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Behind love

Love Behind Betrayal

By layali mumtazPublished 7 days ago 4 min read

The setting sun cast a golden glow over the beachside café where Nadia worked. She cherished every moment there, especially because she often met Alif, the man who had stolen her heart since their first meeting.

Alif was a regular customer at the café. Every day, he came with a warm smile and his favorite cup of coffee. They often talked about dreams, hopes, and the future. Nadia felt her life had become more vibrant since Alif's presence.

One night, Alif invited Nadia to dinner at a fancy restaurant. That evening, he proposed to Nadia with a sparkling diamond ring. Nadia accepted with tears of joy. Their lives seemed like a perfect fairy tale.

However, over time, Nadia began to feel something strange about Alif. He often disappeared without a word and always gave implausible excuses. Nadia tried to ignore her suspicions, but her heart continued to wonder.

One day, Nadia decided to follow Alif secretly. She saw Alif meeting a woman at another café, the same place where they used to spend time together. Nadia's heart broke seeing Alif laughing and joking with the woman, just as he used to do with her.

With a broken heart, Nadia approached them. Alif was surprised to see Nadia, but before he could say anything, the woman spoke.

"Nadia, this is my brother, Alif. I've heard so much about you from him. It's nice to finally meet you."

Nadia was stunned. She didn't expect the woman to be Alif's sister. A mix of embarrassment and relief washed over her. Alif then calmly explained everything. He did have a sister living in another city, and her visits were often sudden.

Nadia felt guilty for suspecting Alif. They then had a long talk about their feelings and how important trust is in their relationship.

However, the real twist was yet to unfold. That night, as they returned home together, Alif decided to be honest with Nadia. He admitted that he had indeed betrayed Nadia, but not with the woman he met at the café. Alif spoke of his dark past, where he had been involved in a wrong relationship before meeting Nadia.

Nadia was silent for a moment. Her heart ached, but she appreciated Alif's honesty. They both knew that true love was not easy and full of challenges. With a heavy heart, Nadia decided to give Alif a second chance because she believed in the strength of their love.

From that night on, their relationship grew stronger. They learned to trust each other and cherish every moment together. Although their love was tested by betrayal, they managed to find true love behind the pain.

From that night on, their relationship grew stronger. They learned to trust each other and cherish every moment together. Although their love was tested by betrayal, they managed to find true love behind the pain.

Months passed, and Nadia and Alif continued to build their life together. They shared dreams and plans, working as a team to create a future filled with love and trust. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained committed to each other.

However, one evening, as they were planning their wedding, Alif received an unexpected phone call. The look on his face turned serious, and he quickly excused himself to take the call in private. Nadia couldn’t help but feel a twinge of worry, but she trusted Alif and waited patiently.

When Alif returned, he looked troubled. He sat down next to Nadia and took her hand. “Nadia, there’s something I need to tell you,” he began, his voice heavy with concern.

Nadia’s heart raced. She feared that another secret from Alif’s past had resurfaced. “What is it, Alif?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Alif sighed deeply. “That was my old friend, Rizal. He’s in trouble, and he needs my help. He got involved with some dangerous people, and now he’s in over his head. I can’t just ignore it. I have to go and help him.”

Nadia felt a mix of emotions. She was proud of Alif’s loyalty to his friend, but she also feared for his safety. “I understand, Alif. But please, be careful. I don’t want to lose you,” she said, her eyes filled with concern.

Alif promised he would be careful and left the next morning to help Rizal. Days turned into weeks, and Nadia anxiously awaited Alif’s return. She missed him terribly and prayed for his safe return every night.

One evening, as Nadia was closing up the café, a familiar figure walked through the door. It was Alif, looking exhausted but relieved. Nadia rushed to him, tears of joy streaming down her face. “Alif! You’re back!” she cried, hugging him tightly.

Alif held her close, grateful to be home. “I’m back, Nadia. And Rizal is safe now. Everything’s going to be okay,” he reassured her.

As they sat down to talk, Alif revealed the full story. Rizal had gotten involved with a dangerous gang, and Alif had to negotiate with them to ensure his friend’s safety. It had been a harrowing experience, but Alif’s determination and courage had saved Rizal’s life.

Nadia listened intently, feeling a deep sense of pride in Alif. She realized that their love had grown even stronger through this ordeal. They had faced challenges and overcome them together, proving that their bond was unbreakable.

With renewed hope and love, Nadia and Alif continued to plan their future. They understood that life would always present obstacles, but they were confident that they could face anything as long as they were together.

Their wedding day finally arrived, and it was a beautiful celebration of their love and commitment. Surrounded by family and friends, Nadia and Alif exchanged vows, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin.

As they danced under the stars, Nadia looked into Alif’s eyes and knew that their love story was just beginning. Despite the betrayals and challenges they had faced, they had found true love in each other, a love that would endure forever.


About the Creator

layali mumtaz

46 year old woman

enjoys reading and writing poetry

Alone is good but together is much better

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Comments (1)

  • Fly Alone6 days ago

    A captivating story of love, shows the strength of true love among challenges.

layali mumtazWritten by layali mumtaz

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