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Darkness Digging In Deep

Fallen into a cave with no way out and darkness at every corner, I can't keep up with the ever growing pressure of despair

By Toby HewardPublished 5 months ago 5 min read
Darkness Digging In Deep
Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

Alas, I can hold my peace no longer. I have been stuck in this deary darkness set upon me by the collapse of the underworld below my feet. Little did we all know that this day would be the one that captures me by my ankle to drag me down to a world so far away from home, and all for just a simple bit of adventure. It was going to be so perfect for our little stroll after so many days apart from the outside world, yet here I am sitting alone in the dark with more of it than I can take.

Our journey was to be a simple one, sung from a book like any old fairy tale. We cackled like a chorus of drunken parrots after a game of dare pong and couldn't seem to find anything better to do to pass the time, stuck behind the walls of our beloved home. Covid 19 had kept us all in a state of uncertainty and wanting, so we all chimed in to find anything that could delay our boredom by even a minute more. After a cold minute of frigid debate, one of us sprung out the idea that we should go and take a pleasant walk through nature and get out of this musty stable for all we could smell was the deep dark stench of despair and un-curbed hunger. With a quick show of hands we all come to an agreement that we should take that walk and make it last as long as it could.

We all set out with backpacks full and water swishing by our waysides to set a course for the unknown and hopefully rid ourselves of this world in tight unnecessary enclosure. Taking a simple map from the nearest run-down gas station, we made our way through the traffic till we reached a rocky border that hailed for all to be warned for snakes abound and cellphones speak dead words for miles. Looking at the sign, we all made a few little jokes and made our way down the rocky trail going to who knows where and tried to make it feel like it was our last. Gazing on each side of the well beaten dirt trail, everyone had a sight to behold that held a much greater sense of satisfaction and beauty than anything our little abode could ever afford. Majestic pines towered over to our left and held scars from battles with armies of flames from times past. To our left showcased magnificent canyons of stone and flowering shrubs leading down to a ever so cute little brook bubbling through the bottom until it faded away into the valley below.

With such a menagerie of wonders around us, no one could help but stare in awe at what had been creating over the many millennia it had taken to form such masterpieces. Before long, we grew desirous to head further down the trail and discover even more of natures ever changing canvas. Soon we all came to a intertwined fork in the road that seemed to twist over itself at least 3 different times. To the left it depicted a lake two miles ahead, and to the right gave directions to a set of caves. Everyone had their own opinion on which place they desired to go, and with a quick vote came the division of our group. Four decided to head up for a look at the lake, while me and two others chose to head for caverns with untold secrets. Luckily it didn't take very long to arrive at the caves, and boy were they a beauty. Raised higher than a giraffe and as wide as two elephants, whatever had created this cave must have taken an eternity. A quick check of our supplies, and snack or two later and we were on our way down into the darkness below.

Our band of little explorers hadn't even gone more than just 200 paces from the entrance of the cave, when with a quick jolt of the earth I found myself lying on my butt. An earthquake barely enough to shake oneself awake had rang through the countryside and caught us by surprise. It was then at a moments notice later, that I realized I couldn't feel the ground anymore. The clay floor of the cave had been hiding a pocket of space just big enough for a man to fall through and like a beast from below the water it swallowed me whole with hardly a sound. My companions must not have noticed since I didn't cry out for help. The thoughts in my mind were racing so quick that it didn't occur to me that a scream could have given me a saving hand. Alas, I did not and soon found myself falling into a sea void of light and pitch black as my mothers old cat.

A few seconds later I thought I felt the air cool, and soon my head was bobbing above a chilling water pool. Below my entrance above was another cavern filled with water and thick soupy mud. Truth be told I'm glad to be wet for otherwise I could have been a goner, smashed flat if the floor had been of a less kinder sort. The pool was only about a 10 foot depth but still it gave me quick the joyous hug, like it had never had company in an eternity or two. Grabbing my light and quickly getting my bearings, it was found that my descent must have had me falling a hundred feet or more for I couldn't even see the ceiling. A small water soaked path led to another open cavern, and with it I floated in and came to a grand realization; I can't get back up. The walls angle was inverted and coated with a jelly-like slop that seemed to cling more that it should. Upon looking down the cavern a little more, a sector above the water came into view with just enough placements for footing and with what little strength I had left, swam to get out of this stamina draining pool.

Dragging my soggy butt out of the water, I plopped my sorry self out onto the moist clay of the cave floor and took a minute to catch my breath. Staring up into the abyss above me, I started to miss our little abode back in town. Sure it was smelly, a little un-kept and had less things to do, but at least it didn't make your feel as if your soul was being crush back inside of you by the darkness that clung to your body like angry wasps. With but a simple tear that came to my eye, the next thing I did would forever haunt my ears until the end of days; I screamed.

Stream of ConsciousnessShort StoryPsychologicalHumorHorrorFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Toby Heward

Creativity is boundless. We are gardeners that bring forth these fruits of wonder. Nature is my passion and I love to help readers see the stories with their own eyes through my works. Whether its poems, fact, or fiction I bring it to life.

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    Toby HewardWritten by Toby Heward

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