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diamond eyes || pro-hero inferno/villain dabi/civilian touya todoroki || my hero academia

“Your brain does funny things in a sensory deprivation tank.”

By shaynaPublished 10 months ago 8 min read
Ladies and gentlemen, the art is not mine. All credit to the original artist - these are the times I win I could draw because… *sigh* look at him ♥‿♥

“It's a real shame Touya, I really enjoyed our fight this time,” Dabi sighed as she pushed the limp hero into her tank, “Now I must say goodbye, good night sweet Todoroki,” The door slammed hard, echoing into the tank.

Hours later, a hero’s breathing felt pressured.

Inferno tried to catch his breath, clutching his chest hard as he coughed painfully. The tank echoed his cough. White spandex ripped in all directions, a utility belt empty of first aid supplies, and white hair hung against his forehead as he took in his surroundings.

“Damnit,” Inferno growled to himself, pushing himself on his knees. He rested his back against the cold metal. The heat from his battle's flames saturated the wall as he banged his head, “Smooth move Touya,”

“What did I do now?” An exasperated voice echoed in the tank. Inferno’s eyes widened as he lifted his head from the wall.

“Damn, you look like hell, kid,” A raspy voice added to the bouncing agents. Inferno’s turquoise blues landed on two figures standing in front of him.

“Who are you to talk about someone looking like hell, Scarface,” Voice One huffed and turned his back on the two.

Voice Two rolled his eyes, growling, “Try lookin’ in a mirror, you're not far off,”

Inferno cleared his throat hard, and panic clouded his vision. His body slowly slid up the wall, his hand still clutched to his chest. At his full height against the wall, Inferno noticed they were equal in size.

Good. At least I know I can take them down.

He looked to the first figure: spiky black hair, cerulean eyes, staples holding up scar tissue around peach-tone skin.

“And I look like hell, funny,” Inferno chuckled, smirking at the mysterious figure.

“Watch your mouth, hero,” The man growled, narrowing his eyes at him. Inferno groaned, matching his glare with a huff.

“Could you two seriously stop with the dick measuring contest? We're in the middle of a crisis,” The third man: spiky red hair, sapphire eyes, tattoo-covered arms, piercings lining both ears, and a lip ring. He huffed, “Also - don't know if you noticed, but-”

“We're the same person,” Inferno answered with a deep groan, “Or at least versions of the same person,” Inferno pushed himself off the wall, only to drop to his knees with a thud. Inferno rested his forehead on the floor, trying to catch his breath.

Inferno heard footsteps approaching him slowly; a deep chuckle followed, “She got you good, huh,”

“What's happening,” Inferno huffed out, shaking his head, “Doesn't matter now…” Inferno swallowed hard, laying himself fully on the floor. His eyes followed a path of black up to a pair of blue eyes.

“Dabi,” The man answered, kneeling, “And you must be Inferno, so he must be,” The man named Dabi looked up over at the man with red hair, who sat against the wall with his arms crossed against his chest and a slight pout, “Touya.”

“Technically, we're all Touya, but sure. Whatever to help the hallucinations make sense,” Touya pushed off the wall and waved toward the two, looking around the tank.

Inferno coughed into the floor, resting his head while pushing himself into a child’s pose.

Dabi patted his back, “You relax hero, let the real geniuses figure this out,” He stood up, scanning his surrounding, “Any ideas so far Red Hair,”

“Geez, I must have forgotten to send a smoke signal your way Scar Face - maybe I'll even break us out of here, yeah?” Touya huffed, checking around the corners. Dabi rolled his eyes and looked at the door, resting his hand on his hip.

“So what's your deal Red Hair,”

Touya growled, “What are you talking about Dabi, we're all the same person, just different versions of ourselves. Not rocket science dude,”

“I mean who are you supposed to be?” Dabi hummed, stepping over Inferno and walking towards a far corner.

Touya huffed, “I chose not to be a hero, or a villian. I’m a Quirk counselor at a local foster home,” A slight growl escaped him as he turned toward Dabi, who yawned into his fist.

“Suits you enough, real shame. Your life must be boring,”

Touya shrugged, “Yes, having a good relationship with my family, including my dad and friends who aren't murderers, is so boring.” A smirk fell on his lips as he covered his mouth with a hand.

Dabi glared over at him, “Coward.”

“No. Reasonable, asshole,” Touya walked over toward Dabi, “We never got the stupid frost quirk; what the hell were we supposed to do? Just keep pushing ourselves to the brink of insanity to prove a point? To who, Sherlock, huh?” Touya leveled with Dabi. Glares silently danced with each other.

“...I have frost,” Inferno sighed as he sat up on his knees, looking at the two figures. Dabi and Touya stalled and looked down at Inferno, who regained his breath.

“... Wait? How did you get… That's impossible,” Touya couldn't get the words out. Dabi hummed, pocketing his hands.

Inferno stood on shaky knees, “As Keigo likes to say, I needed some extra time to cook,” Inferno chuckled into his fist as he coughed, wrapping his free arm around his waist.

“Keigo?” Touya scrunched his face in confusion.

“Hawks, Red Head. Geez, don't you got heroes in your ‘verse?” Dabi fussed, turning away from the two.

Touya bit his bottom lip, “Yes we have heroes, it's just weird hearing other people call my boyfriend by his actual name,”

“Boyfriend?!” Dabi and Inferno yelped simultaneously. Touya groaned, throwing his hands up.

“I didn't know. I was out drinking after exams and he was really cute, so I went home with him and the rest is history,” Touya dropped his hands and walked off toward the door again.

Dabi and Inferno shared a look. Dabi looked towards Touya, “Villian?” Touya nodded. Dabi held back a laugh while Inferno shook his head.

“Mr. I have a great relationship with my dad probably never even mentioned the fact he's fucking a villian,” Dabi wandered next to Touya, “You know he'd kill you for that right,”

Touya shrugged, “What he doesn't know won't hurt him, besides,” Touya glanced over at Dabi, “I'd kill him; in more ways than one,” Touya smirked and crossed his arms, resting against Dabi. Dabi pushed him off of his shoulder, groaning.

“Gross, didn't need to hear about that,”

“Well! You heard, and now you must live with it, like those scars on your body,” Touya threw his head back, laughing. Dabi walked closer to the door, resting his ear against it.

“Oh! Hey! Inferno, what about you? What's Hawks like in your world? Hero, anti-hero, villian?” Touya caught his breath in his throat, looking back at Inferno.

Inferno rested against the back wall, swallowing hard. Touya’s eyes panicked as he rushed to Inferno, resting his hands against his chest.

“Hey Inferno, take another breath, okay, we'll get through this,” Touya reassured him. Inferno slid down against the wall and landed on the ground with a thud.

“Might be having a panic attack, trauma’s a bitch in more ways than one,” Dabi kneeled as he followed a sound on the other side of the door.

“Panic attack? Touya gaped, “I don't know what to do with that! I don't get attacks, not to the point where I can't breathe. I get triggered occasionally, but it isn't the same thing,” Touya sat next to Inferno, rubbing his back.

“Okay okay okay; focus, Inferno, deep breathes,” Touya rested his hand on Inferno’s chest, “In through your nose and out through your mouth,”

What triggered him so severely?

“Maybe the thing about our dad, or the relationship thing, or maybe the fact we've been stuck in this box for about two hours now,”

“Hours?!” Touya continued to pace Inferno's breathing, “It feels like minutes,”

“Minutes that we've been talking, but he's been out for a while now,” Dabi pushed against the door and heard a slight creak, “Bingo.”

“What?” Touya looked back over at Dabi, “What are you planning on doing,” Touya questioned as he stood quickly and rushed over, “You can't blow us out of here! It's a tank, we could dead in here. Are you insane?!” Touya grabbed Dabi’s hand.

Dabi yanked his hand away, “We'll be fine. If all else fails, he could be reassured he didn't go out without a fight,” Blue flames fanned around his hands, “Back up a bit, Red Head, it's about to get hot,”

“Dabi. Don't be an idiot,” Touya growled, “If this doesn't work,”

“He dies. We have no choice here,” Dabi yelled back at Touya, the blue from his flames shadowed the two figures. The two leveled each other with a glare, but a soft bang interrupted the staredown.

Dabi and Touya backed away from the door. Inferno pushed up to his feet, a small smile breaking out on his face.

“Hey Touya, remember when you asked me earlier… What's Hawks to me?” Inferno chuckled and looked between the two transparent figures, “We were roommates.”

The door flew open, the wind blowing away the two figures into dust. A bright white light entered the room, causing Inferno to sit back down against the wall with the same small smile as two figures walked through the door, breaking the light into shadows.

“Pain in the ass? You should be thanking me for saving that ass,” Hawks joked, biting his tongue, “Ouch!”

A short Black woman popped out from behind Hawks, huffing, “Seriously, Hawks? He's been stuck in this thing for hours, and you're joking, do it after he's been fed,” She pushed past Hawks, kneeling in front of Inferno.

She smiled warmly, cupping his face in her hands, “You haven't eaten in hours, how do you always end up in these situations Touya,”

Touya cleared his throat, relaxing against her palms, “I like a challenge Yumi, couldn't resist this one,”

“Idi ” Yumi hummed to herself, shaking her head as she stood up, “Come on, Jack Frost, time to eat,” Yumi stuck her hand out to Touya, who pulled up himself.

“Did you have to smack me that hard,” Hawks rubbed the back of his head, “I mean with that strength, you could be a hero yourself,”

“Yeah yeah,” Yumi rolled her eyes and turned Hawks away, pushing him out the door. She stopped, turning back to Touya, “Babe,”

Touya looked around the room, taking another deep breath; he heard the soft echoes of his voices in his head. He swallowed, closing his eyes as he recentered himself. He opened his eyes slowly, scanning Yumi’s face.

I have a good relationship with my family, including my father.

Your life must be boring.

Reasonable asshole.

Who are you trying to prove a point to?

Touya’s smile brightened as he swallowed his inner monologue, “Sorry, beautiful, just a lot on my mind.”

SeriesFan Fiction

About the Creator


digital marketing expert. content creator. check out my other 'ventures via my milkshake and as always, #keeponwriting!


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    shaynaWritten by shayna

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