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An interview with the Goddess of Love

How Venus feels about her 12 Zodiac relationships

By Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer NormanPublished 14 days ago 8 min read
Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

I interviewed the goddess of love recently and I learned a lot about her thoughts on love and sex. She wanted to be very open and honest about the topics and I appreciated that. She also wanted to explain how she sees others by describing them in the 12 "tribes" of astrological order. I was okay with that as a practiced wiccan who is well-read in astrology.

Going through the signs, Venus began by describing her love and sex relationship with Aries. She said he is very fast, arrogant, charming, and alarming. She said she can not resist him when he turns up the charm. He is fiery and short-tempered and that gets on her nerves when she's trying to have a serious conversation with him. She said he was definitely good at love making, very steamy and full of surprises, but in her opinion his short attention span seemed to be a bit boring to her.

Moving on, she began to speak about Mr. Taurus. She said he's a total sweetheart even though he is often misunderstood and considered a chauvenist. He is a hard worker and she finds that sexy. However, he and Libra men (both ruled under her planet) often work too much. She tries to pursuade them to take it easier, relax and enjoy more often than they do, but Taurus is a creature of habit - and there is no telling a cow to stop eating the grass for awhile because they might enjoy greener pastures. Nope. Taurus is fixated on what it right in front of them. Venus said she loved making love to her Taurus man. He was very gentle, but aggressive enough to know how to turn the female body on. She enjoyed their time together, and she knew that they could not be a forever thing because his stubborn refusal to take a vacation got on her nerves as bad as Aries not being able to listen to her for five minutes.

When she began to talk about Gemini her eyes got dreamy and she reminisced. She must have made a lot of memories with her Gemini guy. She seemed far away, lost in thoughts. Then she finally began to explain that her first encounter with him was as hot as the planet Venus itself. She told of the details of lovemaking as steamy as a jacuzzi. She told of her memories of conversations that were more interesting and bedazzling than reading a philosophy book. She talked of his many talents and his strange sense of humor. Then she got silent again as if she was paying respect to the memories and she sighed a deep sigh. "I will never forget him," she said, "But Venus and Mercury do things differently and there was no way we could keep that going forever."

I couldn't wait for her to talk about her relationship with the Crab, having had made some important memories with Cancer myself. When I asked, "So what did you think of July's baby?" She started laughing.

"Baby?" she replied with a half cough, half laugh - "That's the oldest soul in baby form I've ever met." She explained that her time with him was brief, but intense and sensual. How he had cooked the finest meals, and shared all that he had to share even if it wasn't much. How he talked slowly, carefully, the way he approached most situations in life. How he moved like an old man, even though he was still considered young while they were engaged. How he was kind to children, yet never really felt comfortable around them. How he loved his family, yet never really felt like he belonged. How he was very generous with praising and complimenting her, until she began to return the favor. Then he became grumpy and moody and distant. He was just like the moon that ruled him --- a different face every night. They were not together very long. Venus loved his sensuality, but did not love his moodiness.

She couldn't wait to talk about her Leo man. Her eyes got bright like the Fire sign he is. She smiled a wicked smile as if they had tons of secrets that neither of them would ever share with the likes of interviewers like me. Then her eyebrow raised and she began to tell some stories about Leo's charms."He really is like a King, that Lion," she said, "He's so regal and he plans everything even when he's acting like he's not. Of all the fire signs, he's my favorite. He's very affectionate too, once he decides he likes someone. Just like a cat. Protective, loving, and unpredictable. If you love cats like I do, you'd understand why I enjoyed our relationship so much. There's nothing like being chosen by a cat. It made me feel even more special than the Goddess of Love, if that's possible." I was in awe as she spoke about their love.

"What happened?" I asked, "How did you two break up?"

She sighed and blushed at the same time, almost embarrassed to admit it.

"He broke up with me," she finally admitted, "He just said that we have a good thing and he wants to keep it that way and if we go any further it would turn into a bad thing."

I was stunned. Who woulda thunk a fire sign could be so reasonable?

I knew Virgo was next on the list to talk about, but she skipped Virgo and started talking about her love affair with Libra, so I interrupted.

"Is it okay if we discuss Virgo before Libra?" I asked humbly, "It would make my notes more organized."

"Um..." she paused searching for an answer that would satisfy this reporter's comprehension, "The truth is, I did not have an affair with Virgo. That's why I skipped that one. I only kissed him."

"That's it?" I said somewhat shocked, "Why?"

She shrugged as if it was a mystery to her as well. "I don't know," she said as if that was the one that got away. "He was an amazing kisser," she added, "but nothing else happened."

"Oh, okay, so go on then about Mr. Libra," I prodded.

"Well, Libra is very marriage minded considering that's their house," she said reminding me of the dominating traits of the sun signs. I nodded in agreement as I took notes. Then she talked about Libra almost the same way she had talked about Cancer, except without mentioning the "oldness" of the soul. She realized the similarities also as she was explaining and said, "I suppose the only differences I noticed between Cancer and Libra are the marriage considerations and the way they project their ages. Libra always seems much younger."

She almost frowned when she thought about who was next on the list. Scorpio. I was surprised that she seemed a bit hesitant to talk about this one. I love Scorpios, but Venus seemed a bit jaded or skeptical about their charms. "He really pissed me off," she told me. I couldn't wait to hear what had happened. She pondered Pluto and Venus and recalled the times she had spent with her Scorpio man. "I'll try to be fair about my memories," she said with caution.

"I was instantly attracted to him," she confessed, "He was built like a fine house. Muscular, fit, and had that appeal in his eyes with the devilish grin. You know, just plain sexy." I took notes and smiled knowing exactly what she meant. She continued, again very cautiously as she chose her words.

"He was great at sex, which should be of no surprise to those of us who understand the sun signs. He rules that section. So I was pleased and had no complaints in that department. But it was the way he was afterward. So cold, like an iceburg. He is not an affectionate man. Like the opposite of Leo. He acted as if my soft sensibilities were a liability. It really got on my nerves. And when I called him out on it, he refused to accept that our differences were true. He just said that I was overreacting. I called him a gaslighter and we went our separate ways."

I wasn't as surprised as I thought I'd be. She was not wrong about Scorpio as from my own experience I could see how that scene could have played out. Yet I had never thought to call a Scorpio a "gaslighter" - I had always thought Sagittarius was more fit for that title.

"How did you do with Sagittarius?" I changed the subject as I could see that the Scorpio memory still bothered her.

She smiled and almost laughed. "He's very funny," she said, "but that's all he's got."

I blushed. I thought about how I'd feel if someone had said that about me. I'm not a Sag, but dang, being reduced to only one good quality. Venus can be harsh.

"Still, we are very good friends," she further explained, "And he's very reliable as a friend."

I didn't agree with her on that point. I couldn't think of any Sag friend that was loyal or reliable to me, but I wasn't interviewing her to have a debate.

Next on the list was Capricorn. I recalled a night of crazy lovemaking with Cap and I thought her story should be amusing.

"Capricorn is a jerk," she said, "Maybe not as mean or cold as Scorpio, but sometimes so callous I felt like throwing a ringbreaker at Saturn."

"What makes you think that?" I pushed for more information.

"It's not like he doesn't know what to do or what to say," she explained, "It's just that he's so jaded, so cynical, and so secretly angry that he chooses not to do all the stuff he knows would please a woman."

"Perhaps that's how he protects himself?" I said trying to keep us in the fair analysis mode.

"Perhaps," she agreed with a tone of disappointment, "He could be so much more."

"Let's get to Aquarius," I said light-heartedly hoping that would cheer her up. It did. She smiled and started laughing again.

"The mad genius worshipped me," she said with a look of contentment, "albeit briefly, but the way a goddess should be worshipped. He may not have been as talented on the sheets as Scorpio, but overall my relationship with him was much more satisfying."

"Great!" I said adding to my notes. "Last one now, Pisces."

Then a very sad look took over her face. As if she was mourning the death of someone very close to her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her feeling nervous about her quietness and look of sorrow.

"Yes," she said in deep, deep thought. "I regret how things went with my Pisces man."

I stayed quiet. Her tone was too serious and somber for me to add my chipper prods. I just waited for her to tell me what she wanted to tell.

"I suppose I'm to blame for the end of that relationship," she confessed, "but not like your typical 'we can't get along' break-up."

She paused as a tear fell from her eye.

"He's very sensitive. Cares about everything. A dreamer. A true dreamer," she added as she recalled their time together.

"I think I was being too real. I was expecting him to...." she sighed again, "To be different than a Pisces. I was wrong. If I could have accepted his wishy washyness, we could have lived his dream together and it would have been nice."

"I'm sorry if this interview has been hard on you," I said gently.

"No," she said approving of my interest, "It's been wonderful going down memory lane. Thank you."

SatireShort StoryPsychologicalHumorFantasyFable

About the Creator

Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer Norman

Published Writer and Artist.

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    Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer NormanWritten by Shanon Marie Clare Angermeyer Norman

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