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Chapter 4 - Harpy Havoc

Amelia and the Enchanted Forest

By Kevin NewtonPublished about a year ago Updated 7 months ago 6 min read

Author Notes: This chapter was drafted by ChatGPT and heavily edited. I do embrace and leverage GenAI in my writing practice and will always indicate what role, if any, GAI played in a particular work. AI Usage: The hero image was created by Midjourney using this prompt.

The torturous chorus resumed almost immediately as the harpy echoed through the open field. The world began to swirl as a percussion of pain kept beat from inside Amelia's head. Her heart raced with adrenaline offering a melody of hope that somehow she could focus and survive. With a deep breath Amelia watched the harpy stretch its wings and aim the hanging weapons of death in her direction.

As she released her breath the percussion silenced and she remembered her bag. Amelia swiftly reached behind her keeping her eyes locked on the face determined to kill her, and her hands blindly fumbling through the bag in a rush to find something to defend herself. The harpy was and suddenly it's severe song ceased and a smirk swept across its face. Just then Amelia's fingers fell on a small vial filled with a glowing liquid. Her thumb pushed off the cork as the wind of the harpy's wings assaulted her sense with a mixture of methane, sulfur, and active bacteria reminiscent of the Amazonian Hoatzin. With water filling her eyes and adrenaline suppressing her gag reflex, Amelia managed to fling the liquid forward.

As the liquid made contact with the harpy, Amelia lost visual contact with the world. Luckily, the immense flash of light also took the harpy's vision. The creature screeched in agony, disoriented by the unexpected attack. Amelia stood up with her vision still missing she closed her eyes and the map came into full view. The path to the Mirage was straight ahead, but she knew there was no time for that. Taking advantage of the harpy's momentary vulnerability she sprinted towards a cluster of trees and tried to tell herself everything was going to be better soon.

Ducking behind the sturdy trunks, Amelia caught her breath, her chest dancing with exertion. She knew she couldn't let her guard down yet, but she wasn't even sure if she could see the real world. Fear paralyzed her eyelids, but her determination and spirit forced them open. Slowly the trees began to take shape, and Amelia's eyes filled with water for a new reason. Still, the harpy was a formidable adversary, and it would not easily give up its pursuit. Amelia glanced around, scanning her haloed surroundings for any signs of the harpy's movements.

Suddenly, she heard a rustling from above. Looking up, she saw the harpy perched on a branch, its eyes staring through the haze of her haunting half-sight and straight into the center of her soul. Even without perfect vision, Amelia could see that the harpy was hungry for revenge. The creature's wings flapped menacingly, sending the assault of smells singing into her sinuses with such a force that the leaves trembled beneath her.

Amelia's mind raced as the little sight she had slowly slipped away into a sea of tears. She wasn't sad – there was no time for that – it was her body's natural response to the unearthly attack in the air. Searching for a strategy, she needed to find a way to outsmart the harpy and neutralize its threat.

It's trying to drive me out of this grove because it can't fight in here. I can't leave the grove because I can't fight out there.

Amelia closed her unhelpful eyes and let the map take shape. She looked around hoping for answer, but all it would give her was the path she already knew she needed to take, but couldn't. Her eyes popped open and the water fell away running down her rose-colored cheeks.

If I can't escape, I can at least be annoying until I figure something better.

With that thought pushing a smile to her face, Amelia stood up and began to run deeper into the grove trying to stay as close to a tree at all times. In full sprint she is aiming for the center of the groove when the earth disappeared from underneath her replaced by a sudden pain in her back, and then the wind and smell faded along with her consciousness.


Amelia's eyes opened. Complete darkness.

Her mind was in a blender. She wasn't sure where she was or what had happened, but she could feel no restrictions or significant pain. So she brought her hand towards her face and the vague impression of her fingers found their way into a faded frame – she wasn't blind! It was just darker than any place she'd ever experienced. She decided she must be in a tunnel, which sent her mind racing with the potential creatures who might call this home.

Kit's, the gorgon, dwarfs, trolls, or gnomes. I really hope it's Kit or gnomes.

With each step into the darkness, Amelia drew strength from her past experience and embraced the spirit of the bohemian separatist within her. Fear cannot be forever and today tells the story of a girl who embraced her destiny and met the unrelenting fear with unbridled bravery. The artifacts she carried on her back served as a constant reminder of her journey's significance and the weight of her mission.

Her path was unknown. Her step was uncertain, but her spirit was unbreakable. She managed to put one foot in front of the other as a reminder that she wouldn't quit. Amelia's shoulders rose and widened in celebration of her newfound confidence and purpose. The sudden sound of quick scrambling feet forced her shoulders into their normal, slumped position. She froze. Trying to conceal her position, the fear consuming her limbs and mind mocked her until she remembered she never said there would be no fear. In that moment, she breathed in the confidence of every adventurer who had faced their fears and the narrative that now echoed in her head was,

'There is no bravery without fear.'

'There is no bravery without fear.'

'There is no bravery without fear.'

The blast of fire pierced the black holes of her eyes and her hands went up in a defensive position.

'What brings a human as small as you to a place as dark as this?'

As Amelia's eyes accept their fate of consistent assault she was able to focus on the light source beneath her. There was a humanoid standing about 3 feet tall with a white beard of almost the same length. His skin was a beautiful, deep gray and his eyes were covered by thick goggles with deep black lenses. A small sigh escaped Amelia's lips, 'Is this Deep Gnome territory? I do apologize. I was running from a harpy in the grove and then I woke up here. I have been slowly making my way through the dark trying to convince myself that I won't run into a gorgon.'

'How convincing were you?'

'Not very, if I'm being honest, but now I...'

'Good! Because this ain't Deep Gnome territory although I am without a doubt a Deep Gnome. The name's Boltstrider. Wha'dothey call you?'

'Uh, it's, they call me Amelia,' her vision cleared revealing a dancing ball of electricity where she expected to see a torch.

'Yeah, this here is Volt. Part ofit torch, part ofit weapon, part ofit stove if'n it needs to be. I made it after I gathered abandoned items scattered 'round them tunnels. I reckon I'm a hair better than a gorgon, but I will tell ya a secret. Com'on down where I can whisper.'

Amelia locked her eyes on Volt as she cautiously lowered her ear toward Boltstrider.

'This is the gorgon tunnel.'

The light yielded to the darkness and it was as if the gnome's words had unlocked an iron door inside Amelia's ears, a rush of uneven and petrifying hisses flooded the soundscape.

The gorgon was close.


About the Creator

Kevin Newton

I like patterns. I like helping my fellow humans. I enjoy writing about other worlds. I offer fictional works for entertainment and beauty. If you get either from my works, please let me know.

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    Kevin NewtonWritten by Kevin Newton

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