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Apocalypse Boom

The End Of The World

By Alan KimPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Apocalypse Boom
Photo by Theo Eilertsen Photography on Unsplash

The year is 2120 and everything is great! The world is at peace, nations are in unity and the world economy is extremely good. Everyone is happy and content with what is going on around the world.

On February 29, 2020 something extraordinary happened in the middle of Atlantic Ocean, an eruption of hot mud begins to spew out of the ocean and nobody knows why. The best geologists, oceanographers and scientist are all baffled at what is happening. Three days later 10 more eruptions occur all over the world, in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, eruptions of hot mud are spewing out of the water causing worldwide concern.

On August 16, 2020 something is wrong with the earth’s satellites. They begin to behave erratically as they fly out of control while in orbit. As NASA is frantically trying to fix the problem a satellite slams into the planet Uranus which causes millions of meteors coming heading towards earth at a enormous rate of speed. The next day another satellite crashes into Jupiter causing more meteors to race toward earth. As news of the meteors heading toward earth, there is now worldwide panic as the people know of the impending doom lurking in the future. There is chaos all over the world, as people are killing each other for food, water and gas for preparation of the calamity that is coming. It is every man looking out for themselves. Everyone staying tuned in to the radio, television and internet keeping track of the meteors that is heading towards earth. All of a sudden all communication is shut off as every satellite is destroyed by hitting each other while in space. Now there is no way to determine when and where the meteors will hit the earth.

While no one is paying attention to the hot mud spewing out of the ocean as it releases toxic gases into the air, causing millions of people to be sick and doctors don’t know why. The gases are odorless and nobody knows that it is the hot mud is the culprit. The gases also causes other illnesses to surface and begin to kill people at enormous rate. Thousands are people are dying daily from cancer, the Swine Flu and sexual transmitted diseases. Every hospitals are full of patients and are putting people on the outside of the hospital. Doctors , nurses and emergency responders are pushed to the brink of tiredness. As more people are getting sick, all because of the of the odorless and toxic gases that makes these viruses spread like wildfire. There is a huge epidemic going on and the panic is growing around the world.

The United Nations calls an emergency meeting to discuss what is going on in the world. They begin to blame each other for causing the world’s calamities, as tension mount and anger is escalating; there is talk of war coming. World leaders are now ordering their militaries to get ready for was, as they gather every weapon, soldier and tactic they have. Young men and women are joining their nation’s military to help and support in their efforts to defend their country’s honor. Every world leader is also ordering of every nuclear bomb to be made and used in the upcoming war. Everyone is getting tense as now rumors of war is about to come to the world. It takes three months for every nation to be ready for war. 200 million soldiers, 1 million tanks and 50,000 nuclear bombs are ready at a moment’s notice for war to start.

As the world is in full chaos as the earth is about to get destroyed, there is no leader that is trying to help remedy the situation. Until a woman from Canada named Martha Agape steps into the world’s podium by saying, “people of the world, we must be united. We must work together and help each other survive the impending danger that is coming. We must not worry about ourselves, but help our fellow man. Together we will survive the coming danger.” Her speech was meet with cheers and applause that was heard around the world. Martha Agape immediately went to the United Nations and encouraged the leaders to be united and not have war, but have peace with one another. Martha Agape was quickly made the head of the United Nations and her first order was to have a one world government to insure that the entire world would be unified. Agape orders that the entire world use just one money system and a chip embedded in every man, woman and child. To prevent chaos and confusion around the world. In Just days Agape is now the world leader in control over everything and everyone on the planet. At first, she is the perfect world leader encouraging peace and unity everywhere she went. But pride begins to set in her heart and now she wants 100% compliance from everyone on the earth. She orders everyone to tattoo on their arm her initials “MA”, for without it on their arms they will be killed on the spot. There is a small group of people that run into the Himalayan mountains to hide from the world. The longer Martha Agape is in power, the more uncontrollable she becomes. She takes all the world’s money, resources and assets to keep them for herself. She does not share them with anyone. Now there is worldwide poverty and starvation and Agape does not care. She wanted world domination and she’s got it. She laughs as she is in control of the entire world.

Three months has past and the meteors are seven days away from landing on earth and causing worldwide destruction. Martha Agape does nothing to end the panic as people are dying from starvation and illness. People are desperate for help, but there is no one to be found. All of a sudden a man in Brazil named “S.A. Tan tell people that he can stop the meteors from landing and heal everyone who is sick. He promises worldwide prosperity. S.A. Tan goes to the now destroyed United Nations building and starts to lift up his hands toward the sky and shouts, “Meteors move the left and right.” Then starts to say something in Portuguese. As he exits the building he looks up to the sky and millions of 100 ton meteors hit the earth, slowly destroying the earth. Then Martha Agape orders the world war to promptly begin. The meteors did lots of damage to the world, but non like the nuclear war that is happening. With one last nuclear bomb both Agape and Tan agree to launch it as a final act of destruction. So together they push the launch button, sending the last nuclear missile into the center of the earth. Then there was a loud BOOOOMMMMMM!!!

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    Alan KimWritten by Alan Kim

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