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As human embark on a journey of virtual reality, servers becoming our world, AI and robots replacing us. The boundary of real and fake becoming increasingly blur but do you feel the same way with these "virtual goods"? To feel to be human

By VanSuiPublished about a year ago 2 min read
To feel to be human

In the year 2046, in a small town in Spain, a groundbreaking technology emerged. Entropy, a company specializing in memory extraction and recreation, introduced a new phase of their revolutionary experiment. This innovation allowed memories to be extracted from dying individuals and transferred into microchips, creating humanoids that could almost bring loved ones back to life.

Carlos and Anna, a newly married couple residing in rural Barcelona, were struck with a devastating blow when Carlos was diagnosed with late-stage cancer. Their once blissful existence turned into a race against time as they desperately sought a solution. In a flicker of hope, they learned about Entropy's experimental memory extraction technology.

With dreams of preserving their love and happiness, Carlos and Anna made the courageous decision to participate in the experiment. They believed this breakthrough could grant them an opportunity to create a lasting connection, even beyond Carlos's physical existence.

The process began with Carlos willingly undergoing the memory extraction procedure. As his memories were delicately extracted and captured within the microchip, the hope of preserving their love filled their hearts. They eagerly awaited the moment when the humanoid, infused with Carlos's memories, would come to life.

However, tragedy unfolded when the humanoid's creation proved to be flawed. Instead of recreating Carlos's warm smile and tender touch, it presented a distorted and fragmented version of him. The once vibrant memories were now a chaotic amalgamation, losing their coherence and essence.

Anna's heart shattered as she witnessed the painful deterioration of her beloved Carlos in this artificial form. The humanoid, unable to replicate the depth and complexity of human emotions, became a hollow vessel, devoid of the genuine connection they once shared. The experiment that held the promise of preserving their love instead transformed it into a haunting reminder of what once was.

As the days went by, Anna was left to face an unbearable reality. The painful sight of the humanoid became a constant reminder of her lost love, amplifying her grief and loneliness. It was a cruel irony that in their pursuit to cling onto love, they ended up deepening the void left by Carlos's absence.

Anna, burdened by regret and guilt, sought solace in the remnants of their true memories together. She clung to the photographs, letters, and mementos that held the essence of their love, realizing that memories were most beautiful when cherished within the depths of her heart.

The experiment, once heralded as a beacon of hope, transformed into a cautionary tale of the limitations of technology. It was a stark reminder that memories, though precious, cannot be truly replicated or replaced. The love that once thrived between Carlos and Anna could not be confined to the boundaries of a microchip or an artificial form.

In the end, Anna made the painful decision to let go of the humanoid, recognizing that it would never bring Carlos back to life. Instead, she found solace in the memories they had shared, embracing the beauty and pain that came with loving and losing.

As the sun set on their small town in Spain, Anna learned that true love transcends the boundaries of time and space. Carlos's memory lived on within her, reminding her that love, even in its fleeting existence, leaves an indelible mark on the human soul. And in that bittersweet realization, she found the strength to heal and continue on, carrying their love with her, forever.

Short StorySci Fi

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