what I can. Before I came here, I took my time to go through all of the files, and social media pages of all our top staff here, I wanted to know those who would be working directly with me. So, don’t underestimate me. Or, wait, you can, I’d keep on surprising you instead.”

For once I thought this guy could be a spy sent by HQ to find out those staff members that are doing well, and those that aren’t. You know, like when they do an internal audit of an organization’s staff and fire those members that don’t do well. I thought Tracy was in trouble, because she already allowed herself to be used. No serious company would like to retain someone who was reckless.

“I am sorry if I underestimated you.” I said,

“Oh, please don’t. I just like you to be chill and enjoy working with me, while doing that, I also want you to know that I am competent, that’s all.”

“Understood.” I gave him a thumbs up and a smile.

“Well, since I’d be here for a long time, I’d need someone who would give me tour of the place-”

“The office?”

“No! I mean, New York city baby!”

“Oh, alright then. I would be glad to do that if you don’t mind.” He winked at me, then left my office . . .


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    Jessica BuggWritten by Jessica Bugg

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