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Animate Something


By ignatius awang braminiaPublished 17 days ago 5 min read

It all started on an ordinary Tuesday afternoon. Ethan was slouched on his couch, aimlessly flipping through channels, trying to find something to kill the boredom. His eyes glazed over as he stumbled upon yet another rerun of "Friends." Just as he was about to doze off, his phone buzzed with a notification.

It was a text from his best friend, Sam: "Dude, you gotta check out this new app! It can animate anything!"

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Animate anything?" he muttered to himself. Intrigued, he downloaded the app, "LifeSpark." The app's description promised to bring inanimate objects to life with just a photo and a bit of imagination.

He looked around his cluttered living room, searching for a worthy test subject. His eyes landed on a dusty old teddy bear sitting on the bookshelf. This bear had been with him since he was a kid, a gift from his grandma.

"Why not?" Ethan shrugged, snapping a picture of the bear. The app's interface was simple. He traced around the bear's outline and hit the "Animate" button. For a moment, nothing happened. Ethan sighed, thinking it was another gimmick, but then the bear blinked.

"Whoa!" Ethan almost dropped his phone. The teddy bear stretched its arms and yawned, looking around the room in bewilderment.

"Hey there!" the bear said in a surprisingly deep voice. "Name's Buster. What's the haps?"

Ethan's jaw dropped. "You can talk?"

"Sure can," Buster replied, hopping off the shelf and landing on the floor with a soft thud. "What's the plan for today, boss?"

Ethan blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. "Uh, I didn’t really think this through," he admitted.

"Well, how about some fresh air?" Buster suggested, dusting himself off. "I've been sitting on that shelf for years!"

Ethan laughed, feeling a rush of excitement. He grabbed his keys, and soon he and Buster were walking down the street. The neighborhood was the same, but everything felt new with a talking teddy bear by his side.

They stopped by the park, where kids played and dogs chased after balls. Buster climbed onto the swings, kicking his little legs with glee. Ethan pushed him gently, still amazed at how real this all felt.

"Thanks for bringing me to life, Ethan," Buster said, swinging higher. "I always knew you had a good heart. What’s next on the adventure list?"

Ethan pondered for a moment. "How about we grab some ice cream?"

Buster’s eyes lit up. "Now you're talking!"

They made their way to the local ice cream parlor. The lady behind the counter didn’t bat an eye at the talking bear, which made Ethan wonder if this app was more popular than he thought. They ordered two cones, one for Ethan and a tiny one for Buster.

As they sat on a bench, licking their ice cream, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. The ordinary had turned extraordinary in the span of an afternoon.

"You know, Buster," Ethan said, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Buster nodded, his little face smeared with ice cream. "Here’s to more adventures, my friend."

And with that, they set off, ready to explore the world together, one animated step at a time.


It was a lazy Sunday morning, and Jenna was sprawled on her bed, scrolling through her phone. She'd already caught up on all her social media and was about to switch to her usual routine of binge-watching her favorite series when an ad popped up on her screen.

“Animate Anything! Bring your imagination to life!” the ad proclaimed. Jenna, being the curious soul she was, clicked on it without a second thought. It led her to an app called "Animatrix." She quickly downloaded it, thinking it might be a fun distraction.

After the app installed, Jenna looked around her room for something to test it on. Her eyes landed on a half-finished sketch of a dragon she had doodled in her notebook last week. "Perfect," she thought.

She snapped a photo of the sketch and opened it in the app. The interface was user-friendly, with options to color, adjust, and bring the drawing to life. Jenna added a bit of color, adjusted the lines here and there, and finally hit the "Animate" button.

For a moment, nothing happened. Jenna was about to dismiss it as another gimmick when the dragon blinked. Her eyes widened in surprise. The dragon stretched its wings, shook its head, and then looked right at her.

“Hey there,” the dragon said in a surprisingly smooth voice. “I’m Draco. What’s your name?”

Jenna’s mouth hung open. “I-I’m Jenna,” she stammered. “You can talk?”

“Sure can,” Draco replied with a grin. “Thanks for bringing me to life. So, what do we do now?”

Jenna was still processing the fact that a dragon, even a small one, was speaking to her. “Um, I’m not really sure. I didn’t expect this to actually work.”

Draco flapped his wings and hovered in the air. “How about we explore? It’s a beautiful day outside!”

Jenna hesitated for a moment but then shrugged. “Why not?” she said, grabbing her phone and notebook. Draco perched on her shoulder, and they headed out.

The neighborhood was quiet, as it usually was on Sundays. Jenna walked down the familiar streets, feeling a sense of excitement she hadn’t felt in a long time. With Draco on her shoulder, everything seemed more vibrant and full of possibilities.

They reached the park, where a few kids were playing. Jenna found a quiet spot under a tree and sat down. Draco flew off her shoulder and started exploring, marveling at the flowers and trees.

“This place is amazing!” Draco exclaimed, landing back beside her. “What else can you draw?”

Jenna smiled, pulling out her notebook. She started sketching a small fairy, adding delicate wings and a mischievous smile. She took a picture with the app and, within seconds, the fairy sprang to life, flitting around with sparkling wings.

“Hi there!” the fairy said, her voice like tinkling bells. “I’m Faye. Who are you?”

“Jenna,” she replied, grinning. “And this is Draco.”

Faye and Draco immediately hit it off, darting around and playing games. Jenna watched them, feeling a sense of wonder and joy. She spent the rest of the afternoon drawing more creatures, each one coming to life and joining their little group.

As the sun began to set, Jenna realized she had discovered something incredible. Animatrix had given her the power to bring her imagination to life, and she couldn’t wait to see what other adventures awaited her and her new friends.

“Thanks for today, Jenna,” Draco said as they headed back home, Faye flitting beside them. “This is just the beginning, isn’t it?”

Jenna nodded, smiling. “Yep. Just the beginning.”

And with that, they walked back, ready to face whatever new wonders tomorrow would bring.


About the Creator

ignatius awang braminia


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    ignatius awang braminiaWritten by ignatius awang braminia

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