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B.S.D. Broken, Shattered, Destroyed

Some Cash Left

By D.C. SenjuPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Walking down the stairs Mr. Cash held his gun close to his side. Peeping around the corner he scanned for the intruder. At first glance, Mr. Cash hadn’t seen any movement. Moving his position, he hid behind the kitchen island. As Mr. Cash poked his head around the corner of the island, he heard a noise coming from the spare rooms on the right. Watching the area of the spare rooms, he saw a man peeping in the bedrooms holding a shiny black pistol. "Get the fuck out of my family’s house," said Mr. Cash as he looked down the sight of the gun. "This what you finna do so you don’t end up with a couple of bullets in your ass. Put the gun down now, walk back with your hands on your head, and lay on your stomach," shouted Mr. Cash. Placing the gun on the ground the intruder took a couple of steps back then stood still. "What makes you think you should live here in our neighborhood? This neighborhood has represented a beautiful blank canvas that shines in all seasons," said Jimmy. "Excuse me, get your ass on the ground," said Mr. Cash.

Taking two more steps back Jimmy turned around and looked at Mr. Cash face to face. "Trouble only breeds more trouble, I heard about the little shits you call your children. They shouldn’t even be allowed outside," said Jimmy. "Who the fuck you think you're talking to! Know what a bullet too good for you, ima stomp your teeth out on the floor," responded Mr. Cash as he placed his gun back in his holster. "I don’t know who you are, but I'd be damned if I let someone speak badly on my sons' name," said Mr. Cash. Putting his fist up he charged toward Jimmy.

As Mr. Cash got close to Jimmy, Jimmy had pulled out a knife from his sleeve and thrust it towards Mr. Cash. Too late to dodge, Mr. Cash had caught Jimmy's wrist before the knife went further into his side. "Die inferior!" shouted Jimmy. "Shut the fuck up!" shouted Mr. Cash as he grabbed a coffee cup off the kitchen island. Jimmy braced himself covering his head, however, Mr. Cash front kicked Jimmy in the gut. "You piece of -," Psssh* before Jimmy could get his words off Mr. Cash had smashed the cup upside Jimmy's head. Stumbling back Jimmy fell into a daze. While holding the knife in place Mr. Cash walked over to Jimmy, "Say that one more time about my kids now," Shouted Mr. Cash. As Jimmy began to crawl away Mr. Cash walked over to him. Foot raised ready to drop, the bottom of Mr. Cash's shoe smashed into the Jimmy's arm. Clack* The sound of broken bone rang through the kitchen. "Ahhh fuuuck," groaned Jimmy. "Why you even bothering us, the fuck we do to yall or this dam neighborhood, we just got here!" shouted Mr. Cash as he proceeded to kick Jimmy in his side.

Before Mr. Cash was able to land another blow, Jimmy had pulled out bear spray from his pocket and sprayed the eyes of Mr. Cash. Unable to see, Mr. Cash staggered backward. Crawling back over to the spare rooms, he picked his black pistol back up. "Where the fuck are you, you piece of shit!" shouted Mr. Cash. "I'm right here stain," said Jimmy. Three shots rang inside the cash house. As Mr. cash staggered back the feeling of pepper spray submerged, while Mr. Cash Felt his chest. Gasping for air, Mr. Cash felt a liquid run down his chest before he collapsed. "Don’t worry, I'll be sure to send your family with you to your destination," said Jimmy as he walked up the stairs leading to the second floor.

As Mr. Cash Laid on the floor a pool of red began to cover around him. As he reached for his cell phone, a slow chill began to creep upon him. Pulling out his phone Mr. Cash used speech to text to send a message. "Niolan I'm sorry, I couldn’t stop him. help the boys. let them know I love them," said Mr. Cash. With energy fading away by the second, he pressed send as a pair of tears rolled down his face. Eyes that held life became vacant as Mr. Cash released his final breath.

Back upstairs in Amar's bedroom, the sounds of gunshots pierced through the walls in the household. Looking back at Amar, Ms. Cash Said "Remember what we discussed Amar. Take these bags with you and take your little brother away from the house, try to get as far away as you can," said Ms. Cash. Seconds later a notification popped up on her phone. As she went to see who the message came from, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Going in the hallway, Ms. Cash shouted, "I wonder how your one in the chamber changed to three shots." The sound of footsteps stopped immediately. Holding her gun in hand Ms. Cash previewed the message that appeared on her phone. Without looking back at Amar, Ms. Cash said, "Take your brother and leave through the window, there should be a bush below that can break your fall."

As Amar opened the window to help Nho out onto the bush, Ms. Cash saw someone peek around the corner. Toofp* Toofp* Ms. Cash let a pair run, startled Amar had slipped out the window holding onto Nho's hand. Without waiting a second Amar cradled Nho before crashing into the bush. After hearing a thud outside Jimmy rushed downstairs as fast as he could. "Fuck! Did they all jump out the window? I can’t let’em escape. I'm not gonna ruin my opportunity to get into the kinder organization," said Jimmy.

Outside in the bush, Amar laid with Nho on top of him. "No no no no no," said Nho as he got off of Amar. " Run Nho," groaned Amar as he was slow to get up out of the bushes. Turning away from his brother, Nho ran away from the bushes. As Jimmy made it back downstairs, he looked out through the glass doors and saw a small shadow figure running deeper into the backyard. "Fuck, get back here," shouted Jimmy. With haste, he shot the glass door. Lowering his shoulders Jimmy ran through the glass. Slow to get up he looked down the yard and seen Nho. "You’re not escaping, do you hear me!" shouted Jimmy as he ran after Nho. Back upstairs, Ms. Cash got into a tactical position as she entered the hallway. Nearing the corner of the stairs, she began to crouch making her way down into the kitchen as fast as she could. Near the entryway of the kitchen Ms. Cash seen a red line moving along the floor. Looking around the corner out of the entryway to the kitchen she saw Mr. Cash laying on the ground embedded in a red pool.

Ms. Cash dropped a hand to the floor. Wobbling backward she stood up covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Without saying a word Ms. Cash walked over to Mr. Cash's body and grabbed the gun from the holster. With her back turned toward Mr. Cash She said, "Maybe I'll get to see you soon, save a plate for me." Looking out into the yard Ms. Cash saw a large figure run towards Nho. "Get away from my baby!" screamed Ms. Cash as she fired down sight. "My leg! Aaaaah, you bitch," screamed Jimmy. As Nho was able to get away, Jimmy took position behind a tree. "Dammit! This mission should've been a cakewalk, why are they putting up such a resistance? I don’t know how much more my body can take. I need coverage. The woods, I’ll go deeper into the woods. She can’t hit what she can’t see," said Jimmy as he limped over to immerse himself deeper in the woods.

As he laid in the bushes slowly coming back together Amar seen his mother shooting. "Come out of hiding you fucking coward!" screamed Ms. Cash. "Mom, whats-Wha," stuttered Amar. Hesitating a split second, Ms. Cash caught a glimpse of Amar in the bush. "Amar what are you -" Toofp* Toofp* two shots interrupted her. Stumbling back Ms. Cash had received two bullets to the chest. "Come here Amar," gasp Ms. Cash slowly as she collapsed on her knees. Limping out of the woods Jimmy began to make his way over to Nho. "Now listen here you little shit! Stop fucking moving or it's gonna be really hard to move with a bullet in your leg. Where is your brother?" shouted Jimmy.

As time began to slow, Amar's eyes began to light up. Past pain began to numb, as new pain arrived. "No this isn't happening, this can’t be happening," said Amar. As he began to move from the bush, Amar's first step into a sprint was followed by a flash of yellow. When the flash ended Amar was back in the kitchen. Looking around he saw his father lifeless on the ground. "No, this can’t be real. This morning you just dropped me off. Not long after you just taught me how to cook in the kitchen. Why is this happening? What did we do to deserve this?" questioned Amar. With tears slowly falling down his chin, Amar whipped his head back around to look for his mother. A yellow flash appeared again leading him back outside unaware of his mother's presence being right in front of him.

"Mom, what's going on?" questioned Amar. "I don’t have a lot of time Amar," said Ms. Cash. "What do you mean? I-If I can get us all to escape w-we can get to a hospital." "It's okay to be scared, Amar. I ask of you to continue being strong and protect those with kind hearts who can't stand on their own." "Mom focus we can get out of here," pleaded Amar. Holding the pistols in front of Amar, "I was hoping we could've handed yours to you. Take these pistols and protect yourself. Your father and I wanted to tell you we love you, both of you, be strong for us and keep moving forward," said Ms. Cash as her last breath left.

Standing in front of his mother silent and still, Amar began to squat down and take both pistols from his mother’s hands. With blue rivers trailing down his cheeks Amar looked at his mother and placed his forehead on hers. A strong gust of wind began to arrive on the back porch when Amar began to stand. As he opened his eyes the color of his iris began to shift. Flashes of yellow in the shape of lightning Appeared. Looking over his shoulder, farther into the yard, Jimmy had Nho by the collar. Shaking Nho around he shouted, "Tell me where your fucking stain of a brother is now!" As Jimmy brought his foot up, the vision in Amars eyes went dark. Feeling cold steel press on his face, Jimmy's vision had gone black. "I heard you were looking for me," said Amar. "Th-that's impossible how did you get in front of me!" shouted Jimmy. "The only stain I see is your blood on my grass," said Amar. As time stood still the faint sound on Nho crying was the only thing piercing ears. "Any last words?" asked Amar. "Fu-" Toofp* Toofp* "Sorry, I interrupted you," said Amar.

Back across the street in the home of Mr. Todd, eyes were glued with feet planted. "Did everyone see that?" asked one neighbor. "I'm not quite sure how I feel about this?" said another neighbor. "Mr. Tod what should we do? Did you see all those lightning flashes coming from their backyard, Especially those last two! Those roars of lightning cracked the sky, yet didn’t make a single sound," said Mr. Pent. "Did I ask you for all those poetic metaphors?" asked Mr. Tod. Pulling out a walkie Mr. Tod said "I'm going to need a pair of soldiers, send me an extra 3, just in case."

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About the Creator

D.C. Senju

Plans don't always go as planned, walk through the rain the uncomfortable becomes comfortable.

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    D.C. SenjuWritten by D.C. Senju

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