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But Only Silence

Mistakes (Unofficial Challenge)

By Karun Published about a month ago 3 min read

Call for action! Please participate in the Mistakes Unofficial Challenge If you would like to before June 20th. I hope I will get at least 10 Participants. I deserve better yet but only silence. Comment your entries to this story or Mistakes challenge page

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Prompt: Write a story considering the situation: You are on the edge of a hill, You hear a familiar voice. You have several conversations with the voice. Finally, you feel too sad about something you have done and you jump and die on the hill. What mistake is worth dying and not forgiving?

The Story:

Only Silence

On the edge of a secluded hill, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the valley below. The air was still, heavy with the scent of pine and earth. It was here that I stood, contemplating the silence, until it was broken by a voice—one that was hauntingly familiar.

"Do you remember me?"

I froze, heart pounding in my chest. It couldn't be. I turned slowly, eyes scanning the treeline, but there was no one in sight.

"Why did you do it?"

The voice was closer now, echoing with a blend of sorrow and accusation. Memories flooded back—images of a life once shared, now shattered by a single, unforgivable act. I knew the voice well. It belonged to Emily, my sister.

"I didn't mean to," I whispered, though no one was there to hear me.

"Didn't mean to? You destroyed everything."

The conversation played out like a twisted dance, each step bringing me closer to the precipice. It wasn't supposed to end this way. Emily and I had grown up on this very hill, playing and dreaming of the future. But all those dreams were dashed in a moment of betrayal.

"You took everything from me," the voice persisted, now laced with pain. "You took my life."

A year ago, on a night much like this, I had driven us home from a party. I had been drinking, but I thought I was fine. I thought I could handle it. Emily had trusted me, and I had failed her. The crash was violent, instantaneous. She didn't survive.

"I wish I could take it back," I said, tears streaming down my face. "I'd do anything to change what happened."

"Too late for that," the voice replied, colder now. "You left me to die, and now you live with that guilt. Forever."

I fell to my knees, the weight of my grief pressing me down. The nights since the accident had been filled with nightmares and regret. I had tried to atone, but how do you make amends for something so irrevocable?

"Forgive me," I begged. "Please, forgive me."

The silence that followed was deafening. In that void, I felt the enormity of my mistake, the life I had taken not just from Emily but from everyone who loved her.

"I can't live with this," I whispered to the empty air.

In that moment, the edge of the hill called to me. It promised an end to the torment, a release from the crushing guilt. I stood, the wind tugging at my clothes, and took a step forward.

"Emily," I called out, hoping for some sign, some indication that she heard me. "I'm sorry."

The voice didn't return. Only the sound of my heart, beating with a mixture of fear and acceptance. I took another step, and then another, until there was nothing but the void beneath me. I closed my eyes and let go.

As I fell, the memories of my sister's laughter, her smile, and the love we once shared flashed before me. I hoped, somewhere deep within, that I would find her again, and maybe then, find the forgiveness that eluded me in life.

The wind rushed past, and then, there was nothing. Not me Not her. But Only silence.

Poetic Ghost poem:

Short StorythrillerPsychologicalMysteryMicrofictionfamilyClassicalAdventure

About the Creator


🌿✨ Karun, a poet weaving emotions into verses, embarked on the journey of words to unearth the beauty of feelings. In the delicate dance of ink and emotion, my poetry delves into the nexus of the human heart and the natural world.✍️

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    Karun Written by Karun

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