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Confessions From The Recession

Booty The Barn Owl

By Marc OBrienPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Confessions From The Recession

Season 1 Episode 5

“Booty the Barn Owl”

Somewhere near the northern border to another country Ranger Chapman sat in his patrol jeep finishing a Sicilian pizza slice when two young females emerged from the boat house nicknamed “The Barn.” Noticing the pair had identical looks he professionally observed the modeling images locking everything up while trying to brave the wintry flurries fluttering down.

“Alisson, it is freezing out here,” Taylor screamed.

“Well, Taylor it is the middle of January,” Alisson logically mentioned.

Figuring nothing was wrong Ranger Chapman changed his focus from the individuals renting the property for the weekend to the frozen pond whose postcard Christmas painting now seemed dangerous. Complete darkness encompassed the federal land watched over due to its protected status and Ranger Chapman decided to head back and relieve his partner Booty the Barn Owl. Knowing there was a furnace and paperwork Ranger Chapman figured the station would be the proper place to spend the evening.

Once inside the larger two-bedroom cabin Taylor and Alisson started to feel warm by turning on the central heat that came with the property.

“It’s going to snow tonight,” Alisson remarked while Taylor agreed removing the microwave dinner from the oven before turning the radio onto the local music station.

“I love this song,” Taylor shrieked waving her arms claiming to be dancing, “So, do I,” Alisson affirmed acting in an unchoreographed spastic manner.

Time passed and the two-snapping photogenic gum chewers decided to take out playing cards and Taylor dealt to her younger sister.

“I love this spear,” Alisson who came into the world minutes after her sister paused, “mint gum.”

“Yeah, sis that spear,” Taylor sarcastically imitated, “mint gum made us such a fortune.”

“Who, knew a few hours with one camera man would be so mint full,” Alisson started to laugh, “oh sis I have a full house what do you have?”

“I have a full house too,” Taylor replied, “mine has three nice gentlemen and two nice ladies.”

“Mine are three clubs and two diamonds,”

“But they are not pictures and you have no hearts!”

“Yes, but you have two nice ladies, and the pictures are a King, the one-eyed jack the Queen poked, and a joker,” Alisson stated then continued, “I sis have three clubs that I went to and left with two diamonds.”

“Did you steal the diamonds,” Taylor watched Alisson grab her pearl necklace.

Before the sibling rivalry escalated into a verbal war there was a knock, and both rushed over to the door. Ending up victorious Taylor growled, “I am the older sister,”

“Only by a few minutes!” Alisson retaliated.

Seconds lapsed and a romantic figure sporting an owl on his shoulder, “well hello,” Taylor took charge, “and who are you?”

“Ranger Sam Chapman and this is my partner Booty the Owl,”

“Ah that is sweet,” Alisson continued the conversation, “does he turn his head around like in the Exorcist?”

Giving a stern look Ranger Chapman peered into Alisson’s eyes, “Booty is not possessed he can only turn his head 270 degrees,” the well-educated wildlife authority lectured, “the reason I came here this area is usually a summer escape and I was wondering, what are you doing here?”

“Well, Ranger Chapman,” Alisson started explaining,

“We came up here to train,” Taylor expanded the story, “we want to make the crew team next spring at University.”

Listening Ranger Sam Chapman felt Booty leave his shoulder then monitored him making a lap around the living room, “do not mind him he is just checking things out.”

Returning to his post Booty gave his approval, “well everything checks out I must be going,”

Hours later Alisson and Taylor made the couch sleeping quarters as the storm created a tranquil cozy setting. Suddenly there was a wind gust disturbing Taylor, and the disruption lured the elder to the kitchen window. Noticing the water garage open she yelped, “oh geez, the crew boats, sis!”

Rubbing her eyes Alisson stood up, “Sis,” Taylor whimpered, “can you check the Barn to make sure the crew boats are all right?”

“But sis, can’t we do that in the morning when it is a tad bit comfortable,”

“They could be ruined by then, just go down, go inside and see if they are all right, please” Taylor insisted

Finding her preppie stable dock shoes Alisson decided to fulfill the request, “all this to make sure our million-dollar crew boats are okay,” Taylor heard going out the door.

Using a flashlight Alisson wondered down to the indoor slip that they left secure before the threatening weather started and when she reached the entry, she grabbed the small fashionable gate, “this isn’t too bad, in fact it is pleasantly easy,” Alisson mumbled to herself. Pulling it closer she went inside letting the wooden blockade shut, pointing the illumination toward a small string which she pulled to have more light. Instantly the storage area was bright as day and this transition scared a creature resting in a hiding place.

“Booty is that you?” Alisson exclaimed, “I am so sorry to wake,”

Taylor safely in the vacation retreat could hear shrieking and calmly headed towards the front porch greeting the approaching ranger vehicle. Getting out of the car Ranger Sam Chapman welcomed Booty the Barn Owl on his shoulder, “are you all right ma’am?” Seeing bloody claws Taylor realized Alisson was no longer in her way.

“Now that you are free it is only a few minutes to Canada,” the good-looking Ranger Sam teased using a stylish smirk.

“I guess I can now double my modeling mint,” Taylor fluffed her hair letting green and silver papers litter the ground allowing the youthful innocent gum snapping close the final chapter to the sister act.


About the Creator

Marc OBrien

Barry University graduate Marc O'Brien has returned to Florida after a 17 year author residency in Las Vegas. He will continue using fiction as a way to distribute information. Books include "The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle"

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    Marc OBrienWritten by Marc OBrien

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