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Dame Nature

Continued page 7

By simplicityPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 12 min read

Breaking through the ocean skin with her dive, she pushed her way back up to the surface. She flopped over onto her back and lay floating in the sunshine zone. What the first people must have thought on first seeing the life in the waters. She saw shrimp eel and even a pacific spoon nose along with some other fish. Although determined to be fish, the first inhabitants must have seen the inescapable serpent appearance of these creatures and thought the creatures were snakes. It would be hard not to believe the serpent owned the majority of the land and waters. The deep waters must have seemed like such foreign places.

She believed waters represented more literally the underworld to early person's. A place mysterious to the first peoples. A dark unknown hell. If you drowned or died in the waters or were thrown there your body went where no friends could visit you. You became part of the dark, where sunshine could not reach and people could not survive. Like fire, it gave no oxygen to humans. It suffocated the lungs and then fed the body to the many serpent-like creatures. Water must have been so confusing; so necessary on one hand and so treacherous on the other hand. A literal under world, under land, with caverns and cenotes. The deep waters completely unknown and undiscovered.

She had to admit, eels were easy to mistake for water snakes until given a closer inspection. That's  the only way one could see the scales. These serpent-like creatures are fish. She would argue the creepiest of fish, but fish. Even so, the swim was refreshing. If she didnt bother them, they seemed to have an agreement with her, to not bother her. She did wonder how deep this area was and what creatires were in the deep. She decided it was probably best to not think about it while still in the water.

The watery underworld, full of creatures that slithered through water as currents themselves. Even prokaryotes, cyanobacteria, the first organisms had the recognizable serpent tube shape. How scary and intriguing it must have been to be an observer or discoverer. Were these first people as religious as we all thought? More than people of today? Or were they simply trying to romanticize, dramatize and teach about the world around them in a way that would keep attention? The cruelty in rituals, a way to keep people inline. Create a healthy fear in the general population to keep people from trying to over take the leaders. In a similar way as is done today. As punishment for cruelty the group was stripped of the title as holders of knowledge.

"Are you trying to stay in there until you're wrinkled?"


She looked at her hands. She wasn't yet beginning to wrinkle, but soon she'd probably confuse the fish when the floating fish food corpse started to move. It was time. She gently swam to the beach. Colel had her towel ready.

"You ever swim?"

"I have. I know what it's like."

"Wow, I mean if you know what it's like. That's a response, amazing.  It's refreshing and freeing to some."

"I haven't swam since I was a kid. kinda seems gross to me now."

"Is that why you don't have a bath tub?"

"Showers are more efficient."

"I do my best thinking in a tub. Some times a better job is done when not having to be efficient."

"I'll keep that in mind. I have to introduce you to someone."

"Have to?"

"Yes. Have to. It's very important that you make a good impression. Remember how you asked if the president is in the council and I said there is a hierarchy?"


"Well there is and the president is in it, but at a lower level than this individual that I want you to meet. This individual is part of the highest circles. He is my direct link to having a vote in the council. He can pick things to bring to council to vote on. The president is very high up, wouldn't you agree? So, somebody directing events above that is the ultimate panjandrum. What the president chooses to do, either way, is accounted for by these members before he chooses. This individual takes my input. He is my link into the higher ranks. I don't want you to feel stressed, but this needs to go well. He is the only member you will ever meet knowingly. He is also the end of your trip and learning if he decides against you. You need to come across knowledgeable, but don't talk about wanting to be in the council. Don't bring up the books."


"I thought you were a teacher", he looked genuinely shocked.

"I'm a researcher/explorer who took a job as a teacher to pay for her researching and exploring"

"Fair enough."

"And if I said I wasn't ready?"

"You have been here 3 days, we have gone over the books. You do this, and well, I will give you the name of the ex member. Deal?"


"Have you seen the movie the saint?"


"Assume names are pointless and likenesses can be altered."

"I'm starting to understand why you are not personable. So I'm doing this for NO information basically. I'm just the living stand in. Was my family in the council?

"Everyone is kind of in it, but no, not directly. They influenced me at times. Want to quit before you get into all this?"

"Part of me does, but no I can't. It's not in me to quit now", she responds.

"What do you plan to do with all this? If you can't answer that question, I'd say you need to really think about what you are doing?"

"That night you messed up my office and left the figure on my safe, I was scared, but I didn't quit."

"Mess up your office? I left the item, but I didn't mess up your office. Do you know how to eliminate a cycle in the most effective way possible?", not waiting for an answer he keeps going, "You eliminate the truth from history, you eliminate the ability of a group to give knowledge either by discrediting them or by literally making them unable to. Lastly, you stop the ability for it's members to procreate. That's what this council does among it's business. Always has. It stops a point."

"Yeah messy, when you were looking for the book "

"I knew you had the book. How messy?"

"Ransacked messy."

"Someone either followed me or knew of you. Both are not great for us."

"For us.", she said while squeezing Colel's hand.

"Yes definitely us, until we figure out who and why?"

"For the book probably. Right?", she asked.

"That's worst case, lets hope it's just you bc you have been going around telling people you want to be in the brotherhood and researching it. Maybe he's, the ex member, seeing if you could be a serious recruit. We aren't sloppy. Probably no evidence."

"Finger prints, hair, some dna."

"Messy, not stupid, arrogant most likely. Telling us he found you, that he knows about something. We hope not the books. Did you tell anyone? But you did read it in public a couple times, I saw you. I was too late.", Colel was talking to himself more than her.

"I didn't know what I had. I'm sorry Colel"

"I'm sorry. So I assume he knows where I live now."

"But, we always have the books, or have them locked up."

"Yes that will work for a while."

"Colel, I did something else before coming here. Something bad."


"I copied, by hand, my book and left it locked up in my apartment."

His eye's frowned, the heaviest frown she had ever seen. The smile existing as a front on his face.

"This is why I'm not directly in the council I suppose.", he whispered.

"Don't say that. You were knew to me. I'm a single female. Mind in the conspiracy realm. I was afraid you'd take back my book.", She tried explaining.

"You said locked up right? Locked up in a safe or something in your locked apartment"


"That probably gives us more time."

"Maybe you won't meet my friend today. I need to talk to him. You stay in the car ehen we go. I will get you if the meeting progresses. I've messed up. I stepped in too late. I know where two members live. One who cared about the ex member. That should be good enough collateral for now."

"Council members aren't friends?", she said in wonder.

"Yeah they are. Friends use information at times when needed."

"Oh Colel, I'll never look at the world the same", she said in a jovial way.

"How well do you know Joshua?"

"It's not him."


"Okay maybe. I don't know. He was assigned to me and he is in the office next to mine. Same closet. He was nice to me."

"What closet?"

"Not important and it's not a metaphor. Our offices use to be one maintenance closet. Can you believe that?"

"Oooohhhhh-kay", he says in a skeptical confused tone, "Is there anyone who could go to your place, anyone have a key. Otherwise we just have my camera."

"No one has a key. I just moved to my new place. To be close to the school. There is no one, no key. No key outside. What camera?"

"That's good that there is no key. I have a camera in your place. I paid the mover to install it in there. I use it to monitor. If it's who I suspect, he'll expect a camera or two. That might be enough to keep him away too. I need to think.

"Have you watched these cameras?"

"Barely. I don't have that much time."

When we got back to Colel's house we both went to our rooms. Exhausted by the sight of eachother. As if the sight of our existence was the tipping point making all the problems real. We sat in silence until it was time for the meeting. She moved to the middle of the bed. Removing her shoes by shaking them off until she heard the drop of each landing on the floor. The sound of rain patters the roof and windows. Like a popcorn bag in the microwave the pops start slow, then speed up, slowing momentarily before stopping. However, not long after stopping the light patters turn into loud static as rain drenches everything outside. The water running off the gutters becomes her own personal soothing fountain. The winds whip everything left neglected outside. Branches hit and screech accross the windows. Hurricane season is an official truth here.

After resting she gets dressed. She chooses her most superior water proof clothing. A rain jacket, brought for just this occasion, and REI hiking pants that are quick dry along with a plaid button up shirt. This seemed the most suitable. At least, I'd be warm and comfortable, she thought. Afterall, who knows how long she'll be sitting in the car. Plus, it looks professional enough to meet a colleague or mystery council member. She chooses a french twist for her hair. She wants to look classic and sensible.

"You ready? People forget how to drive when it rains, so I want to allow more time. Who knows what issues might come up: traffic, weather related closure, animals, accident, etc."

"Physically I'm ready. Mentally I'm trying to find an out or figure out a reason why I'm needed at the meeting."

"Trust me, it's better if you wait in the car. I will get you and introduce you. I just need to talk to him first. Council member to council member."

"I feel like the kid not picked for a team in P.E."

"Sorry. It's not that....just....We are trying to pick you, but the game isn't even organized yet, it's too early. No one knows if you are waiting to be selected or just came to witness the game and get a good seat or something"

"No more comparisons please."

"Done. I just took your lead."

"You look handsome by the way. A different style than I would expect."

"That's the point."

Not to mention his hair was two shades darker than normal. She left that alone. She had eyes, she didn't need to be annoying and point it out. He was wearing a dressy shirt with some dark blue dress jeans. The jeans were boot cut and looked as if they'd never been worn. He looked very put together. She was happy she went with the french twist. They actually presented as a cute couple. Her brother- keeper really cleaned up nice.

It's a 45 minute drive to the meet up. Colel drove a bunch of roads off of the main roads. I think it was to assure I would have no way of knowing where we were going. It would be very difficult for me to recall the way if I tried. We eventually arrive, he pulls into a parking spot and turns off the car slowly. He lets the truck engine settle before turning to me.

"Okay, stay in the car. I will get you as soon as it makes sense to do so. Please don't come in until I get you."


Colel exited the truck, shutting the door softly. He is a gentle giant. He shrugged his shoulders back and walked inside. His strut reminded her of her strut walking into the school for the first time. She had brought reading materials, but none of it interested her right now. She watched Colel embraces a swarthy man near the front door. The man was a little stocky. He had a receding hair line that gave away his age. Other than that, he had child like complexion and contours. She decided his code name would be baby face. His shoes were shiny and looked freshly buffed. He had a valet ticket in his fingers. He looked wealthy, but looks were often deceiving. The two men went inside and abruptly ended her spying session.

She played with her necklace while she practiced different greetings in the small mirror on the passenger sun flap. Colel took his keys so there was no radio to listen to. The first few minutes she meditated over her trip. After 10 minutes she was anxious. After twenty she was losing her mind to frustration.

"Wait in the car? What could be taking this long? He knows I'm in here". She laughed at hearing herself. She pulled out a novel she brought and began reading. Really, she was anxious to meet this infamous brotherhood member. She was Paul Macleod to Elvis probably to this member. He could make her life true and justified. He could make all the time she had dedicated to it something, and he had to know it. One day she'd be a member with a direct vote.

Soon she saw Colel running through the rain towards the truck. He pulls the door open and like a dog shakes the weather off.

"You ready. It's okay. We had a good meeting. Mr.Jefferies is ready to meet you."

"Yes, I'm ready. Let's go."

"No, this is all you. I'll keep the truck warm."


"You will be fine. Rub your necklace, make a wish or pray and head in."

She wrapped her jacket tight around her and put her hood up, ready to brave the weather and circumstances. She kept herself from grabbing her necklace until she was just inside the door of the restaurant. Then she gave it a quick kiss for good luck.

"Hello. Mr. Jefferies."

And so it began.

She partook in a cursory conversation that highlighted her political affiliation and views. The beginning could have been a jury duty selection process interview.The conversation snaked into discussions of teaching and the University, then hobbies. It all seemed harmless.

"Life is nothing if not a game of strategy Miss Naturelle."

"A game implies fun and implies agreeing to join, understanding of the rules, and the ability to stop."

"Does it. I believe everyone has that choice."

"I guess you are right Mr.Jefferies."

"Maybe you are too, games are never really fair. Not understanding the game rules gives an upper hand to an opponent who does. Well it's getting late, I should get going. I still have work to do before I call it a night. It was nice to meet you Ms. Naturelle."

"Pleasure was mine."

Mr.Jefferies exits to the valet. She sprints to Colel's truck, seeming to splash land in every puddle on route.

"So?", Colel asked.

"So, indeed.", She sighs, finally able to relax.

"When we get back I need to call Mr.Jefferies. After that we can eat."

"He compared life to a game."

"Well, even mortal kombat was considered a game by those in it"

"Yes, that always bothered me. The stakes are too high for that to be a game."

"I think the point is, to competitive people, the stakes always feel like that because losing isn't an option. A competitive person sees any loss as death regardless of the stakes."

"If others don't fully grasp the rules...."

"It's no one's job to teach them. This is why having the right council members is important. It requires a unique understanding." 

"I'd say. A literal modern Mayan star-war."

"Snakes, if threatened or hungry, will fight to the death. Jaguars out of pride, boredom,  or hunger."

"What's the name of the ex member?"

While keeping one hand on the wheel, Colel located his wallet. He pulled out a folded photo. The photo had a blury picture of a back of a man's head. On the back it said Kaleb Manzanillo and Mathew King. Those are two names he has used.

"Manzanillo, Manzanillo. I've heard that name, at the University. The Dean was talking with a donor. He called him Mr. Manzanillo on a phone call."

"That man is dangerous. He's thinks everything is opposite. He wants to illuminate things, teach the rules to people. He thinks the good it could do outweighs the dangers. The general public can't be trusted.
He might try to bump you."

"Transparency doesn't seem that wrong."

"In the hands of ultimate good or ultimate bad, it's very wrong."

After this, silence filled the car for the rest of the drive back.

"She wanted to meet this man."

Sent from my Galaxy

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Comments (1)

  • Test5 months ago

    Well written! Good job!

SWritten by simplicity

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