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Chintu the Clever Crow and Raju the Prankster: A Tale of Wit and Friendship

A Hilarious Adventure Teaching the Value of Kindness and Respect

By Avs Published 28 days ago 2 min read
Chintu the Clever Crow and Raju the Prankster: A Tale of Wit and Friendship
Photo by Tyler Quiring on Unsplash

In the bustling town of Chatterpur, there lived a clever crow named Chintu. Chintu wasn’t just any crow; he was known for his wit and resourcefulness. Every morning, he perched on a mango tree in the village square, cawing out news and gossip he had overheard during his early morning flights.

One hot summer day, Chintu was feeling particularly thirsty. He spotted a pot of water in the courtyard of the local school. Excitedly, he flew down but found that the water level was too low for him to reach. As he pondered his predicament, a group of children gathered around, watching curiously.

Among the children was Raju, the town’s little prankster. Raju had a mischievous glint in his eyes and was always looking for some fun. Seeing Chintu’s dilemma, Raju decided to play a trick on him. He picked up a pebble and pretended to drop it into the pot, making a loud plonk. Chintu, thinking the water level had risen, eagerly dipped his beak, only to be disappointed.

But Chintu was not one to be easily fooled. He noticed Raju’s giggles and quickly realized what had happened. Determined to teach Raju a lesson, Chintu devised a plan. The next day, Chintu waited until Raju was busy playing marbles with his friends. Chintu then swooped down and snatched Raju’s favorite marble, flying off towards the mango tree.

Raju, furious and desperate to get his marble back, chased after Chintu. Chintu led him on a wild goose chase around the town, through the bazaar, past the temple, and finally back to the school courtyard. Panting and out of breath, Raju looked up to see Chintu drop the marble into the very pot of water from the day before.

Curious, Raju peered into the pot and saw his marble sitting at the bottom. Realizing he had no choice, he began dropping pebbles into the pot, just as he had pretended to do before. Slowly but surely, the water level rose, and eventually, Raju was able to retrieve his marble.

Chintu cawed triumphantly, and the other children, who had been watching the entire episode, burst into laughter. Raju, though embarrassed, couldn’t help but laugh too. He looked up at Chintu and said, “Alright, you got me. No more tricks, I promise.”

Chintu gave a satisfied nod and flew back to his perch on the mango tree, his mission accomplished. From that day on, Raju and Chintu became friends, sharing mangoes and stories, and occasionally playing harmless pranks on each other.

And the moral of the story? Treat others as you want to be treated. A little kindness goes a long way, and even the smartest pranksters can learn a thing or two about respect and friendship.



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Passionate about dance, movies, and fiction stories. Love making friends and connecting with like-minded people. Join my Telegram channel for more fun and updates! 🎬💃📖 Connect with me: [Telegram Channel Link]

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    Avs Written by Avs

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