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Confessions From The Recession

"The Charismatic Children's Organization"

By Marc OBrienPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Lithuanian/American Author Marc O'Brien

Confessions From The Recession

Season 1 Episode 8

“The Charismatic Children Organization”

Staring at the bronze statue that was erected in the front of the high school where Chapman graduated from last century the former success story reflected back to when he was being toasted by his hometown after making them proud.

“Those were the days,” Chapman thought noticing the rented merry go round theatrically entertaining the residents with flashing lights and uplifting music.

Leaving the silver pole holding the painted circus display together behind, a young girl dismounted the artistically carved horse. Seeing this Chapman was energized as an emotional charge flowed through his body. After the carousel stopped the youngster hopped off giggling before talking to her friends.

“I think she got the golden brass ring,” Chapman thought to himself as the evening’s honoree wearing her country’s colors approached,

“Nugale,” Chapman shouted in an attempt to get someone’s attention, “Miss Tojas.”

Hearing the name, the winner perked up before waving to the gentlemen standing in the dark and being courteous, she ended a conversation, pleasantly.

“Mr. Chapman, thank you for coming,”

“My pleasure, Nugale,” Chapman replied, “so did you get the brass golden ring, you wanted?”

“Actually, I dropped it and it went through the cracks,” Nugale explained about the photo opportunity that took place earlier in the day, “but I have my award, right here,”

“I see that,” Chapman smiled, “I want to thank you for this, papers started to call me back again and I was able to promote my business for free.”

“Well, that is a good thing,” Nugale positively replied, “so it was a win-win, I won and so did you.”

“Your right,” Chapman agreed, “are you going to now join the ROCC organization?”

“What is the ROCC?”

“The Retired Old Charismatic Children organization only qualification is you had to be big, and people had to of red about you in the newspaper,”

“As a charismatic child?” Nugalie confirmed.

“Yes, as a charismatic child,” Chapman informed, “our meetings are on Wednesdays at lunch.”

“Sounds alluring and appealing,” Nugale seemed interested.

Suddenly, the loudspeaker requested Nugale to report to the stage, “you better get over there, your fans await,” Chapman pushed the local celebrity into the community stardom setting.

Due to watching Nugale hustle up to the makeshift entertainment area Chapman did not realize what was behind him, “Prakei,” he announced showing that he was startled, “I should say Miss Kimas.”

“Hi Mr. Chapman,” a joyful innocent response exclaimed, “you know ever since that dark cloud came over our school bus the other day, Daddy says I am a better person.”

“Really,” Chapman acted impressed, “are you ready to do your mission tonight?”

Showing her darken fingernails in a claw like action Prakei committed to the assignment and with diabolical agenda intentions headed off towards the reception area.

“We are so proud of you,” the mayor holding the microphone proclaimed, “and it is with magnificent pleasure we want to give Nugale Tojas the town key.”

Way off in the distance folding his arms Chapman laughed, “winner you are but while you were away, things happened.”

Standing in the meet and greet lounge Prakei observed no one was around until Nugale stepped down the three wooden steps onto the grass. “Well, hello,” Nugale acknowledged, “what can I do for you?”

“Could you sign my paper napkin?” Prakei requested, “make it out to Prakei Kimas.”

“That is such a pretty name,”

“It is the one I was born with just like you were born with the name Pralaime Tojas,”

“That is not my name silly,” Nugale chuckled scribbling her initials, “that’s my sisters.”

“Oh,” Prakei was apologetic, “can I have a hug?”

Feeling naïve Nugale spread her arms wide open and allowed the young girl to wrap around in a loving gesture. A burning smell ignited forcing Prakei to pull away smirking as Nugale collapsed on the ground, “they did not name me Prakei Kimas for nothing.”

“No, they didn’t,” Chapman appeared, “Prakei did you get your golden brass ring tonight?”

“No, Mr. Chapman I did not but you know what?” She answered with a question.


“I think Pralaime Tojas did.”

Picking up Prakei, Chapman had one more question while she rested on his shoulders, “what are you going to do with that medal?”

“Put it on my Barbie doll.”


About the Creator

Marc OBrien

Barry University graduate Marc O'Brien has returned to Florida after a 17 year author residency in Las Vegas. He will continue using fiction as a way to distribute information. Books include "The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle"

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    Marc OBrienWritten by Marc OBrien

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